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General Description

This screen is used to setup questions, which are used as a master list for questions attached to various elements in VetView (e.g. tests, accessions...).

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nameQuestions Setup 0.5.1


The options are:

Text - The user is given a plain text box in which to write the answer.

List - The admin selects a Value List, which displays as a drop-down to the answerer.

Date - Gives the answerer a standard date box.

Number - The admin can select a minimum and/or maximum value.

DateTime - Just like date, but includes the time of day.




Labs Question Setup

Questions in VetView labs are intended to be answered by the submitted client, to ensure that all the information needed for the request or accession has been provided.  As of VetView 2.1, questions can be attached at the accession level, the patient level, or the individual specimen level.  This allows for mass submissions of questions on a per test basis on large cases using the API, when appropriate.

Question List

When this screen first loads, a list of all the existing questions in the system will appear.   These questions can be sorted by ID, Type, the Question (alphabetically), or the Active flag. 

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A questions can be expanded to display any related sub questions.

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Click on the text of the question to open up the Question's details window.  If you need to make any changes, you can make them on this window and then click on the Save button.

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Add New Question

Click on the New Question button to add a new question to the system.  (Please be sure to sort through the existing questions to make sure you are not making a duplicate.)  

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The Edit Question window will open.  Enter in the Question Text, and then select the type of answer you want to receive.

Answers can be in the form of a text string, a value list, a date, a number, or a date and time.

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Different types of answers may prompt additional parameters.  For example, selecting a type of Number will prompt for an optional minimum or maximum.

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For types of Value List, the next prompt will be to selected one of the pre-defined Value Lists from Value List Setup.  Allow Custom Value List Entries will permit the user answering the question to write in a text string that isn't part of the value list.  When that is not checked, the user will be forced to choose from the list.

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Text, date, and date time will not prompt for additional settings.

Add Sub Questions

Questions can contain cub questions.  Click on New Sub Question to add a sub question.  

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Multiple sub questions can be added.  These sub questions can then be re-ordered if necessary.

Sort Sub Questions

Use the Up and Down arrows to rearrange multiple sub questions.  You can also Sort Sub Questions alphabetically, or reset them.

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Merge Questions

If a duplicate question is added by mistake, it can be cleaned up by merging it with another question.  (Note that while questions can be set as inactive or merged, they cannot be deleted.)

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Click on the Merge Questions button at the top of the screen to start the merge process.

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A small window will open prompting you to select the questions you want to merge, and Select buttons will appear next to each question on the list.  Click on the Select button to choose the two questions to merge, then click on the Merge button to complete the process.   (The questions will be merged into the un-selected radio button - in the example below, Question 1 (111) was merged into Question 2 (110) such that when the process was complete, only Question 110 remained. 

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Questions on the Accession Screen

Questions appear in the Accession Tree on the accession screen at the appropriate level.  Questions are indicated with a |?| icon to the left in VetView. 

For example, an Accession Question appears at the very top of the accession tree.

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Questions can be edited on the Request screen and Accession Details screen as long as the accession is still in Working status.  Right click to access the Edit Question menu.

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Setup & Admin Guides
Setup & Admin Guides

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