Catalog Search

Catalog Search

Catalog Search Tab

The Catalog Search tab is where you can search for existing catalogs and catalog items, or create new catalogs or catalog items.   Catalog Items are the available products your clinical staff can add to a patient record.  Catalogs are groupings of the catalog items by unit or other common factors.  The settings on each catalog and the catalog's items determine the charges on the hospital order, where the document appears in the patient's record, and what steps the item will need to go through for approval.  

Catalog Item Search

At the top of the Catalog Search screen is the Catalog Item Search window.  

Search for a catalog item by name using the Label (name of the catalog item) or its description.  Or, search by unit, by the specific catalog, or by the Medical Record Category.  You can also restrict results to active items only.

Results appear in the Catalog Item List.

Catalogs by Unit

This section of the screen allows you to browse the hospital units which have Catalogs created, select a specific Catalog, and then view both the Catalog Settings and the catalog items that belong to the catalog in the Catalog Item List.

Add New Catalog

To create a new catalog, click on the Add New Catalog button.  A window will appear to fill in the settings needed to make the catalog.

UnitThe Hospital Unit to which this catalog will be assigned.  All Catalogs must belong to a single hospital unit.  However, clinicians from any unit are allowed to use catalog items from other units, whenever it is appropriate.  For catalog items that will be used by multiple units within a hospital, it may make more sense to have them assigned to a parent unit, such as a Small Animal Hospital or Large Animal Hospital.
LabelThe name of the Catalog.  This should be short and informative, such as "Behavior Documents" or "Diagnostic Lab Requests."
DescriptionMore details about the catalog items that will be included in the catalog.  This field can include additional keywords for searching, or more details about which unit is responsible for maintaining the documents and requests in the catalog.
TypeA Catalog must be specified as belonging to either Documents (internal to episode unit), Requests (external to episode unit), or a VetView Internal Lab.  Requests to external labs can be done as a regular Request. VetView Internal Lab catalog items will allow for the system to link the hospital and lab records together, providing additional features such as View Past Results on lab work to the patient records. 
Lab/Site (Internal Labs Only)A drop down menu of all existing VetView Labs from the Labs module.  
Lab Client (Internal Labs Only)A list of Lab Clients to whom all invoices for lab work performed should be issued.    This should be a single designated Lab Client, such as a Direct Charge client. 
Specimen ExistsFor lab requests, this indicates that the request should include a specimen collected from the patient.  
Send to InterfaceThis indicates that the Request will need to go to an external equipment interface in VetView (for MedQ radiology requests, for example.)  
Display URLThe hotlink for an external interface that should be included on the Patient Record.  The placeholders next to this field allow you to build the request link according to the requirements of the equipment manufacturer, including the patient number and request number when appropriate.   When this is set up appropriately the request will be sent to the device interface once it is summited in VetView.  The device will send the information back to the VetView API when the request is completed.
Portal URLThe hotlink to appropriate patient portal for the external interface.  Like the Display URL, this can include placeholders such as patient number and the request ID when appropriate.  (Note that these settings are different from the VetView Portal URL, which are handled under the Portal Setup tab in Hospital Setup.)  This allows you to view the results for imaging in the appropriate third party viewer. 
Priority FlagThis flag indicates that the catalog items within this catalog should contain the option to choose a priority - ASAP, STAT, or Routine.  Only applicable to Requests.
Active FlagWhen a catalog is being retired, this flag can be turned off.  This will disable the ability to request any of the items within the catalog until it is turned back on.  The catalog items will be preserved for historical documentation.
Workflow OptionsFor Hospital Requests, these options allow you to define what steps a tech, nurse, or clinician will need to go through as part of a workflow on a request.  Not all requests will need all options.  Each flag displays a button in the listed order on the Request screen, and the flags can be searched on the Request search screen.  For example, a unit manager has the option to search for all Requests that have been flagged as "preliminary" to process approvals in bulk.  Or a radiology transcriptionist can look for requests in Performed status, and then transcribe them one at a time, changing the status from Performed to Transcribed.   Final approval is a separate option that is defined at the catalog item level, based on the user's role.

These settings can be changed as necessary in the future by selecting the Catalog from the Catalogs by Unit, and then clicking on the pencil icon.

Select catalogs appear at the top of the Catalog Item List.

Catalog Item List

The Catalog Item List is where search results from the Catalog Item search will appear.  It is also where Catalogs and Catalog Items appear when they are selected under the Catalogs by Unit.

High level information on the Catalogs and the Catalog Items is also available in this list, such as the description, status, category/types, and any special instructions specific to the catalog item.

New Catalog item

Click on the New Catalog Item button to create a new Catalog Item.  Note that this is the final step in the process, not the first.  Before creating a new catalog item, make sure that you have:

  • The digital document (form) to be associated with the catalog item
  • The charges (products) that will be associated with the catalog item
  • The Catalog that this new item will belong to
  • Any Patient Reminders that should be associated with the catalog item
  • The Hospital Role that will approve the catalog item, if approve is required

The Catalog Item Setup screen will load.  Before the first save, this screen will be minimal and not have many of the feature links which can only be built after the item is first created.

