This screen is used to set up questions, which are used as a master list for questions that can be added to Catalog items so that they can be ordered from clinics or VetView Hospital.
Question Setup Screen
New Question Window
Edit Question Window
Features on this Screen
New Question
Opens up the new question dialog box. Start here if you need to create a new question from scratch, instead of modifying an existing one.
Merge Questions
If two questions are ultimately asking for the same thing, you can merge them to clean up redundancies in the system.
Numerical identifier for the question in VetView.
The specific type of question. The types include:
Text - The user is given a plain text box in which to write the answer.
List - The admin selects a Value List, which displays as a drop-down to the user.
Date - Gives the user a standard date box.
Number - The admin can select a minimum and/or maximum value.
DateTime - Just like date, but includes the time of day.
This is the text of the question that will display.
New Sub-Question
Creates a subquestion which will always display under the "parent" question.
If there are sub-questions, they have an order to determine how they display on the screen.
VetView Wiki
Most recent releases of VetView: Version 4.2.5 Hotfix (Released 10/31/2024)