

Purchase Order Details screen

The 'Purchase Order Details' screen has two sections.  The second section depends on the Purchase Order Status:

  1. Section 1:
    1. 'Purchase Order Details'
  2. Section 2:
    1. 'Product List' (Status is 'New')
    2. Tabs (Status is not 'New'):
      1. 'Purchase Order'
      2. 'Delivery'
      3. 'Purchase Order Log'
  • Purchase Order Details screen (Status is 'New'):
Purchase Order Details screen (Status is 'New')
  • Purchase Order Details screen (Status is not 'New'):

Purchase Order Details screen (Status is not 'New')


Purchase Order Details section

  • This section contains the attributes that pertain to the Purchase Order.
  • Purchase Order Details screen → Purchase Order Details section:

Purchase Order Details screen - Purchase Order Details section

titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription

Back to Search button

The 'Back to Search' button returns to the 'Purchase Order Search' screen using the previous search criteria - with the exception of the 'Status' and 'Alerts' fields.

If there are unsaved changes on the current Purchase Order, a warning message will appear.

Print button

The 'Print' button opens the 'Purchase Order' report.

(Refer to 'Print Purchase Order Report' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

The 'Send E-PO/Mark as Sent' button is used when the Purchase Order Items are complete, and the Purchase Order is ready to be printed, or sent via the Electronic Procurement System.

After a confirmation message, the Purchase Order Status is transitioned to 'Sent'.

Refer to Send Purchase Order.

Delete PO button

The 'Delete PO' button is available once a 'New' Purchase Orders is saved.  It is only available when the Purchase Order Status is 'New'.

After confirmation, the Purchase Order will be deleted, and the 'New Purchase Order Detail' screen will be presented.

(Refer to 'Delete Purchase Order' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

Save button

The 'Save' button is available when the Purchase Order Status is not 'Received' or 'Cancelled'.

It is used to save changes to the editable fields in the 'Purchase Order Details' section, 'Purchase Order' tab, or 'Delivery' tab.




The 'Vendor' field is a smart search that provides the ability to enter part of the Vendor's Name.

As characters are typed, a short list of Vendors will be presented for selection.


Vendor smart search

Add Vendor icon (Add Vendor)

The 'Add Vendor' icon is available when the Purchase Order Status is 'New'.

It provides access to the 'Add Vendor' dialog, which provides the ability to add a Vendor on-the-fly.

Care must be taken to avoid adding a duplicate Vendor.

(Refer to 'Create New Vendor On-The-Flylink in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

Vendor Information icon (Vendor Information)



The 'Vendor Information' icon is used to access a popup that displays the primary contact information for the selected Vendor.

It also provides a hyperlink to the 'Vendor Information' screen.


Vendor Information popup




The 'Vendor Contract' field is a smart search that provides the ability to enter part of the Vendor's Contract Name, or Contract Number.

As characters are typed, a short list of Contracts, that belong to the selected Vendor, will be presented for selection.


Vendor Contract smart search

Internal #

The 'University Purchase Order Number' is a reference identifier that can be assigned by the system, or by the user, to aid in finding Purchase Orders and Deliveries.

If User-defined, they may not always be unique, so the Vendor and Purchase Order Date, may be needed for locating a specific Purchase Order.

If the 'Internal #' field is used to find a specific Purchase Order, the entire Purchase Order Number must be used - searching by partial Purchase Order Number is not allowed.

(Refer to 'Edit Purchase Order Defaults' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

Requisition #

The 'Requisition Number' is a reference identifier that is usually assigned by the Electronic Procurement System when a Purchase Order is received and accepted.

If the 'Requisition #' field is used to find a specific Purchase Order, the entire Requisition Number must be used - searching by partial Requisition Number is not allowed.

(Refer to 'Edit Purchase Order Defaults' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

E-PO Number

The 'Electronic Purchase Order Number' is a unique Purchase Order Numberassigned by the Electronic Procurement System.

If the 'E-PO Number' field is used to find a specific Purchase Order, the entire Electronic Purchase Order Number must be used - searching by partial Electronic Purchase Order Number is not allowed.

(Refer to 'Edit Purchase Order Defaults' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)


The 'Comments' field provides the ability to add a short note about the Purchase Order in general.

The Comments note is displayed on the 'Purchase Order' report.

Comments and Alerts can also be added to a Purchase Order via the 'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Purchase Order Log' tab.

