Hospital Glossary of Terms
Cathy Allison
Hospital Glossary of Terms
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Term | Definition |
Admission | A patient's visit to the hospital. The Admission screen allows you to create a new "pre-admission" form that is separate from the patient's medical record, where the actual visit is tracked as an episode. |
Approval | Confirmation on a Document, Request, SOAP, prescription request, diagnosis, or MAR that the information is completed and has been reviewed. Approval on Documents, Requests, and Diagnosis is done via the Verification window on the patient record. |
Approve Rx | The process by which a prescription is reviewed and approved by a supervising clinician or pharmacist with the legal right to approve a a prescription. Depending on each state's laws, every prescription sent to the pharmacy may require approval. Medicines that are not prescription-only may be added directly to the patient's bill, or to the patient record via the Medication section. |
Admission | Changes an Open Episode to an Admitted Episode. Intended to be used to transition the patient from an Outpatient status to Inpatient status. This indicates the patient is being left in the care of the hospital overnight, and will not be leaving to go home with their owner that day. Admission can automatically change the episode status, add the patient to the census to charge for boarding, and modify the episode type in the background to allow for extra required documentation (such as SOAPs or Daily Fills.) |
Admitted Episode | An episode for a patient that has been Admitted. The date of admission is recorded separately from the date that the episode was opened. |
Attending DVM | The doctor who is on the episode as being the supervisor and coordinator of all other personnel on the episode, including students and techs. Services as a single point of responsibility for the patient. |
Admitting DVM | For schools where the Attending DVM overseeing the patient may be different than the one in charge of initial intake. For example, if a patient was admitted to the Emergency unit under one admitting DVM, but then transferred to a Surgery unit under the supervision of a different doctor, the attending and admitting DVMs will both be recorded on the episode. The Admitting DVM is permanent and should not be altered. |
Auto Admit | Certain Episode Types can be set to skip the outpatient / open episode phase and automatically change the patient to Admit status, or inpatient status. Useful for emergency services or any episode where the patient will be assumed to stay overnight and require boarding charges. |
Automated Event | An event that fires off without user intervention. Examples of these events: Messages queued on the communication worklist, patient reminders via email, scheduled appointment reminders via email, or even automatic printing of reports when a patient record status changes. These events are designed to minimize the amount of work an individual user most perform, but they must be set up at the hospital level or unit level to fire off automatically. |
Accounts Receivable | A record of the hospital's unpaid invoices. In VetView, the Accounts Recievable screen in the Accounting module allows you to search by specific clients, or more generally by the date of balance ages or minimum balance amounts. The list can then be printed for a permanent record, and you can process collection letters based on the specified search criteria. |
A/R Payment | A payment applied via the Accounting module to a client balance that was recorded in the Accounts Receivable tables. |
Add New Element (Patient Record) | This open, available from the Header of the episode and also the right click menu throughout, allows you to add another part of the episode instantly. This could be a TPR, a diagnosis, new medication, documents or requests, or problems (to begin the SOAP process.) By default, the personnel section will pre-load on every episode, but selecting these options from the Add Element will jump you to this section to add more people. |
Attachment | Additional files added to a document, request, episode, patient, or client. Files can be attached directly from your computer on an individual basis, or attached in bulk using the Document Uploader tool. Attachments to documents and requests can be flagged to append to the report, and will be printed after the document or request on the PDF. Images that are uploaded to a document or request using the Digital Document Element for Add Image will appear in-line as part of the printed report, not after it. |
Add Attachment | The right click option, or document element option, that opens up the document attachment window. |
Active Problem | A problem for a patient that is ongoing and either being monitored or treated. Active problems can be acute or chronic. When an acute problem has been resolved it should be marked as such. Chronic conditions should remain active and immediately available for clinicians and students to view on the patient record. |
Add New Item (Order) | This button allows you to start adding a new line item to the patient's bill. A small window will open at the bottom of the current order, to let you adjust the quantity, assign a DVM, confirm the item's price, and make other adjustments as needed, such as turning on or off associated reminders or making a comment on the line item. Click on the Save button to add the item to the bill. |
Term | Definition |
Bill Party | The client on a patient record who is responsible for paying the client orders when the episode has been discharged and the order is closed. A patient can have multiple client types, but only one can be designated as the bill party at a time for each episode. However, at the point of sale on the Cashier screen, third party payments or split payments can be applied. |
Term | Definition |
