The man Vendor Details tab, once a vendor has been added, will show the primary contact information on a card at the top of the screen.
This information can then be edited as desired in the section below, if it ever changes.
You can also assign a short code to the vendor for frequent usage.
Vendor Contact Info
You can maintain multiple types of contact information for each vendor.
You can indicate which form of contact the information should be used for, if there are different contacts for different parts of procurement.
You can have as many pieces of contact information as you wish for each vendor.
Products are not associated with vendors at the vendor screen, but rather at the Product Setup screen.
Once a product has been associated with a vendor, however, the products will appear in a list on the vendor screen.
Contracts can be added and edited on this screen.
Contracts can be associated with products on the product screen.
The Up Down arrows indicate contract priority on the reordering system. If another vendor has a contract with higher priority, it will be considered for a PO first.