The 'Comment' field on the Purchase Order, and the Purchase Order Log Comments, are not the same type of comment.

(Refer to 'Add Comment or Alert' link in the 'How To View Purchase Order Log' section below)

PO DateThe 'Purchase Order Date' is the date on which the Purchase Order was Printed/Sent.
Delivery DateThe 'Delivery Date' is the date on which delivery is desired.



None, or more, of the 'Purchase Order Statuses' may be selected as search criteria.

(Refer to the 'Purchase Order Statuses' table below.)


Purchase Order Status drop-down


The Hospital Unit (Inventory Area) for which the Purchase Order has been prepared; and, to whom the Purchase Order Items will be delivered.

The 'Unit' will be automatically populated based on the User's 'Default Unit' selected via the 'Users Account & Employee Record' screen → 'Hospital Options' tab → 'Hospital Options' section.

(Refer to 'Edit Purchase Order Defaults' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

Direct Inquires To

Charge Account

Delivery Contact

These three fields will be automatically populated based on the selected 'Unit', and the Purchase Order Defaults that have been defined via the 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Inventory' subtab → 'PO Defaults' subtab.

The 'Charge Account' and 'Delivery Contact' will appear on the 'Purchase Order' report.

(Refer to 'Edit Purchase Order Defaults' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)


The 'Delivery' field provides the ability to add a short note about the Purchase Order delivery.

The Delivery note is displayed on the 'Purchase Order' report.

Purchase Order Totals icon (Purchase Order Total)



The 'Purchase Order Totals' icon provides access to the 'Purchase Order Total' popup, which displays the total 'Ordered', 'Received', and 'Outstanding' amounts.

The 'Outstanding' amount is the difference between 'Ordered' and 'Received' amounts.

(Refer to 'View Purchase Order Totals' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)


Purchase Order Total popup


The 'Item Total' reflects the total dollar amount of the Purchase Order Items that have been Received.

The 'Shipping & Handling' field is editable, and provides the ability to capture the amount that was charged for shipping and handling on the invoice.

The 'Taxes' field is editable, and provides the ability to capture the amount that was charged for taxes on the invoice.

The 'Purchase Order Total' reflects the total dollar amount of the Purchase Order Items that have been Received, plus the 'Shipping & Handling' and 'Taxes'.

(Refer to 'Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)

titlePurchase Order Statuses

Purchase Order Statuses
Purchase Order Statuses


This is the initial status of a Purchase Order.

'New' Purchase Orders are created via the 'Product Reorder' screen, or the 'Purchase Order Search' screen.

Purchase Order Itemscan be added to Purchase Orders while it is in the 'New' status.

(Refer to the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below)


When the Purchase Order is sent or printed, the status transitions to 'Sent'.

When the Purchase Order is in this status, the 'Start New Receiving' button is available.

After the Purchase Order reaches this status, the only fields that are editable are:

  • 'Comments'
  • 'Delivery'
  • 'Delivery Date'
  • 'Shipping & Handling'
  • 'Taxes'

Refer to Send Purchase Order.


When 'Receiving' is started, the status transitions to ‘Incomplete’.

Refer to Receive Inventory Deliveries.


When all Purchase Order Items are cancelled, the Purchase Order Status transitions to ‘Cancelled’.

After the Purchase Order reaches this status it is not editable.

Refer to Cancel Ordered Quantity.


When all Purchase Order Items are Received and/or partially Canceled, the Purchase Order status transitions to ‘Received’.

After the Purchase Order reaches this status it is not editable.

Refer to Receive Inventory Deliveries.


Product List section

titleLimited to 'New' status

This section is only available when the Purchase Order Status is 'New'.

  • Purchase Order Details screen → Product List section (Status is 'New'):

titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription

Picklist button

The 'Picklist' button provides access to the 'Add Picklist Items' dialog.

In order to access a Picklist from the 'Purchase Order Details' screen:

  1. If the Picklist was created using the 'Save as Picklist' button:
    1. The User who is attempting to access the Picklist, must be the User who created the Picklist; and,
    2. The Picklist Items must already be linked to the Purchase Order Vendor.
  2. If the Picklist was created via the 'Product Setup' screen → 'Billing / Inventory Picklist Setup' tab:
    1. The 'Picklist Type' must be 'Inventory Pick List'; and,
    2. The Picklist Items must already be linked to the Purchase Order Vendor.