Communication Log | A panel on the patient record that shows communications that have been sent out for the patient to its owner, RDVM, and clinic. On the patient record, these communications are tied to an episode. These can also include incomplete telephone contact attempts, and automatic email contact events such as product reminders and scheduled appointment reminders. |
Closed Order | An order that has been marked as closed. Depending on your hospital's regulations and workflows, a closed order may need to be paid in full, or you can set up payment plans with the client. Until an order has been closed, changes can be safely made to the other - items can be added or removed, discounts can be applied, etc. Once an order is closed, changes can no longer be made by users with Add / Edit order privileges, but instead must be made by users with Closed Order Adjustment privileges. Additional charges for an episode can also be added to a Related Order, if the original order has been closed. |
Closed Order Adjustment | A change made to an order after it has been closed. These changes require a higher level privilege, and will be stored in the transaction tables with a unique label so that they can be collected for a report on all the changes made to closed orders. |
Cashier Screen | The final screen for accepting a payment on an order while the client is present. The Cashier screen is tied to VetView's virtual cash register system, to allow you to track payments taken, refunds given, and the balance of each cash register. VetView does not incorporate a credit card system internally, but can be used to track credit card payments taken through a third party payment system such as Touchnet or Verifone. |
Client | Any external person or business associated with patients inside the VetView system. A client may be an individual person, a business, an external lab, a clinic, an RDVM, or even departments affiliated with your hospital who will be charged directly from vendors (see Direct Charge.) Clients in VetView are separated from internal users (even when they are the same person) and associated with patients, who are tracked separately. |
Clinic | An external client in VetVIew that represents a referring hospital or other veterinarian practice. Clinics can be associated and mapped to RDVMs, so that when an RDVM is added to a new patient, the clinic will become quickly available. |
Contact | A client who is added to a patient's record as someone who can receive information regarding the patient. For patients who see multiple external animal hospitals, you can set multiple contacts of each client type, and then indicate which of the contacts is the primary. You can also use this to add additional owners to a patient, although one one can be considered the primary bill party at any given time. |
Contact Method | A method of communication for a contact. VetView accepts email addresses, physical mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers as valid contact methods. A client may have more than one contact method of each type (for example a home address and a billing address) but only one can be marked as the primary contact method at a time. |
Contacts Tab | This tab is on the Patient Record and allows you to control all the contacts associated with the patient. On this screen, you can mark a contact as a primary, add new contact methods, remove old contacts who are no longer valid, and flag the contact as being allowed to receive owner or medical record communications. |
Catalog | A selection of available documents or requests for a particular unit. This is the collection of forms, tests, or procedures that can be ordered for a patient. Document Catalogs are intended to be completed within your own unit, and Request Catalogs are intended to be ordered by other units so that your unit can complete them. Catalogs contain Catalog Items which bundle together digital documents, charges, and other information unique to the item. |
Catalog Item | A collection of digital documents, questions, and other attributes that can be added to a patient record or ordered by other units to be completed by a separate unit. A catalog item can be used to bundle together a form (digital document), charges, reminders, and even external machine interface information, for imaging or other diagnostic machines. If a catalog item has been designated as belonging to an internal VetView lab, you can associate the lab catalog number to the hospital catalog item to connect the two. Catalog items can also be restricted to specific episode types, to prevent accidentally ordering the wrong item when the description is similar. For example, a boarding charge can be restricted to an inpatient episode, or a farm visit catalog item can be restricted to a farm visit episode type. |
Cancellation (Request) | Requests in VetView can be cancelled if they are no longer needed. A specific user must have a privilege to cancel a request, and must supply a reason for the cancellation, which will be displayed on the medical record. |
Catalog Pick List | For catalog items that tend to be ordered in combination with other catalog items, such as imaging or a common accession of tests, you can build a Catalog Pick List. This pick list will allow the person who is building out the request to select multiple individual items easily, without having to look up each item one at a time. |
Term | Definition |
Digital Document | A basic "form" in VetView. These digital documents are built using Digital Document Elements which are basic form parts that have a name and a label. Digital Documents are combined with charges, reminders, questions, and episode parameters to create Catalog Items. Digital Documents form the visible part of Documents and Requests. Catalog Items of type Document are meant to be filled out by the attending unit. Catalog items of type Request are intended to be filled out by other hospital units besides the one the patient is seeing. |
