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The concept of Accession Priority is customizable per each lab in VetView.  This is the screen that allows adding, editing, and deactivating priorities.


namePriority Setup 0.4.1

1Add Priority ButtonLaunches the dialog box that lets the user add new or existing priority to a lab.
2DefaultWhichever priority is set as default will be the one selected when a new accession is created for that lab.
3AlertIf this is set to Y, changing the accession status to this particular priority will create an alert message (in the log and in the alerts section of the Accession Screen).
4Add Charge ButtonThis allows products to be associated with certain priorities. If one or more products are specified here, they will be automatically added to the bill when an accession is put into this particular priority status.
5Edit Priority IconLet's the user edit the above details (which can also be accomplished by double-clicking on the row).




Priority Setup Tab

This tab is where you define the Accession priority levels available for requests and accession submissions, and any charges associated with faster priority.  

You can also set the lab's standard accession fees that will be charged for all accessions (in addition to the fees for any specific tests.)

Accession Priorities

This sub tab is the accession's custom priorities.  If you have a VIP client, you can create a unique priority for them to use. 

Priorities are also available on the Accession Search screen to search by priority,  as well as sorted on the Priority column, making it easy to identify the most important accessions for a lab to perform at any given time.

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Add New Priorities

Click on the Add Priority button to create a new custom priority.  The Edit Priority window will appear.

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Show As Alert will display an alert on the accession in addition to displaying the priority.  The description is only used in some places within VetView and does not appear on the accession search screen. 

To add a new priority name, click on Add New Name.

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Select the priority you want to add an additional charge to from the list.  The Charges panel will appear on the right.

Click on Add Charge to select the product from your catalog that will be automatically applied to any accession with this priority.

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Accession Fees

This sub tab allows you to set the standard fee for all accessions performed by the lab, regardless of the additional fees charged for a higher status priority.

Fees can be a flat fee or a percentage of the total test charges.  You can also charge the fee as a specific product from Product Setup, or a combination of percentage and product fees.

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If you have VetView Hospital installed, you can exempt accession fees from Hospital Requests if desired (and only charge the the cost of the tests and priority.)


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