Save as Picklist button

The 'Save as Picklist' button provides the ability to create a Private Picklist containing the Purchase Order Items that exist at the time the Picklist is saved.

Refer to Create Private Picklist On-The-Fly.



Picklists created in this manor are 'Private' - the User who created the Picklist will be the only User who can access it.

As of VetView 4.0, these Private Picklists are not editable, and cannot be deleted.


Add Picklist dialog

Add Items Below Min Stock Qty button

The 'Add Items Below Min Stock Qty' button provides the ability to quickly add Products with Available Inventory Quantities that are equal to, or less than, the 'Minimum Stock Quantity'.

Minimum Stock Quantity is assigned to the Product, for each Inventory Location that contains Inventory for the Product.

Refer to Add Items Below Min Stock.

The 'Expand Inventory Details' and 'Collapse Inventory Details' button are toggles - when 'Expand Inventory Details' is clicked, it turns into 'Collapse Inventory Details', and visa versa.

On the 'Purchase Order Details' screen for a 'New' Purchase Order, 'Inventory Details' refers to the following three columns in the 'Product List' section.

When the Inventory Details are 'Collapsed', the following columns will be hidden:

  • 'Qty on Hand'
  • 'Min Qty'
  • 'Pending Qty'

The 'Item' column displays the Purchase Order Item Number.

This number is assigned as the items are added to the Purchase Order.

For easy reference, the Item Number will remain the same for each Purchase Order Item when displayed on the 'Purchase Order' report, and the 'Delivery' tab.


The VetView Product Line Number and Sequence Number.

These may be repeated on a Purchase Order, as long as they correspond to different Vendor Product Offerings.

(Refer to the 'Add Purchase Order Items' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)


The VetView's Product Name.

(Refer to the 'Add Purchase Order Items' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

 (Product Details)


The 'Product Details' icon provides access to the 'Product Details' popup, which displays details pertaining to the selected Product:

  • Product Number, Name, and Description
  • Default Sales and Stock Cost
  • Default S:St Ratio
  • Default Vendor
    • Vendor's Name 
    • Vendor's Product Number
    • Vendor's Product Name
    • Manufacturer
    • Vendor's Product Order Cost
    • Vendor's Product St:O Ratio


Vendor Product

The Vendor Product Code and Vendor Product Name of the selected VetView Product.

For a single VetView Product, a Vendor may offer variations of the Product to facilitate differences in:

  • Vendor's Product Code
  • Vendor's Product Name
  • Stock Unit
  • Order Unit
  • S:St ratio
  • St:O ratio
  • Unit Cost
  • Manufacturer
  • NDC Number

Each Vendor Product Offering may be used only once on a Purchase Order.  An error message will appear if a duplicate is added.

'Purchase Order Detail' screen - 'Duplicate Product Exists' message_1.jpg
Qty on Hand

The current inventory quantity for the Hospital Unit (Inventory Area), expressed in Sales Units.

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

Min Qty

The Minimum Quantity (also known as 'Par Level') to be held in inventory for the Inventory Location and Product.

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

(Refer to the 'Edit Minimum Quantity' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Pending Qty

The Ordered Quantity (expressed in Sales Units), on Purchase Orders that have not yet been Received.

The Purchase Order Status is either 'Incomplete' or 'Sent'.

Pending Quantity = Ordered Quantity - Cancelled Quantity - Received Quantity

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

Sales Qty

A calculated field based on the 'Ordered Qty' divided by the Vendor's S:St and St:O ratios.

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Ordered Qty

The desired quantity, expressed in the Vendor's Order Units.

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Unit Cost

The Vendor's Cost per Order Unit.

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Total CostA calculated field based on the 'Unit Cost' multiplied by the 'Order Qty'.

A note that may be attached to the Purchase Order Item for future reference.

This field is not currently displayed on any other screen or report, but may be available to display on custom reports.

The Product List Item context menu provides the following options:


Purchase Order tab

titleLimited to 'Cancelled', 'Incomplete', 'Received', or 'Sent' status

This tab is only available when the Purchase Order Status is 'Cancelled', 'Incomplete', 'Received', or 'Sent'.

  • This tab displays the list of Purchase Order Items on the Purchase Order.
  • The Purchase Order Item List can be sorted by clicking the header of any of the following columns:
    • 'Item'
    • 'Product'
    • 'Vendor Product'
  • Purchase Order Details screen → Purchase Order tab:

titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription

Start New Receiving button

The 'Start New Receiving' button provides the ability to receive Purchase Order Deliveries.

