Job and Interface Settings
Description: This job process checks for new requests and in the queue. It also opens a port for incoming status changes and reports.
Job Settings
The job execution should be set to run every few minutes, allowing enough time in between to process any incoming results. Between two and three minutes should be sufficient for most data centers.
For best results, run this job on a dedicated API server.
The error to email address should go to a systems administrator with VetView admin privileges who is able to monitor the messages.
Port Settings
The medQ instrument should have a fixed IP address on your network, and your API server will open a port to receive these messages in the incoming IP Address section.
As communication is bidirectional, you should also confirm the IP address and the open port on your medQ instrument, and add those to the settings as well.
Additional Settings
If your hospital has multiple machines from medQ, you can designate the name of the machine that this Job and Interface controls to distinguish between them.
You can send a copy of each new request to a designated email address for monitoring.
HL7 settings should be VetView as the Sending Application and MedQRIS as the recieving application. Your facility will be your hsooital name.
Each unit in your hospital that has a catalog marked as a RIS/PACS unit will display on this list. Indicate which ones are allowed to communicate with MedQ on this list.
Required Hospital Setup
Under the Catalog Setup you must check the “Send to Interface” button and add the URL for your MedQ portal.
Only the Catalogs that have this flag turned on will display in the MedQ job interface.
Message Log
Both the incoming and outgoing messages are displayed in the Message Log.
You can filter the log by dates, or search for a message by Specimen ID.
Message Details
Click on an incoming message or outgoing message to see the HL7 data stream that was sent between the server and the instrument.