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The patient record has a large number of privileges.  In order to make navigation on this page easier, th Table ese privileges aese are broken out into workflows and  functional areas.

Access Patient Record is the root level privilege for this page.  Without any other privileges, this access privilege grants view only access to the patient records.


All other privileges below can be granted to users based on your hospital's policies regarding billing, prescriptions, and editing of medical records. 

Allows the user to add a document to the episode
titleBasic Episode Functionsand Patient Information

These are the basic privileges available to modify the contents of an episode.  You can customize these for specific roles, e.g. lock down certain episode actions from students and techs, or from non-clinical personnelprivileges involve the creation and processing of episodes and the data of the patient.

PrivilegeTypeDefinitionExample / ScreenshotVerified
Create Episode ButtonAccessAllows the user to create a new episode from the patient record, instead of Admissions

Open/Check In EpisodesFunctionAllows the user to check in a patient and change the episode status from New to Open
Add Episode DocumentFunction

Add Episode PersonnelFunctionAllows the user to add personnel to the episode

Edit Episode
PersonnelFunctionAllows the user to
submit a request on an episodeAdd Episode ProblemFunctionAllows the user to add a problem to the episodeAdd Episode TPRFunctionAllows the user to ad a TPR to the episodeEdit Episode TPRFunctionAllows the user to edit an existing TPR an an episode
change information about the personnel, or delete them, from the episode

Update Episode LocationFunctionAllows the user to change the patient location when the patient is relocated

Admit PatientFunctionAllows the user to change the patient from Outpatient to Inpatient (Admit status)

Discharge patientFunctionAllows the user to Discharge the patient (indicate the patient has been entrusted back to the client)

Readmit patientFunctionAllows the user to change the status of the patient from Discharge back to Admitted

Undo DischargeFunctionAllows the user to change the status of the episode from Discharge back to Open/Checked-in

Close EpisodeFunctionAllows the user to change the status of an episode from Discharged to Closed (all paperwork completed; episode cannot be modified)

Reopen EpisodesFunctionAllows the user to change the status of an episode from Closed back to Discharged for further work

Request TransfersFunctionAllows the user to request that a patient's episode unit be transferred to another unit

Approve TransfersFunctionAllows the user to approve a transfer request from another unit

Create Patient AlertsFunctionAllows the user to add patient alerts to the patient record

Edit Patient AlertsFunctionAllows the user the ability to make changes to the Patient Alerts

Add Episode AlertFunctionAllows the user to add an alert to this episode only
Edit Episode Problem

Add patient NotesFunctionAllows the user to
edit problems added to the episodeAdd Diagnosis
add notes onto the Patient Details tab

Edit Patient NotesFunctionAllows the user
to add a new diagnosis to the episodeEdit Diagnosis
the ability to make changes to existing patient notes

Edit patient detailsFunctionAllows the user
to edit an existing diagnosis on the episodeAdd Attachments
the ability to modify information about the patient, such as age, weight, breed, etc

Add Patient TagsFunctionAllows the user to add
tag numbers to the
episode or requestEdit Request Attachments
patient (e.g. rabies tags)

Edit Patient TagsFunctionAllows the user to
edit the meta information about an attachment on a requestEdit Episode Attachments
modify any existing tags

Update Episode ASAQ StatusFunctionAllows the user
to edit the meta information about attachments on the episodeEdit Patient Attachments
the ability to change whether this episode qualifies for ASAQ

Edit Patient Tags
titleDocuments, Requests, and Attachments

These privileges concern the digital documents that contain the reports and other content of the episode itself.