Digital Document Elements | Basic form parts that can be combined to create a Digital Document. A digital document element can be customized by the administrators in charge of creating documents, and once created an element can be re-used over and over again to maintain consistency. For example, an element of type Value List can be labeled "Yes or no?" and that same element can be used on every document. |
Document | A catalog item intended to be filled out within the same hospital unit that the patient is seeing. |
Discharge | The process to indicate that a patient is ready to leave the hospital. Discharge is an episode status and the date and time of Discharge is recorded. Discharge can be set to fire off automatic communication events, close the associated episode order, and remove the patient from the census. During the Discharge process on the patient record, the clinician can also schedule a pick up or indicate that the patient should be seen for a follow up with Needs Apppointment. As of 2.0.2 we have also added the ability for a clinician to Hold On Patient List even after discharge, if there is a reason to monitor the patient's episode for a few additional days after discharge is over. |
Deficient | When an episode has not been completed to the requirements for its Episode Type. If a record group is required, then at a minimum at least one document of that record group should be added. If SOAPs are added, or outstanding documents or requests that require verification are added, these must be completed and verified. As of version 2.0.2 if any medication is administered that requires a MAR, the MAR must be completed for the episode to be considered Sufficient. Deficient episodes can be filtered by on the Patient List and also each individual patient record. |
Dispensary | A type of Pharmacy that can request, approve, and issue a prescription directly from the patient record. This is intended to be used for hospital units that are separate from the main hospital pharmacy, such as satellite hospital locations or a community practice clinic. Prescription Labels can be printed directly from the prescription request screen, so any unit that will be classed as a dispensary pharmacy should have its own label printer. Additional product setup is required to issue a dispensary prescription; this is to prevent the issuance of scheduled drugs, or prescriptions that require compounding from the main pharmacy. |
Daily Updates | Communications that can be sent to an RDVM or clinic for inpatients who are admitted for observation and will be staying at your hospital for more than one day. The Daily Updates are managed via the Communication Worklist. |
Direct Charge | Indicates that a University charge account was used. A charge account is established between the University and Vendor. When items are purchased on the account, the Vendor will invoice for payment. The account information must be captured. |
Term | Definition |
Episode Problem | A problem that was identified during an episode. Episodes problems may be resolved during the episode, merged with other problems if the symptoms turn out to have a related underlying cause, or promoted to a Master Problem for a chronic condition that will follow the patient across multiple episodes. |
Episode Type | A high level set of requirements for the various kinds of visits your hospital will see. For example, all episodes of a type Outpatient can be utilized across all units, but you may want to have different requirements for a Large Animal Outpatient and a Small Animal Outpatient, so you can set up a custom episode type. At a minimum, all episode types should have Billing and Personnel as their medical record groups, but every other category is optional. Episode Types can be linked to Appointment Types which are further customizeable at the unit level, so a Dermatology Appointment can have the standard Outpatient episode type, but be named Dermatology Outpatient on the Derm schedule for clarity. |
Episode | A visit or series of related visits for a specific reason within VetView. An episode contains all the documents, vitals, and problems identified during the visit, and is marked in VetView with Check-In time and a Discharge time. For an episode with multiple appointments, the patient should not be discharged until the final appointment has been completed. If a patient needs to transition from outpatient to inpatient status, the patient can be Admitted during the course of the episode. Episodes can also be set up to auto-admit, for emergency visits that will entail surgery and an overnight stay. If the patient needs to have a prescription refilled and will not be seen, this is considered a Bill-Only Episode and will appear on the client's accounting and the prescription tab for the patient, but not on the episode visit list. |
Episode Unit | Each episode has an Admitting Unit that is credited for the initial visit and all revenue incurred for the basic visit. If the patient has to transfer to another unit over the course of the episode, this is considered the Transfer Unit and revenue will be attributed to that unit going forward. When a service is to be performed by an external unit, this is the Request Unit and all revenue incurred by the request unit will be attributed to that unit without changing the underlying episode unit. It is crucial to ensure that the appropriate unit is listed on each episode to verify that revenue is properly accounted for, especially if your hospital uses a practice plan. |
Estimate Picklist | You can limit the availability of estimate items to a pre-generated pick list. These pre-built lists can reduce the risk of mistakes while building estimates, and allow you to group common services and products together for your client coordinators to have quick and easy access to the most frequently charged items. |
