Create a Vitals Master Tables
Vital Category Master - Groups vitals on treatment sheet and/or patient Record.
Display Name
Vital Master - Defines the types of vitals available and data type.
Display Name
Value Type (Number, Value List, Text)
Number Constraints
Vital Category
Species Filter Flag
Vital Species Filter Master - If vitals are filter by species, this records the species to make available. The species record will also contain normal ranges.
Normal Minimum
Normal Maximum
Display Value
Show Range Flag
Show High Low Flag
Separate the current Hospital Episode Vitals so each value is in its own record, mapping the current field to a new Vital Master.
Create a script to automate creating a Vitals Master for the current value types, Weight, Pulse, Temp. Resp. etc.
Create a script to create a new vital record linked to the corresponding vital master if value is not null.
Create a script to remove old vital records.
Remove old result values no longer valid.