Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


After search for inventory counts in the top section, a list of all the counts matching your criteria will appear below. 


List of Buttons and Columns in the Inventory Count List section

Button or Column


New Inventory Count Button

Starts a new Inventory Count for the selected Inventory Area.

Edit Inventory Count Button

Modifies the selected Inventory Count if one has been selected on the list.

Delete Inventory Count Button

Removes the selected inventory count if one has been selected on the list.

Count No Column

The assigned Inventory Count number. The Count Number is also a link to go to the specific Inventory Count directly.


The status of the Inventory Column. Available statuses are New, Working, and Completed.

Inventory Area

The inventory area against which this count was created. Inventory Areas are parents to Inventory Locations.

Inventory Location

The inventory location against which this count was created. Inventory locations are children to the Inventory Area.

Counted By

The name of the user who was assigned to perform the Inventory Count.

Date Counted

The date of the count that was chosen when the Inventory Count was created.


A small pop up window will appear to select the Inventory Area, Inventory Location, and confirm the user and date of the count.


List of fields in the New Inventory Count Window


Enter in the correct information, and click on the Save button to add the product to the Inventory Location.


List of fields in the Add Product Window



Product Line

A place to search for the product to add using the Line and Sequence, or by searching for the product by its description.

Inventory Location

The inventory location to which this product will be added. If an Inventory Location was chosen at the time of creating the Inventory Count, this field will pre-load with that location and cannot be changed.


A field to enter the quantity of the product that is being added.

Expiration Date

A date picker to enter the expiration date of the product, if known.

Lot Number

A field to enter the lot number of the product being added, if known.

Serial Number

A field to enter the serial number of the product, if known.


A field to enter the name of the manufacturer of the product, if known.


A field to enter the National Drug Control number of the product, if this is a pharmaceutical product.

Save Button

Saves the product and adds it to the Inventory Area.


Cancels out of the process, closes the window, and does not save any changes.


Right clicking on a row, or clicking on the Menu button for that row, will display additional options to perform against that row of inventory.


List of Inventory Count Menu Options

Menu Option


Go To Product Setup


Goes to the Product Setup



Remove Product

Removes the product from the inventory area.

Add Product

Opens the Add Product dialog box.

Split Inventory item

Opens the Split Inventory Item dialog box.

Add Inventory Adjustment

Opens the Inventory Adjustment dialog box.

View Pending Transfers / POS

Opens a window that displays any Inventory Transfers and Purchase Orders that involve this product.

View Transaction Log

Opens the Transaction Log tab on the new Inventory Screen for this line of inventory for the product.

Remove Product Dialog Box

Use this to clear out a line of inventory from the count is there is none left of the specific inventory entry.

You will receive a prompt confirming that you want to delete it.


Add Product Dialog Box

This is the same as the Add Product button from the top line of this screen.

Split Inventory item Dialog Box

This can be used in parent inventory areas to split a Stock line into two separate rows, allowing one to be transferred to a different inventory area or location.


After splitting, the second row can be moved to a different location using Inventory Transfer.Image Removed


Add Inventory Adjustment Dialog Box

This option allows you to indicate that an inventory item was Expired, Lost, or Wasted (damaged.)

In this example, the product expired in May and will be discarded.  This adjustment will log why the inventory line entry was removed.


View Pending Transfers / POS Dialog Box

This option will list any inventory transfers and purchase orders that this specific inventory line item is involved with.


If there are none, it will show, "No pending transfers or purchase orders" instead."


View Transaction Log Menu Option

This option will load the Transaction Log tab on the new Inventory Search screen for this specific product.