Term | Definition |
Filters | A filter is a tool available on search patients to limit the visible information on the screen. For example, on the Patient Record, the filter window is visible on the left hand side, and can be used to display episodes in certain statuses, only deficient episodes, or only specific record groups from inside each of the patient's episodes (e.g. show only Lab Results.) |
Term | Definition |
Group Patient | A flag on the Patient Record that indicates this patient represents a group (e.g. a herd or a flock) and thus may have additional tracking requirements, such as the total number of patients tested. At this point we do not allow for automated linking of sub-patients to a group patient, but that feature is planned for future versions of VetView, and in the meantime can be manually tracked using custom Digital Documents. |
Global Macro | A macro that is available to all users in the system. This is useful for hospital or unit administration to build a standardized block of text to be used across one document or all documents, which will automatically pull in patient and client information via Placeholder Text. |
Term | Definition |
Home Page | The first screen that will load when you log into VetView. Depending on your user setup, this can load as the Hospital Home Page or the Labs Home Page. You can turn on and off widgets that will appear when you log in, such that the first thing you see is a list of any pending approvals or prescriptions, patients for your unit, or your individually assigned episodes. |
Term | Definition |
Inpatient | A patient who has been Admitted to your hospital. Admitted is the formal status attributed to inpatients in VetView, but you can customize episode types and patient statuses using the term Inpatient to describe patients staying overnight. |
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Term | Definition |
Medical Record Category | A "sub folder" for documents on the patient record. Categories include several basic types that come built into the system for VetView, such as Personnel, Billing, TPRs, Diagnosis, and Medication. Other categories can be customized for your hospital. Categories are tied into hospital catalog items and also to Episode Types. Each basic episode type can have its own required medical record categories. When documents and requests (catalog items) are added to the patient record, they will automatically add in their own medical record categories if it was not already present. |
Merge Problem | For a SOAP if two problems that were originally added are confirmed to actually be the same underlying cause, you can merge the problems. A record of the merge appears on the Episode Problem List. Master problems can also be merged. Merged problems are different from problems that were resolved, or from when a problem was initially labeled as one thing but upon further observation was identified as another issue - those problems can be renamed instead. |
Master Problem List | This is the section on the patient's record to record any chronic or ongoing problems identified on the patient during a previous episode. If during the course of SOAPing a series of symptoms are narrowed down to indicate the patient has diabetes, then diabetes would be an example of a problem to be reported to the Master Problem List. Use the MPL as part of problem based medicine's best practices. |
Medication | A section on the medical record to record any non prescription items that are given to the patient over the course of an episode. Food or treats, OTC products, anti-parasitics, etc can be included in this category. For non prescription products that still require product labels, such as e-collars, you can use the Medication section to print a label suitable for client take-home. Depending on your state's laws, even OTC products may still require a prescription, so follow the guidelines established by your hospital and pharmacy department for setting up medication products. |
Medical Record Communications | These are communications that can be sent to the owner of the patient or to the RDVM / Clinic either manually, or based on certain automated events that have been defined in your hospital. For example, a copy of the Discharge statement can be mailed to the owner as soon as the patient has been discharged, or lab results can be sent to the RDVM once they have been finalized. These communications are managed on the Communication Worklist. Other types of communications in the system include Product Reminders, Appointment Reminders, and episode contacts on the patient record. |
Main Reason | The Main Reason in VetView is the primary issue or cause for a patient to be visiting your hospital. This could be an acute symptom, a planned surgery, or an annual check up with vaccinations. The main reason should be clear and concise, and can be searched from several points within the system. |
Term | Definition |
Navigation | A section within VetView that grants additional access to screens, when the user has the associated privilege. The main VetView Header bar only displays the most common screens that users access on a regular basis. All other screens are available via the Navigation window. Click on Navigation in the header bar to open this window. If the user does not have access to a screen, it will not display in this window; thus the available screens on Navigation will be different from user to user. |
Term | Definition |
Outpatient | A patient who has not yet been admitted to the hospital. Outpatient episodes are in an Open Episode status, meaning the patient has arrived at the hospital, but is presumed to be leaving within the same day and do not need to be charged for boarding. When creating episode types under Hospital Setup, any episode in which the patient is not admitted will be classed as the outpatient, or open episode. Open episodes can be transitioned to an admitted status, or inpatient type, if the patient will need to stay overnight after all. |