After the Purchase Order is Sent, it must be Received in order to update the Inventory in the Hospital Unit (Inventory Area).

Multiple Deliveries can be Received for each Purchase Order.

Refer to Receive Inventory Deliveries.

Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items button

The 'Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items' button provides the ability to quickly cancel all Purchase Order Item quantities that have not been received.

If the remaining unreceived quantity of the Purchase Order Items cannot be delivered, they can be 'Cancelled'.

(Refer to the 'Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

Expand Inventory Details button

Collapse Inventory Details button

The 'Expand Inventory Details' and 'Collapse Inventory Details' button are toggles - when 'Expand Inventory Details' is clicked, it turns into 'Collapse Inventory Details', and visa versa.

On the 'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Purchase Order' tab, 'Inventory Details' refers to the following two columns in the 'Purchase Order Item List' section.

When the Inventory Details are 'Collapsed', the following columns will be hidden:

  • 'Sales Qty'
  • 'Stock Qty'

(Refer to the 'Expand/Collapse Inventory Details' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)


The 'Item' column displays the Purchase Order Item Number.

This number is assigned as the items are added to the Purchase Order.

For easy reference, the Item Number will remain the same for each Purchase Order Item when displayed on the 'Purchase Order' report, and the 'Delivery' subtab.


The VetView Product Line Number, Sequence Number, and Product Name.

These may be repeated on a Purchase Order, as long as they correspond to different Vendor Product Offerings.

Vendor Product

The Vendor's Product Code and Vendor's Product Name for the selected VetView Product.

For a single VetView Product, a Vendor may offer variations of the Product to facilitate differences in:

  • Vendor's Product Code
  • Vendor's Product Name
  • Stock Unit
  • Order Unit
  • S:St ratio
  • St:O ratio
  • Unit Cost
  • Manufacturer
  • NDC Number

Each Vendor Product Offering may be used only once on a Purchase Order.

Sales Qty

A calculated field.

  • Sales Qty  =  Ordered Qty  /  Vendor's S:St ratio  /  Vendor's St:O ratio

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order section below.)

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

Stock Qty

A calculated field.

  • Stock Qty  =  Ordered Qty  /  Vendor's St:O ratio

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order section below.)

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

Ordered Qty

The desired Quantity (expressed in the Vendor's Order Units).

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Received Qty

The Quantity (expressed in the Vendor's Order Units) that has been Received via the 'Delivery' subtab.

(Refer to the 'Start New Receiving' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

Cancelled Qty

The Quantity (expressed in the Vendor's Order Units) that has been Cancelled.

Refer to Cancel Ordered Quantity.

Unit Cost

The Vendor's Cost per Order Unit.

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Total Cost

A calculated field.

  • Total Cost  =  Unit Cost   X  Order Qty
Sales Unit Cost

A calculated field.

  • Sales Unit Cost  =  Unit Cost  /  Vendor's S:St ratio  /  Vendor's St:O ratio

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)


A note that may be attached to the Purchase Order Item for future reference.

This field is not currently displayed on any other screen or report, but may be available for custom reporting.


Delivery tab

titleLimited to 'Cancelled', 'Incomplete', or 'Received' status

This tab is only available when the Purchase Order Status is 'Cancelled', 'Incomplete', or 'Received'.

  • This tab displays the list of Purchase Order Items that have been Received.
  • There can be none, to many, Deliveries per Purchase Order.
  • If all Purchase Order Items are 'Cancelled', there will be no Delivery.
  • Purchase Order Details screen → Delivery tab (New):

  • Purchase Order Details screen → Delivery tab (Completed):

titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription

The 'Print Stocking Report' button is available on new and completed Deliveries, and provides access to the 'Inventory Stocking List' report.

Delivery Items must be saved before they will appear on the report.

(Refer to the 'Print Inventory Stocking List Report' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

The 'Add All Items' button is available on new Deliveries only, and provides the ability to add all of the Purchase Order Items at once.

(Refer to the 'Add All Delivery Items' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

The 'Upload Packing Slip' button is available on new and completed Deliveries, and provides the ability to upload files (such as Packing Slips and/or Invoices), and associate them to the Delivery.

(Refer to the 'Upload Packing Slip' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

The 'Mark Delivery Complete' button is available on new Deliveries only, and provides the ability to finalize the Delivery.



