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This screen allows you to set the billing-related defaults that will be used when creating new clients for a particular laboratory.


nameClient Billing Defaults 0.5.1



The options are:

No Late Fee - No late fees will be applied.

Set Amount - VetView will place an admin-specified flat fee onto the bill as a late fee.

Invoice % - The late fee will be a percentage of the invoice total.

Set Amount + % - The late fee will include both a flat fee and a percentage of the total invoice.





The Receiving Lab Client Accounts section is used to associate a client with another laboratory for billing purposes.

Example: Clinpath staff occasionally order D-Lab tests on Clinpath accessions. In order to bill Clinpath properly, D-Lab will have to come to this screen and associate the Clinpath laboratory with a D-Lab client created to represent the laboratory. Once this is done, the D-Lab will be able to generate invoices for Clinpath like any other client.

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Client Setup Tab

The Client Setup Tab is where you define certain settings for your lab's unique clients.   This includes billing defaults, account numbers, and which client accounts are classified as being part of a receiving lab. 

Client Defaults

This section sets basic defaults for new clients.  You can change these on a client by client basis after the client is created.

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Default StateThe state for clients that are going to be considered in-state.
Default In State Price Level for New ClientsWhen a client has the default state, what their default client type will be. 
Auto Invoice: Default Auto-Invoice Setting for New ClientWhen this flag is set, new clients will be set to auto invoice
Enable Out of State Billing


When this flag is turned on, any new client not in the Default State will be considered Out of State.  This flag enables the Default Out of State Price Level for new Clients option.
Default Out of State Price Level for New ClientThe client type price set that will automatically be applied to clients who are not in the Default State.

Client Balance Age Calculation

Client balances can age Daily or Monthly.

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Late Fees

Late fees for this lab can be a set amount, a percentage of the invoice, or a set amount and the percentage combined.  You can also choose to forego late fees if desired. 

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Client Account Numbers

You can have a prefix added to your client account number.  You can enable automatic padding, or manually set a desired account number length if your organization has a standard client account number.

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Flags to auto set on Client Creation

New clients added can have certain communication flags automatically turned on.  If these are not turned on by default, the client coordinator or accession receiving will need to manually set these communication flags.  Turn these flags off by default if your lab will not be sending out the specific communication on a regular basis.

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Receiving Lab Client Accounts

Use this to associate client accounts from one lab to another lab, when another lab is performing your tests.  The lab in question must already have a client account set up in VetView as a client type of Receiving Lab.  Invoicing will go to the specified client account.   Multiple receiving lab client accounts be designated if you have multiple other labs perform your tests. 

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Setup & Admin Guides
Setup & Admin Guides

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