Open Order | An active Patient Order within VetView. Users with the appropriate privileges can add charges directly to the order. Charges may be automatically added as well based on Catalog Setup. You can also set up billing pick lists that allow users access to only a limited number of charges, based on their unit. An Open Order is required to process any charges from the Pharmacy or from external services, such as imaging equipment or lab tests. If an order is closed before all charges on an episode have been applied, you can manually open a related order on the Exception Log or on the Pharmacy Fill screen. |
Order Management Screen | The primary screen for viewing patient orders, adding new items to an order, reviewing orders, making adjustments, confirming taxes, and any other task associated with an order before it is ready to be paid by the client. Orders can be finalized on this screen, but orders can only be closed on the cashier screen. |
Owner | The type of client who is considered the person legally and financially responsible for a patient. A patient may have more than one owner, but only one can be designated the primary bill party for a patient at a time. Non-owner patient contacts, such as RDVMs, clinics, and certain types of custom businesses (groomer, boarding facility, etc) can also be associated with the patient, but these types should not be considered the primary owner. |
Term | Definition |
Problem | A symptom or issue identified in the patient, and described by the student and supervising according to problem based medicine. Problems that are specific to an episode can be considered Episode Problems, whereas problems that are chronic conditions and will follow the patient across multiple episodes should be added to the patient's Master Problem List. Problems can be resolved, merged, or if they were added by mistake, set to a deleted status. Active problems on an episode will automatically generate a new SOAP section each day on the patient record so long as the patient is not discharged. |
Prescription | A request for medicine that is either sent to your pharmacy or processed in-house as a dispensary. Prescriptions can be customized for your state's laws and your hospital's workflow, but all prescriptions require a requester, an approver, and an issuer. All prescriptions for each patient are logged on their patient record, and prescriptions for the entire hospital can be searched under Prescription Search. Prescriptions for non-dispensary pharmacies will appear in the Pharmacy Queue to be processed. |
Prescription Card | A section of the Prescription Request Screen that displays any prescriptions you have already saved. These prescriptions can be stored and then requested or approved all at once. In this manner, it is possible to easily request multiple prescriptions for a patient without having to close and reopen the window. |
Prescribing DVM | The clinician whose name will be listed on the prescription as the person who authorized the request. This user is separate from the Requestor, who may be a student, staff, or technician. It may also be different from the Approver for the prescription, if the clinician who authorized the request is not available to approve the prescription in an emergency situation. All three users are recorded permanently on the prescription. For Outside Fills (for retail pharmacies), the Prescribing DVM field also will look at the table that stores clients who are listed as RDVMs, to allow you to accurately record the veterinarian who requested the prescription outside of your hospital. |
Post Charges | For billing pick lists, the Post Charges button will apply the selected items to a patient's open order. For patients who are on the Census, the Post Charges button allows you to apply boarding chaarges and other fees to an open order, if the census is not set up to apply these automatically. Finally, on the Exception Log, the Post Charges button allows you to add the updated charge to an open order after fixing the issue that cause it to error out. |
Post Payment | The final action on the cashier screen to apply a payment to an order and thus to a client's account. Payments can be taken ahead of time as well, as a pre-payment which will be held as a client balance until the charges are applied. |
Patient | A unique animal in VetView. A patient can have many episodes, many contacts (owners, RDVMs, and clinics), and many orders, but an animal should not have more than one patient account within the system, to ensure continuity of the medical history. |
Pre-Admission | A record of a planned future visit for a patient. This screen is intended to be used to gather documentation for the patient, such as faxed information from the RDVM, schedule the appointnemt, and also create an estimate of the visit. Up until the patient has been checked in, changes can be made to the pre-admission as necessary. For example, if a patient was originally referred for one issue but their RDVM has now determined it is an unrelated underlying problem, you can cancel the appointment for the original unit and change the unit and appointment type to a different unit. A PA can support multiple appointments, for a procedure that may take several days or for a series of shots. Once a PA has been checked in, only new appointments can be added and other features on the PA screen have become locked. Further changes must take place on the Patient Record instead. |
Patient Details | This is a tab on the Patient Record that allows you to record objective information about the patient - age, alteration status, etc. This tab also lets you manually record Patient ID information such as a microchip number or the current rabies tag. (These fields can also be automatically imported from Digital Documents that use the Patient ID document element, so they do not need to be recorded more than once.) |