When completing a Delivery, the Delivery Items can be:

  • Auto Stocked:
    • This option will automatically increase the Inventory for the Product in the default, or selected, Inventory Location.
    • This is the default option as of VetView 4.0.
  • Added to the Stocking List:
    • to be completed in a subsequent step.
    • This functionality is not available in VetView 4.0.


'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Delivery' tab - 'Complete Delivery' dialog

(Refer to the 'Complete Delivery' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

The 'Delete Delivery' button is available on new Deliveries only, and provides the ability to delete the Delivery, and all Delivery Items.

This will not affect the Purchase Order or Purchase Order Items.

(Refer to the 'Delete Delivery' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

The 'Expand Inventory Details' and 'Collapse Inventory Details' button are toggles - when 'Expand Inventory Details' is clicked, it turns into 'Collapse Inventory Details', and visa versa.

On the 'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Delivery' tab, 'Inventory Details' refers to the following two columns in the 'Delivery Item List' section.

When the Inventory Details are 'Collapsed', the following columns will be hidden:

  • 'Sales Qty'
  • 'Stock Qty'

(Refer to the 'Expand/Collapse Inventory Details' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

Date DeliveredThe 'Date Delivered' field will default to the current date when the 'Delivery' is started.  It can be modified until the Delivery is completed.
Received ByThe 'Received By' field will default to the current User when the 'Delivery' is started.  It can be modified until the Delivery is completed.

The 'Item' column displays the Purchase Order Item Number.  This number is assigned as the items are added to the Purchase Order.

For easy reference, the Item Number will remain the same for each Purchase Order Item when displayed on the 'Purchase Order' report, and the 'Delivery' subtab.


The VetView Product Line Number, Sequence Number, and Product Name.

The VetView Product may be repeated on a Purchase Order, as long as they correspond to different Vendor Product Offerings.

 (Product Details)


The 'Product Details' icon is only available on completed Deliveries, and provides access to the 'Product Details' popup, which displays details pertaining to the selected Product, and Default Vendor:

  • VetView Product Number ('Code'), Name, and Description
  • Default Sales and Stock Cost
  • Default S:St Ratio
  • Default Vendor
    • Vendor's Name 
    • Vendor's Product Number
    • Vendor's Product Name
    • Manufacturer
    • Vendor's Product Order Cost
    • Vendor's Product St:O Ratio


(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

 (Add Product Not On Purchase Order)

The 'Add Product Not On Purchase Order' icon is only available on new Deliveries, and provides access to the full list of Vendor Products, so that a Vendor Product that is not already on the Purchase Order can be added on-the-fly during the Purchase Order Receiving Process.

(Refer to the 'Add Product not on Purchase Order' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

Vendor Product

The Vendor Product Code and Vendor Product Name of the selected VetView Product.

For a single VetView Product, a Vendor may offer variations of the Product to facilitate differences in the Vendor Product:

  • Product Code
  • Product Name
  • Stock Unit
  • Order Unit
  • S:St ratio
  • St:O ratio
  • Unit Cost
  • Manufacturer
  • NDC Number

Each Vendor Product offering may be used only once on a Purchase Order.

Refer to Create New Product On-The-Fly.

Sales Qty

A calculated field.

  • Sales Qty  =  Ordered Qty  /  Vendor's S:St ratio  /  Vendor's St:O ratio

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order section below.)

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

Stock Qty

A calculated field.

  • Stock Qty  =  Ordered Qty  /  Vendor's St:O ratio

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order section below.)

This field is hidden when the 'Collapse Inventory Details' button is clicked.

Ordered Qty

The Quantity (expressed in the Vendor's Order Units) that was ordered.

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Received Qty

The Quantity (expressed in the Vendor's Order Units) that has been Received via the 'Delivery' subtab.

(Refer to the 'Start New Receiving' link in the 'How To Receive Inventory Deliveries' section below.)

Unit Cost

The Vendor's Cost per Order Unit.

While editing a Delivery, the 'Unit Cost' can be changed to correct any discrepancy between the Unit Cost when the Purchase Order was created, and the final Unit Cost from the Invoice.

The Delivery Unit Cost will automatically update the Vendor Product Unit Cost.

(Refer to the 'Edit Vendor Product Details' link in the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section below.)

Total Cost

A calculated field.

