General Description
This screen is used to create, delete, and edit products that can be ordered.
Screenshot (Product Search)
Number | Name | Description |
1 | Line | The Line Number of the product. |
2 | Sequence | The Sequence Number of the product. |
3 | Unit Price | This represents the price of each unit until the the Multi-Unit-Price kicks in. |
4 | Level | The number of products that need to be billed for the Multi-Unit-Price to kick in. |
5 | Multi | The Multi Unit Price. This is the price that will be charged for each product purchased in quantity over the Level threshold. |
6 | Unit Cost | This represents the internal cost (to the lab) of a product. |
Screenshot (Product Edit)
Number | Name | Description |
1 | Category | Category of the product being setup. |
2 | Billing Description | A shortened description of the product. This description displays on the invoice. |
3 | Full Description | A description potentially longer than the Billing Description. |
4 | Product Cap List | This dropdown selects the Product Cap List. |
5 | Bill Client | If this is unchecked, the client will not be charged for the product. |
6 | Taxable | If this is unchecked, the client will not be charged tax for this product. |
7 | Units | This controls the word that is displayed after the product on the invoice. |
8 | Add Price Set Button | Click this to add a custom alternate price set entry for this product. |
9 | Price Set | The name of the Price Set. Price Sets are initially setup on the Price Level Setup Screen. |
The "Tests with this product" section lists all tests that have the current product associated with them.