Pick List | A pre-built list of catalog items or billing products that can be used to quickly assemble multiple pieces of work to be done on a request or a visit. Pick lists come in Request Pick List format for use within an episode, Estimate Pick List format for use during a pre-admission, and Billing Pick List format for use while generating charges for an episode. Pick lists are also useful for limiting the available options for students, as you can prevent them from adding charges from the entire product list and limit their availability to a pre-set pick list of charges. |
Term | Definition |
Query Builder | A tool used for researchers to perform basic queries against the records inside the hospital. More sophisticated queries can be run against the database directly via SQL. For custom reports that will need to be run on a regular basis, you can also utilize Jasper reports to build a local custom report that can be accessed directly within VetView. |
Term | Definition |
Request | A Catalog Item that is intended to be sent to another service area or unit for completion. For example, if a patient is being seen by your Internal Medicine department, but will need to be anesthitized, you can fill out and submit a Request to that Anesthesia department. Request catalog items can include charges, question to be filled out by the submitting department, digital documents (forms) for the department that receives the request to fill out and verify, and also their own unique product reminders. Requests can also include submissions to Laboratory units, either via VetView labs or to external lab systems that can utilize the VetView API. |
Review | A status for certain smart objects on the medical record, such as SOAPS, Documents, or Requests. Items that are in Review status have been finished, but need to be verified by a supervising clinician or faculty member before they can be considered Complete. SOAPs can also be changed from Review status to a Revise status, if there is additional work that needs to be done. |
Revise | A status unique to SOAPs that indicate that the work that was submitted to be reviewed needs additional work by the student. |
Reject | A status for SOAPs that indicates the work was not performed adequately and should be completely redone. Reject is also a status that is available to Requests and to the pharmacy for prescriptions, for when the procedure, lab work, or product requested does not appear to be correct. For the requests and prescriptions, the Reject status requires a comment stating the reason for rejection. |
Rename Problem | For SOAPs, if a problem that was initially identified is correct but has the wrong term used to describe it, the problem can be renamed. This prevents the need to add a second problem and merge them. For example, if the client reported problem is choking, but upon observation the problem is more correctly identified as a reverse sneeze, the "choking" problem can simply be renamed. |
Resolve Problem | If an acute problem that was identified at the start of the episode has resolved by the end of the episode, the problem can be marked as Resolved. For chronic problems, instead of being resolved, it should be promoted to the Master Problem List. |
RDVM | A type of patient contact that refers to the specific DVM who sent the patient to your hospital. An RDVM is usually from an external hospital or clinic, but may also refer to a doctor from a specific unit inside your hospital, such as practice clinic that does routine vaccinations and spay/neuter and well animal exams. While a patient may have many RDVMs, only one can be considered the primary RDVM at a time. |
Related Order | Orders that are associated with one another, even if they are not necessarily associated with the same episode. For example, refills on a prescription will create a new bill-only episode in the background, but will created a related order that is associated with the first episode that the prescription was issued against. Related orders may also be opened if the original episode order was closed, but additional charges were billed against the episode after the fact. |
Receiving Unit | A unit of the hospital that is eligible to check in patients. Other units in the hospital can accept patients via transfer, or can be designated as non-receiving for the purposes of being auxiliary units, inventory units, or administrative units. Only units designated as Receiving units will appear under the drop down menu of the check in page. |
Request Questions | Questions that should be answered by the requesting unit to assist the unit performing the request in accomplishing the task. They can range from a simple acknowledgement to a full fledged form for anesthesia or surgery. Request questions can be customized for each catalog item, or set as a general option at the catalog level for all requests in that catalog. Documents ignore request questions and so they should not be used for catalog items of type Document. |
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SOAP | SOAPs are a standard part of problem based medicine. SOAP stands for Subjective Objective Assessment Plan. To add a SOAP to VetView, start by adding a problem. As long as the episode is open, and the problem has not been resolved, SOAPs will generate each day that the patient is in the hospital. Problems at the episode level can be resolved or promoted to the Master Problem List. |
Smart Object | The Patient Record in VetView is divided into Medical Record Categories. Inside these categories are Catalog Items (documents and requests) or Smart Objects, which are pre-built sections for specific purposes. Smart Objects include TPRs, Diagnosis, Medications, Personnel, and Billing. These objects cannot be added to catalog items directly, but instead are added directly to the patient record as a stand alone component. |
