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titleWhat is a unit?

A Unit is the name for each departmental or service area within VetView.  Units can be large functional areas such as a pharmacy, or a smaller sub-area of a bigger parent unit.

The tree structure on the left pane should be adjusted until it closely matches your hospital's internal structure and hierarchy.  The more closely it matches, the more accurate your revenue reporting will be by unit. 

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Begin by choosing the unit you would like to set up.  

If your unit does not exist already, you may also add a new Unit by clicking the Add Unit button.  This will automatically load a blank Unit Details for you to name the unit.

Once you have your Unit names defined, you can begin to fill in the details associated with each unit, such as contact information, the documents it will use, the appointment types and associated episode types, schedules, assigned users, and location information.


titleWhat is a unit?


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titleUnit Details

This is where you assign the characteristics of your unit.

  • Name:  The name of your unit, e.g. the name for a large functional area (like Small Anime Hospital) or a sub-unit within the larger parent unit
  • Description:  Brief additional details for this unit, if the name does not reflect functionality.
  • Parent Unit:  For sub-units, which parental unit it falls under.  Top level functional units do not need a parent.
  • Receiving Unit:  This indicates that the unit is allowed to receive requests from other areas of the hospital.  This displays the unit on the Requests screen. 
  • Income Unit: The unit is revenue generating or a profit center and will need to have income credited towards it.  This displays the unit on Orders and on certain Accounting screens.
  • Active:  The unit is active in the hospital.  You can never fully delete a unit so that all the historical information is preserved, but an inactive unit will be unable to the system going forward.
  • Inventory Area: Indicates that this unit will have its own inventory, rather than pulling directly out of the hospitals primary inventory.  This means inventory can be transferred to this unit in the Inventory system.
    • Auto Receive Inventory:  The transfers to this unit will be accepted immediately and do not require confirmation.
  • Only Assigned Users Can Schedule Appointments:  Restricts any appointment types associated with the unit to only members designated as part of the unit.  Check this if appointments must be done by the unit instead of your front desk personnel. 
  • Address Information:  The address of your Unit.  It can be the same as the parent unit if they are in the same facility, or you can enter in a more specific address if the unit has its own building or wing. 


titleCatalog Master

In order for your unit to be able to store documents on patient episodes or to receive requests to other units in the hospital, you will need to build out the catalogs for the unit.

Catalog Master simply indicates that these catalogs belong exclusively to your unit.  This way you can quickly find them in Catalog Setup.  However, if units change, the parent unit for a catalog can always be changed later on. 

titleWhat is a Catalog?

A "catalog" is a collection of digital documents and requests that can be associated with a unit.  VetView's digital document system is designed to mimic a virtual cubby, in which each unit has its own bin of papers and forms.  A catalog can contain unlimited catalog items.  Catalog items contain a specific document, but also contain automatic attributes, such as generating reminders or automatically adding charges.  See the Catalog Setup section for more details. 

Question Setup:  If your unit is a receiving area and  has a standard set of questions that will need to be filled out with every request, it can be assigned at the catalog level.  These high level questions are only available for Request catalogs.   For example, "Has the client signed the consent form?" for procedures.  More specific questions for each procedure can be assigned at the document level.

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titleAppointment Types

Appointment Type Setup

The Appointment Types tab allows you to set up appointment types for the schedules assigned to this unit.  It also allows you to map your appointment type to a default episode type so that the episode order will open with the correct information.  This also allows the episode type to bring in the necessary parts of the medical record for that kind of appointment and episode.  

titleAppointments and Episodes

As of version 1.6.1, the appointment type and the episode type are no longer hard linked after patient check-in.  The appointment type will remain associated with the episode, even if the episode type changes due to a transfer or admittance. The medical record will automatically update any new episode requirements during this process.

To add a new appointment type, click on Add and enter in the name of the Appointment type and its associated episode type.

Appointment type names are free text.  This allows you to keep your new appointment types in line with any existing terms or labels used within your hospital.

See Episode Type Setup for more information on how to define your episodes. 