  • Total Cost  =  Unit Cost   X  Order Qty

A note that may be attached to the Purchase Order Delivery Item for future reference.

This field is not currently displayed on any other screen or report, but may be available for custom reporting.

The Delivery Item context menu provides the following options:


Purchase Order Log tab

titleLimited to 'Cancelled', 'Incomplete', 'Received', or 'Sent' status

This tab is only available when the Purchase Order Status is 'Cancelled', 'Incomplete', 'Received', or 'Sent'.

  • This tab displays the list of Events, Comments, and Alerts, for the Purchase Order.
  • This tab also provides the ability to add Comments and Alerts to a Purchase Order.
  • Alerts can be used as search criteria on the 'Purchase Order Search' screen.
  • Purchase Order Details screen → Purchase Order Log tab:

titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription

The 'Add' button provides access to the 'Add Purchase Order Comment / Alert' dialog, which provides the ability to add Comments, and Alerts, to the Purchase Order.

(Refer to the 'Add Comment or Alert' link in the 'How To View Purchase Order Log' section below.)

DateThe date on which the Event, Comment, or Alert was captured, or created.

The Event description, or the Comment that was entered by the User using the 'Add Purchase Order Comment / Alert' dialog.

Captured Events can include:

  • When Purchase Order Status changes.
  • When Deliveries are created, deleted, or stocked.
  • When Purchase Order Items are cancelled.
  • When the Unit Cost of a Purchase Order Item is changed.
Alert Type

The 'Type' of Alert.

Alert Types are user-defined via the 'Alert Type Setup' screen.

Alert Types are assigned one, or more, Alert Categories.

Alert Types are made available for Purchase Orders by assigning them the 'Purchase Order' Alert Category.

(Refer to the 'Configure Alert Types' link in the 'How To View Purchase Order Log' section below.)

Entered ByThe Username of the User who was logged in when the Event took place, or when the Comment or Alert was added.


How To...

Expand the following links to learn about specific functionality provided by this screen.

titleCreate New Purchase Order

Create New Purchase Order


Create New Purchase OrderCreate New Purchase Order
titleAdd Picklist Items

Add Picklist Items
Add Picklist Items
Add Picklist Items

Include Page
Add Picklist Items
Add Picklist Items

titleAdd Items Below Minimum Stock Quantity

Add Items Below Min Stock
Add Items Below Min Stock
Add Items Below Min Stock

Include Page
Add Items Below Min Stock
Add Items Below Min Stock

titleAdd Purchase Order Items

Add Purchase Order Items
Add Purchase Order Items
Add Purchase Order Items

Include Page
Add Purchase Order Items
Add Purchase Order Items

titleAdd Shipping, Handling, and Tax

Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax
Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax
Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax

Include Page
Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax
Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax

titleCreate New Product On-The-Fly

Create New Product On-The-Fly
Create New Product On-The-Fly
Create New Product On-The-Fly

Include Page
Create New Product On-The-Fly
Create New Product On-The-Fly

titleCreate Private Picklist On-The-Fly

Create Private Picklist On-The-Fly
Create Private Picklist On-The-Fly
Create Private Picklist On-The-Fly

Include Page
Create Private Picklist On-The-Fly
Create Private Picklist On-The-Fly

titleCreate Public Picklist

Create Public Picklist

Create Public Picklist
Create Public Picklist

Include Page
Create Public Picklist
Create Public Picklist

titleCreate Purchase Order

Create Purchase Order
Create Purchase Order
Create Purchase Order

Include Page
Create and Edit Purchase Orders
Create and Edit Purchase Orders

titleCreate Vendor On-The-Fly

Create New Vendor On-The-Fly
Create Vendor On-The-Fly
Create Vendor On-The-Fly

Include Page
Create New Vendor On-The-Fly
Create New Vendor On-The-Fly

titleDelete Purchase Order

Delete Purchase Order
Delete Purchase Order
Delete Purchase Order

Include Page
Delete Purchase Order
Delete Purchase Order

titleDelete Purchase Order Item

Delete Purchase Order Item
Delete Purchase Order Item
Delete Purchase Order Item

Include Page
Delete Purchase Order Item
Delete Purchase Order Item

titleEdit Minimum Quantity

Edit Minimum Quantity
Edit Minimum Quantity
Edit Minimum Quantity

Include Page
Edit Minimum Quantity
Edit Minimum Quantity

titleEdit Purchase Order Defaults

Edit Purchase Order Defaults 
Edit Purchase Order Defaults
Edit Purchase Order Defaults