LabelThe name of the Catalog item.  Be specific but short - this is the name as it will appear in all menus within VetView.
UnitThe unit to which this Catalog Item will belong.  This will automatically change the available Catalogs in the Catalog menu below.
CategoryThe Medical Record Category to which this catalog item will belong.  This defines where in the patient record the document or request will appear when it is added.  Additional category rules may apply, depending on your Episode Setup settings.
DescriptionThe description of the catalog item.  This can include additional keywords to help for searching when appropriate, or more details about the purpose of the catalog item.
CatalogThe specific catalog to which this catalog item will belong.  This will automatically determine the Type based on the catalog's settings.
Report OverrideFor certain documents or requests, you can choose to have a version version of the report applied instead of the system wide report defined under Report Setup.  
TypeAppears automatically when a Catalog is selected that has an associated type.  Catalog items should be matched to their catalog type.  (Certain documents and requests that are migrated over may have a type mismatch; this can be easily corrected by creating a new catalog of the appropriate type and moving the document to the correct catalog.)
StatusCatalog Items can be set to inactive if they will no longer be used.  For historical purposes, they cannot be deleted directly from VetView.  Inactive catalog items are unable to be selected from the Patient Record.
Separate RequestThis flag can be used to tell VetView to consider this catalog item as a separate request, even if it is selected at the same time as other catalog items within the same catalog.  For requests where the reports can be safely reported together, such as imaging, this flag can be left off.  For lab results, this flag should be turned on.
Requires VerificationThis flag indicates that the Document or Request must be verified by a user with the Verification role before the episode is considered sufficient, or complete, in the Medical Records Management screen.   For simple forms that do not need clinician review, this flag can be left off.
Show Draft WatermarkFor certain Verified Catalog Items, you may not want the client or RDVM to believe that the results are final.  The "draft" watermark can be applied to documents and requests until they have been verified, or until the patient has been fully discharged.    If the Catalog item should be verified but the draft watermark is not important, this can be set to Never instead.
Display TimeThis flag will automatically append a time stamp to when the document is added to the patient record.
Item Can Be Pre-OrderedNormally, a catalog item cannot be added to a patient record until the episode is open.  For certain planned procedures, it may be prudent to allow a clinician to add the Catalog Item before the episode is opened or the patient arrives, such as for reserving a time on a Request Calendar.   This flag allows a clinician to add the catalog item even when the episode is in Pre-Admission status.
DVM Required to OrderFor procedures where clinical authorization is necessary, such as surgeries, this flag will prevent a vet tech or student from adding the Catalog Item. 
Approval Required to OrderThis flag applies a lesser restriction and allows a student or vet tech to add the Catalog Item, but requires the supervising clinician to approve it before it goes to Requested status.
Spay/Neuter PatientThis flag indicates that the procedure should change the sex of the patient, according to the rules defined under the Sex Setup screen.  The sex status will not change until the request is marked as completed, and approved if necessary, and the patient is discharged. 
Special InstructionsAny instructions that the requesting student, staff, or clinician should know about before submitting the Request.  These instructions will appear on the second page of the Request Dialog Box, above the Questions.  This can be used to remind personnel about procedure protocols specific to the request. 

Once you have filled in all the information, click on the Save button to complete adding your new catalog item.  The screen will refresh and you can begin adding in additional Catalog Item Details.

Catalog Item Details

Questions (Request Catalog Items Only)

Any questions that the submitting student, staff, or clinician should answer before the Request is processed.


Any charges that should be automatically billed when this document or request is added.  

Users Roles with Verify Access (Documents Only)

Use this panel to grant authorization to certain Hospital Roles to verify documents.  You can also grant permission to these users to edit the documents, such as making minor corrections before approval.

User Roles with Edit Access (Requests Only)

Use this panel to grant authorization to certain Hospital Roles to edit Requests after they are submitted.  You can also grant permission to roles to Verify the requests upon completion, independently of edit access. 

Episode Type Parameters

You can restrict the addition of this Catalog Item to specific episode types.  For example, limiting Surgery documents to Surgery Episode types.

You can also automatically add the Catalog Item to the episode when it is created, if it will always need to be filled out.

This feature can be leveraged for auto adding charges to certain types of episodes, without necessarily adding a specific digital document.

Digital Documents

The form that will be added to the Patient Episode when this catalog item is added.  A single Catalog Item can contain multiple Digital Documents, if more than one form will needed to be completed.

Use the Up and Down arrows to sort how the Digital Documents should appear on the patient record and any printed reports.

Linked Reminder Cards

You can have a Patient Reminder automatically add to the patient record when this Catalog Item is added.  The Default Reminder Time will be added based on the settings of the Patient Reminder. 

External Procedure Codes (Requests Only)

For Requests that will be linked to external devices (such as MedQ), this is where you can enter the information that is required by the machine to process the specific request as defined by the vendor's software. 

Tests (Internal VetView Labs Only)

This section allows you to link the Test Code that is defined under VetView Labs with the Catalog Item for the lab request in Hospital.

This must be an exact match for the name of the test in Labs, or else the Request will show as an error and will need to be matched on the Labs Request screen.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

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