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Pull No

The unique identifier for this pull. An Inventory Transfer Request can have multiple pulls.

Pulled By

The VetView user who acknowledged the Inventory Transfer Request and started the Inventory Pull.

Pull Date

The date the Inventory Pull was started. Depending on your hospital’s workflow policies, most pulls should be initiated and completed on the same day unless there is an issue.

Print Shopping List Button

This button contains the list of all items in the Inventory Transfer Request, and a blank line next to each item for the person performing the Inventory Pull to write down notes and quantities for the item as they grab it from the shelf. This information can also be entered in real time on the Inventory Pull screen itself.

Print Button

This button prints the Inventory Pull Report which is different from the Shopping List. This report contains the pull quantities, not just the requested quantities.

Continue Pull

As this tab is only visible when a pull has been started, if the pull is not in Complete status, this tab will present the option to Continue the pull. Clicking this button will load the Inventory Pull screen. When the pull is complete, this button will become disabled.

Start Stocking

When the pull has been marked as Completed on the Inventory Pull screen, this button becomes available on the Inventory Transfer Request screen. Clicking on it will load the Inventory Stocking screen to begin the process.

Delete Pull

A pull is a transient part of the Inventory process and if one was initiated by mistake and cannot be completed on the day it was started, it can be deleted and a new one created, so long it has not yet been marked as completed.

Expand Inventory Details

Lot, serial, manufacturer, and NDC are hidden on smaller screens to prevent the need for scrolling horizontally. For products where these details are important, such as pharmaceuticals, this button will display the hidden columns. It can be toggled on and off at any time.

Print Shopping List


Still waiting for the resolution of the Whitelabel error in both Master and Release Candidate

Print Button (Inventory Pull Report)

Clicking on this button loads the Inventory Pull Report, which contains the details of the Inventory Transfer Request at the top of the screen, and then lists each of the items in the pull and the quantity that was pulled.

The Shopping List report is intended to be used by the person who is processing the Inventory Pull in real time, but the Inventory Pull Report is intended to be delivered with the items to the Destination location, as a receipt for them to confirm the items requested were delivered as expected.


Continue Pull (Pull Incomplete)

This button is only available on Pulls that have been initiated but not completed. It will load the Pull on the Inventory Pull screen.

Start Stocking (Pull Complete)

This button is only available on Pulls that have been marked as completed. It will load the Pull on the Inventory Stocking screen.

Delete Pull

Expand/Collapse Inventory Details

Inventory Stocking Tab


This button will delete a pull that was started but had no work performed on it. A new pull can be started with the items that were not marked as pulled on the original request at any time.


This screen will not issue a warning when Delete Pull is clicked.

This can also be useful if the remaining items are out of stock. Deleting the pull allows the person performing the Inventory Pull to return to the original transfer request and Cancel Remaining Undelivered Items.


Delete pull is not available on Pulls that have been marked as Completed.

Inventory Stocking Tab

When a Pull has been marked as Completed, an offline process of manually delivering the requested items to the Destination location is assumed to occur.

The Stocking process begins when the Destination acknowledges receipt of the delivered items via the Inventory Stocking Screen. The process can also be initiated from the Pull tab on the Inventory Transfer Request screen, but the Start Stocking button will load the delivery on the Inventory Stocking screen itself.

Once the pull has started stocking, the Inventory Stocking tab becomes visible on the Inventory Request screen.




Stocking No

The unique number assigned to this stocking event. This is the number that displays on the Inventory Stocking Search screen.

Stocked By

The user who started the stocking event.

Stocked Date

The date that the stocking event was started.

Print Stocking List

Opens the Stocking List PDF report to be printed. This is similar to the Inventory Pull report, but the values next to the transferred items are left as blank lines to be filled in.

Print (Stocking Report)

Opens the Inventory Stocking Report as a PDF to be printed. This report has the original Inventory Transfer Request at the top of the page, and then the items from the stocking process listed with the total quantity stocked.

Continue Stocking

If a stocking event has not yet been marked as Completed, the option to continue the stocking is available on the Stocking tab on the Inventory Transfer Request. This will open the Inventory Stocking Screen.

Delete Stocking

If a stocking event has not yet been marked as Completed, it can be deleted. Use this if the stocking cannot be performed on the date it was initiated, to clear it out from the list.

Expand Inventory Details

On smaller screens, the Lot, Serial, NDC, and Manufacturer fields may automatically hide to eliminate a scroll bar. This button will expand the rows to display these fields so the data can be entered during the stocking process.

Print Stocking List

Clicking the print Stocking List button loads the Inventory Stocking List report in a PDF viewer. This report contains the original transfer request and the Inventory Stocking details, and a list of each of the items that is to be stocked.


Print Stocking Report

This report is identical to the Inventory Stocking List, but contains the values that were entered on the Inventory Stocking screen and not the blank lines on the Stocking List.


Continue Stocking


Delete Stocking

Transfer Log Tab

This tab contains a running list of all the events that have occurred on the Inventory Transfer Request and the user who performed the action.

This tab is also where you can add an Inventory Transfer Request alert.


Add Alert

Clicking on this button will open the Add Comment window. You can add a comment, or create an Inventory Transfer Alert that can be searched on the Inventory Transfer Request search screen (allowing it to act similar to a tag.)


List of Events

The list of events includes a column for the date, the contents of the Comment field or a description of the event, the Alert Type if it was associated with an alert, and the Transfer Log itself.
