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This page was created for version 2.0.11 of VetView and updated for Version 4.0.2 on 7/18/2023

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How do I customize each


schedule’s roles?

VetView's scheduling system allows you to assign personnel to the day, letting you see at a glance what users are scheduled to be in the hospital for your service area each day, and in what capacity.

Because each service area's needs will be different and thus the staffing will be different, you can customize the roles for personnel to match the terminology in use by your department.  


At least one Role must be defined for your schedule to be able to leverage the Personnel feature.  If no roles are set up, then no personnel can be added to the Day or to Time Slots, only to individual appointments.  You can set up a single role at the parent unit and have that applied via Inherit from Parent to get you started.  (Existing roles will be migrated from


earlier versions of VetView when you apply the appropriate update scripts.)

Add a New Role

Click on the Add button to create a new Schedule role.



New Role Window

Add in the name of the Role, and select all of the employee types who can be assigned that role.

Add Edit Schedule RoleImage Removed


Then click on the Save button to


create the new role




Image Added

Roles on the Schedule Screen

Once a role has been added on this screen, it becomes immediately available for use on the Schedule Personnel section of the schedule screen.




How do I link a schedule role to the employee types used by the episodes and patient record?

If you want to limit the users who can be assigned to a role, you can link the role to only certain Employee Types.

For example, your Attending can be limited only to those users who are Faculty, Intern, or Resident.


If a role is limited to a single Employee Type, then that type will automatically fill in when the user is assigned to an appointment or time slot.  If a role is linked to multiple, and the user is also linked to multiple types, you will need to choose which capacity they will be on the appointment. 

For this reason, it is best if each employee only has one employee type, and also that each Schedule Role only has one type, if you are trying to automate the process as much as possible.

How do I indicate that the role can be assigned as the Attending DVM for appointments?

Clinical roles can be flagged as the Attending DVM.  If the user is set as Auto-Add to each episode, they will be added to all appointments that day and filled in as the Attending for the episode when the patient is checked in. 


Role linked to Attending DVMImage Removed



To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.