Save Script | The button on the Prescription Request screen that records the prescription information into a Prescription Card. Multiple prescriptions can be saved before they are formally requested or approved in a batch. |
Send Approval Pending Notice | If the clinician who is listed as the Prescribing DVM is not available for an over the shoulder approval, this will instead send a VetView Mail notification to the clinician alerting them that there is an outstanding requested prescription in their name. These requested scripts also appear on the My Pending Prescriptions widget, and depending on the hospital and user's settings, can be copied to an email or text message notification as well. |
Submit for Review | After a student has completed a SOAP or document, they can submit it for review. The supervising clinician should review the SOAP and approve it, or send it back for additional work. |
Specimen | When submitting a Lab Request, the request can be set up to require a sample to be collected from the patient and physically sent to the lab for analysis. Specimens can be restricted on the lab side, so lab requests that require a specimen should be clear what is and is not acceptable as part of the request instructions. Specimens can be stamped with a date and time as well, for accuracy of age. |
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Transfer Unit | If an episode is taken in under the scope of one service area or unit, and then needs to be changed to a different unit, the unit that the patient is changed to is the Transfer Unit. The originating unit is recorded separately from the transfer unit. Revenue for charges may be automatically applied to the transfer unit if they are added after the transfer has taken place, otherwise they will need to be manually adjusted on the patient's bill. A patient may be transferred to different units multiple times throughout the course of the visit (for example: from emergency intake, to surgery, to critical care, out to an intermediate ward.) |
Third Party Payer | For patients and clients who have an external payer who will contribute all or part of the payment toward a patient order. For example, if the owner has pet insurance who has accepted the charges, or if the owner is part of a local organization (such as a humane society) and the responsible bill party will be paying out of a separate business account as opposed to their personal account. A third party payer does not change the primary bill party for an episode, and that client will still hold the final responsibility for any outstanding charges. |
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Username | The identifier used to log into VetView, and also used throughout the system to indicate which person has been assigned to certain pieces of work. The username boxes are all "smart search" boxes that search against the strings associated with every username, including their first name and last name. |
Unit | A department or service area within a VetView Hospital. Units can have a parent-child relationship to one another, allowing you to mimic your hospital's structure inside VetView, and inherit traits from the higher level units down to the lower level ones without having to configure them separately. For example, the parent units for Large Animal Hospital could contain the child units for Farm Services. Equine services, etc. Units can be set to inactive in the event that your hospital's service areas are ever rearranged, but they cannot be deleted. The parent-child relationship between units can be changed at any time, and will impact the settings for the hospital going forward. |
User Macro | Text Fields in VetView Documents and Requests can have user macros set that allow you to store and retrieve a commonly used template for that particular field. This can be short phases for one line questions, to ensure consistency in answers and to speed up data entry, or they can be full paragraphs that contain placeholders for the patient's name and details. User Macros can be set by individuals, but can also be set at a global level with the appropriate permissions, to allow a unit to build out a set of standardized verbiage for the most commonly used documents. |
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Verification | The process by which a Document, Request, SOAP, or TPR is reviewed and confirmed to be complete and correct. Verification in VetView is "over the shoulder" - that is, a supervising clinician can review the document or item on the student's screen, and enter in the user name and password in a separate window to complete the verification process. Many documents are held on the Communication Worklist until they are verified. |
Verification Window | The window that opens on the Patient Record to allow for approval of multiple documents at once. When a user name for "over the shoulder verification" is entered, the documents will re-query to confirm what rights that user has to verify the listed documents. Documents to be verified can be toggled on and off on this window, so that only documents that have been confirmed to be complete will be marked as Verified. |
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Widget | A small tool available on the Home Screen to display the shortcuts most relevant to your workflow. The widgets contain a list of episodes, patients, prescriptions, or other items within the system, and many can be customized to display the information that is most important to each individual user upon logging into VetView in the morning. |
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VetView Wiki
Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025)