Add Episode DocumentFunctionAllows the user to add a document to
modify the meta information about attachments at the patient levelDelete Attachments
the episode (reports filled out by the attending unit)

Add Episode RequestFunctionAllows the user
the ability to remove attachments from the episode Edit Episode Personnel
to submit a request on an episode (work to be performed by another unit during this episode)

Verify Episode ItemsFunction
Grants the
user to change information about the personnel, or delete them, from the episodeCreate SOAPs
ability to Verify documents and other items on the episode 

Add/Edit Global Hospital MacroFunctionAllows the user to
add a SOAP to the episodeManage SOAP
create a macro and then set it as a global macro for that document+document item, allowing users who utilize that same document to have access to the macro template as well

Resend Request ButtonFunctionAllows the user to
add text for Subjective Objective Assessment Plan on the SOAPAdd patient Notes
resend a request that was rejected by the other unit

Add AttachmentsFunctionAllows the user to add
notes onto the Patient Details tabEdit Patient Notes
attachments to the episode or request

Edit Request AttachmentsFunctionAllows the user
the ability to make changes to existing patient notesEdit patient details
to edit the meta information about an attachment on a request

Edit Episode AttachmentsFunctionAllows the user to edit the
ability to modify
meta information about
the patient, such as age, weight, breed, etc
attachments on the episode

Edit Patient
AttachmentsFunctionAllows the user
the ability
make changes to the Patient Alerts
Add Patient TagsFunctionAllows the user to add tag numbers to the patient (e.g. rabies tags)
modify the meta information about attachments at the patient level

Delete AttachmentsFunctionAllows the user
to modify any existing tags
the ability to remove attachments from the episode 

These are the privileges recommended for clinician supervisors, such as unit heads or attending DVMs.  These privileges allow the user to monitor and review a student or technician's work. 
titleSupervisory Privileges
SOAPs, TPRS, and Diagnosis

These privileges revolve around the non-document content of the episode, aka "smart objects", which have their own workflows within the episode.

PrivilegeTypeDefinitionExample / ScreenshotVerified
Add Episode
ItemsVerify Diagnoses
Grants the ability to Verify documents and other items on the episode 
Allows the user to add a problem to the episode

Edit Episode Problem

Grants the ability to Verify a diagnosis
Allows the user to edit problems added to the episode

Merge Episode ProblemFunctionAllows the user to Merge episode problems if they have been determined to have the same cause
Unapprove Diagnosis

Add Episode TPRFunctionAllows the user to
remove a verification from a diagnosisAdd/Edit Global Hospital Macro
ad a TPR to the episode

Edit Episode TPRFunctionAllows the user to edit an existing TPR an an episode

Create SOAPsFunctionAllows the user to
create a macro and then set it as a global macro for that document+document item, allowing users who utilize that same document to have access to the macro template as wellDelete Unapproved Diagnosis
add a SOAP to the episode

Manage SOAPFunctionAllows the user to
remove a diagnosis that was not approved
add text for Subjective Objective Assessment Plan on the SOAP

Review SOAPFunctionAllows the user to review and approve Subjective Objective Assessment Plan that has been entered by a student
Resend Request Button

Add DiagnosisFunctionAllows the user to
resend a request that was rejected by the other unitUpdate Episode ASAQ Status
add a new diagnosis to the episode

Edit DiagnosisFunctionAllows the user to edit an existing diagnosis on the episode

Verify Diagnoses

FunctionGrants the ability
to change whether this episode qualifies for ASAQ
to Verify a diagnosis

Unapprove DiagnosisFunctionAllows the user to remove a verification from a diagnosis

Delete Unapproved DiagnosisFunctionAllows the user to remove a diagnosis that was not approved

titlePrivileges related to order managementOrder Management

These privileges allow the user to add items to the bill.  The Pick List option is the most restrictive minimum privilege, and will allow the user to add items only from a pre-established list.  