Include Page
Edit Purchase Order Defaults
Edit Purchase Order Defaults

titleEdit Purchase Order Header

Edit Purchase Order Header
Edit Purchase Order Header
Edit Purchase Order Header

Include Page
Edit Purchase Order Header
Edit Purchase Order Header

titleEdit Vendor Product Details

Edit Vendor Product Details
Edit Vendor Product Details
Edit Vendor Product Details

Include Page
Edit Vendor Product Details
Edit Vendor Product Details

titleExpand/Collapse Inventory Details

Expand/Collapse Inventory Details
Expand/Collapse Inventory Details
Expand/Collapse Inventory Details

Include Page
Expand / Collapse Inventory Details
Expand / Collapse Inventory Details

titleLink Existing Product and Vendor

Link Existing Product and Vendor
Link Existing Product and Vendor
Link Existing Product and Vendor

Include Page
Link Existing Product and Vendor
Link Existing Product and Vendor

titlePrint Purchase Order Report

Print Purchase Order Report
Print Purchase Order Report
Print Purchase Order Report

Include Page
Print Purchase Order Report
Print Purchase Order Report


Include Page
Report Dialog Functionality
Report Dialog Functionality

titleSend Purchase Order

Send Purchase Order
Send Purchase Order
Send Purchase Order

Include Page
Send Purchase Order
Send Purchase Order

titleView Purchase Order History

View Purchase Order History
View Purchase Order History
View Purchase Order History

Include Page
View Purchase Order History
View Purchase Order History

titleView Purchase Order Totals

View Purchase Order Totals
View Purchase Order Totals
View Purchase Order Totals

Include Page
View Purchase Order Totals
View Purchase Order Totals

titleReceive Inventory Deliveries

Receive Inventory Deliveries
Receive Inventory Deliveries
Receive Inventory Deliveries

Include Page
Receive Inventory Deliveries
Receive Inventory Deliveries

titleAdd Product not on Purchase Order

Add Product not on Purchase Order
Add Product not on Purchase Order
Add Product not on Purchase Order

Include Page
Add Product not on Purchase Order
Add Product not on Purchase Order

titleAdd Delivery Item

Add Delivery Item
Add Delivery Item
Add Delivery Item

Include Page
Add Delivery Item
Add Delivery Item

titleAdd All Delivery Items

Add All Delivery Items
Cancel Ordered Quantity
Cancel Ordered Quantity

Include Page
Add All Delivery Items
Add All Delivery Items

titleCancel Ordered Quantity

Cancel Ordered Quantity
Cancel Ordered Quantity
Cancel Ordered Quantity

Include Page
Cancel Ordered Quantity
Cancel Ordered Quantity

titleCancel Remaining Unreceived Items

Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items
Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items
Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items

Include Page
Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items
Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items

titleComplete Delivery

Complete Delivery
Complete Delivery
Complete Delivery

Include Page
Complete Delivery
Complete Delivery

titleDelete Delivery

Delete Delivery
Delete Delivery
Delete Delivery

Include Page
Delete Delivery
Delete Delivery

titleDelete Delivery Item

Delete Delivery Item
Delete Delivery Item
Delete Delivery Item

Include Page
Delete Delivery Item
Delete Delivery Item

titleExpand/Collapse Inventory Details

Expand/Collapse Inventory Details
Expand/Collapse Inventory Details
Expand/Collapse Inventory Details

Include Page
Expand / Collapse Inventory Details
Expand / Collapse Inventory Details

titlePrint Inventory Stocking List Report

Print Inventory Stocking List Report
Print Inventory Stocking List Report
Print Inventory Stocking List Report

Include Page
Print Inventory Stocking List Report
Print Inventory Stocking List Report

titleStart New Receiving

Start New Receiving
Start New Receiving
Start New Receiving

Include Page
Start New Receiving
Start New Receiving

titleUpload Packing Slip

Upload Packing Slip
Upload Packing Slip
Upload Packing Slip

Include Page
Upload Packing Slip
Upload Packing Slip

titleView Purchase Order Log

View Purchase Order Log
View Purchase Order Log
View Purchase Order Log

Include Page
View Purchase Order Log
View Purchase Order Log

Insert excerpt
Setup & Admin Guides
Setup & Admin Guides

Table of Contents
