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Here you can group catalog items together into pick lists such that related group of documents can be added to the patient record by single click as opposed adding one document at a time.

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To create a grouping, first create a new pick list, then create a category within the pick list and then assign catalog items to the category. Instructions on how to setup catalog items can be found under Catalog Search documentation.

To access these pick lists, go to the patient record and click on the Add Requests and Documents button. The New Request and Documents pop up is displayed.

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On this pop up check the Catalog Pick List check box to view the available pick lists.

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Expand the pick list to view the catalog items associated with it.

Clicking the + button next to the pick list will auto select all documents/requests associated with it. You can select as many pick lists as you wish. 

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Catalog Pick List

The Catalog Pick List is a concept for Request Catalogs that allows your clinician, staff, or student to add multiple tests or image requests quickly, on a single Request on the patient record.  For example, if your clinician wants to order a complete blood panel for a patient, they can go to a pick list set up for common blood tests, and order the appropriate tests from that panel without having to search for each test one at a time.  Catalog Pick Lists are also especially useful for radiology, where multiple views may be needed, but there are hundreds of options available in the catalog.  A catalog pick list can be used to narrow down to the most common selections.

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View Existing Pick List

To view the contents of an existing pick list, click on the Pick List name.  It will high light, and the categories that belong to the pick list will load.

Click on a category to view the items that belong to the pick list category.

To view the description of any specific item, mouse over the Info Dot.  The description will appear in the mouse over text.

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Edit a Pick List, Category, or Item

Double click the selected line to open the edit window.  You can modify the name or the description. 

Click on Save to apply the changes.

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Set a Pick List as Inactive

If the contents of a pick list should be temporarily disabled, for example if a service is not going to be offered during the summer months, you can turn off the Active flag on the Pick List.

This will preserve the contents of the pick list, and you can change it back to Active when the service will be offered again.

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Delete a Pick List, Category, or Item

To permanently remove a pick list, category, or item from the system, click on the Delete button on the Pick List line item. 

You will get a pop up warning asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the item.

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Once you click on the OK button, the pick list, category, or item will immediately disappear.  Deleted items, categories, and pick lists cannot be restored from the system.  If you want to add these objects back in, you will need to perform this manually or contact your IT department for assistance.

Print Pick List

You can print the Pick List to provide it to your clinical staff on paper.  This can be especially helpful for training new clinical rotation students, residents, or interns, or during the Junior Surgery classes.

Click on the Print Pick List button.  A PDF window will appear that can be sent to a local or network printer.

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Add New Pick List

Click on the New Pick List button to create a new Pick List.

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Give your new pick list a brief but clear name, and a description.

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Click on the Save button.  The new pick list will appear on the list.

Add New Pick List Category

Click on the New Category button to add a new category to the pick list.

A window will appear.  Enter in the name of the Category and an appropriate description.

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Click on the Save button.  The new category will appear in the list.

Sort Pick List Categories

For a Pick List with a large number of Categories, it is possible to change the sort order.  VetView recommends having the most common items at the top, to assist clinicians.

Select the category you want to move.  Click on the Up or Down button to adjust it.

To sort alphabetically, click on the Sort List button.

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Add New Pick List Item

Pick Lists can include items from multiple units, multiple catalogs, and multiple quantities.

Click on the New Item button to add a new pick list item.

Select the appropriate Unit, Record Group, Catalog Item, and Quantity.  Most items will only need a quantity of 1, but pick lists are designed to be flexible enough to accommodate unusual catalog setups where multiple quantities may be more appropriate.   (For example, multiple tooth extractions.)  Quantities can be further adjusted on the Request window by the clinician as well.

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Sort Pick List Items

Like the Categories, pick lists with a large number of items can be manually sorted up or down, or automatically sorted alphabetically.

Select the item item you and to move and click on the Up or Down button to adjust it.

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