PrivilegeTypeDefinitionExample / ScreenshotVerified
Go to Order ManagementAccessAllows the user to access the Order Management screen from the patient record

Go to Cashier ScreenAccessAllows the user to access the Cashier Screen from the patient record

Go to Pick ListAccessAllows the user to open a billing pick list from the patient record  (minimum recommended access)

Add Open OrderFunctionGrants the ability to open an order for the episode

Set Bill PartyFunctionGrants the ability to change the bill party from the current designated to a different client

Create EstimateFunctionGrants the ability to generate a formal estimate and include it on the patient record

titlePrivileges related to prescriptionsPrescriptions and Medications

These privileges allow users to request, approve, and modify prescriptions on the clinical side.  Privileges on the pharmacy side are handled through Pharmacy Setup.

Add RxFunctionGrants the ability to add a new prescription to the patient outside of the current episode

Add Episode RxFunctionGrants the ability to add a new prescription to the patient within the current episode

Add Episode MedicationFunctionGrants the ability to add a new medication or OTC item to the patient within the current episode

Prescription TransferFunctionGrants the ability to transfer the prescription upon refill

Fill Outside PrescriptionsAccessAllows the user to fill an outside Rx from a different pharmacy
(error) This is a pharmacy privilege and should not be on the patient record
Create External PrescriptionsFunctionAllows the user the ability to generate a prescription for fill at a different pharmacy

Edit Episode MedicationFunctionAllows the user to make changes to episode medication that was already entered

Edit/Print CDM LabelFunctionAllows the user to edit or print the label generated by an item added via CDM for client use

Approve RxFunctionAllows the user to approve an Rx that was requested by a student

Edit RxFunctionAllows the user to edit an Rx that has not yet been approved

Prescription ApproverFunctionAllows the user to approve an Rx that was requested by a student (duplicate)

Prescription Approver non-DVMFunctionAllows the user to approve an Rx requested by the student without being a DVM (e.g. pharmacists)

Prescription RefillFunctionAllows the user to refill a prescription from the patient record

Prescription RenewalFunctionAllows the user to Copy Rx 

titleCommunication Privileges

These privileges allow users to manage communications for a patient.  These may be given to non-clinical personnel, such as client coordinators, who handle call backs and appointment reminders

View Episode Communication LogAccessGrants the ability to open and view the Comm Log pane

Add Episode Communication LogFunctionAllows the user to add a new entry to the communication log

Print Patient Comm LogFunctionAllows the user to open a PDF of the comm log and print it

Add Episode ContactFunctionAllows the user to create a new contact for the episode, allowing communications to be sent to them

Grant Release of InformationFunctionAllows the user to set a contact as available to receive communications on the episode

Add New ContactFunctionAllows the user to add a new contact to the patient, not just this episode

Modify Existing ContactsFunctionAllows the user to make changes to existing contacts on an episode, such as address info

titleAdmin Privileges

These privileges are elevated and recommended only for users at the administrative level.  These allow you to fix mistakes made on medical records, such as duplicate clients or episodes. 

Set Patient Record StatusAdmin FunctionAllows the user to change the status of the episode outside of the normal workflow

Merge PatientAdmin FunctionAllows the user to merge two patients, if it is determined the patients are in fact the same animal

Merge EpisodeAdmin FunctionAllows the user to merge two episodes if an episode was created by mistake

Edit Episode HeaderAdmin FunctionAllows the user to access the Episode Header (required for other admin functions)

Edit Admitting DVM/UnitAdmin FunctionAllows the user to edit the admitting DVM and the admitting unit via the episode header

Edit Case NoAdmin FunctionAllows the user to change the patient on an episode

Edit Document Created TimeAdmin FunctionAllows the user to modify the time of document creation outside of the normal workflow

Delete New EpisodeAdmin FunctionAllows the user to delete an episode in New status only

Admin Delete EpisodeAdmin FunctionAllows the user to delete an episode, regardless of status.  Warning:  ALL DATA is destroyed in this Delete.

Remove Episode HoldAdmin FunctionAllows the user the ability to change an episode from Hold status back to New or Open.

Undo Episode No ShowAdmin FunctionAllows the user to change an episode that was marked as No Show back to New status.