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Inventory Count Screen (3.3)

The Inventory Count screen is a tool to match actual inventory counts at at a physical location with the amounts stored in the system.  This process should be done according to your hospital's best practices. 

(In earlier versions of VetView, this was called the Inventory Reconciliation screen.  We have updated the name of this screen to better reflect the term used in the inventory departments.)

Inventory Count Search

At the top of this screen is a place to search for inventory areas, the last user to perform a count, and dates of the Inventory Counts.

You can also choose between Working status and Complete status.

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Inventory Count List

After search for inventory counts in the top section, a list of all the counts matching your criteria will appear below. 

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The Count Number is a link to go to a specific Inventory Count.  You can also select a row and Edit Inventory Count to modify an existing one.

New Inventory Count

To start a new inventory count, click on the New Inventory Count button.

A small pop up window will appear to select the Inventory Area, Inventory Location, and confirm the user and date of the count.

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After clicking on Save, a new Inventory Count By Area window will load.

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The Menu button to the right of each inventory row displays the Right Click options.  See the section below on the Right Click / Menu options. 

Perform a Count

To perform a count, enter in the numbers for the product being counted.  Once a Counted Qty is entered, the row will automatically be selected for inclusion in the count.

Confirm the expiration date.

Click on the Save button at the top to confirm the changes.

Print Inventory Count Worksheet

Click this button to load a PDF report of the products to be counted, including any that were already counted digitally.  This option allows you to take the list away from a computer on a printed version, mark the counts, and then later on add the counts back into the system.

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View Sales Unit / View Stock Unit

This button is a one touch switch that toggles all the Sales/Stock switches on every line.

In this example, View Sales Unit was clicked and all the switches are now on the Sales unit.

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Clicking on View Stock Unit will change them back to the Stock unit, and change the switch to say View Sales Unit again.

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Expand Count Details / Collapse Count Details

The Inventory Count screen loads in collapsed mode for faster loading, with the only available fields to update being the Counted Qty and the Expiration dates.

However, you can click on Expand Count Details to display additional fields, such as Manufacturer, Lot and Serial Number, NDC, and Comments.

This can be useful if there are two Stock containers that have the same expiration date.

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To hide the additional fields again, click on the button Collapse Count Details that appears when it's in expanded mode.

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Complete Count

When you have finished entering count numbers for inventory, click on Complete Count to change the Inventory Count from Working status to Completed status. 

If an inventory count is set to 0, it will be removed from the Inventory Location. 

After clicking Complete Count, if you have empty values in any of the Quantity columns, you will receive this prompt:

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Chose Ignore to keep the inventory at the level it was before the count.  Choose Delete to remove that inventory from the Inventory Location completely. 

Add Product

If there is an item present in the Inventory Location that isn't listed on the Inventory Count sheet, you can manually add it by clicking on Add Product.

Enter in the correct information, and click on the Save button to add the product to the Inventory Location.

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Reset Count

Click this button to clear out all the Counted Qty values and start over.

You will be promoted to confirm this reset before making it.

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Menu Options / Right Click Menu

Right clicking on a row, or clicking on the Menu button for that row, will display additional options to perform against that row of inventory.

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Go To Product Setup

This option will go to the Product Setup page for the selected inventory item.  

Remove Product

Use this to clear out a line of inventory from the count is there is none left of the specific inventory entry.

You will receive a prompt confirming that you want to delete it.

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Add Product

This is the same as the Add Product button from the top line of this screen.

Split Inventory item

This can be used in parent inventory areas to split a Stock line into two separate rows, allowing one to be transferred to a different inventory area or location.

You can copy a previous row to capture the expiration date, lot, serial number, and other details, then divide the inventory quantity between the two split rows.

After splitting, the second row can be moved to a different location using Inventory Transfer.

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Add Inventory Adjustment

This option allows you to indicate that an inventory item was Expired, Lost, or Wasted (damaged.)

In this example, the product expired in May and will be discarded.  This adjustment will log why the inventory line entry was removed.

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View Pending Transfers / POS

This option will list any inventory transfers and purchase orders that this specific inventory line item is involved with.

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If there are none, it will show, "No pending transfers or purchase orders."

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View Transaction Log

This option will load the Transaction Log tab on the new Inventory Search screen for this specific product.


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