Add New Episode to All Patients

Add New Episode to All Patients

This feature will allow for a query of episodes based on batch criteria (range of case numbers, all matching patient name, etc.)

After the episode list is generated, the users can select some or all of them, and then go through a wizard style menu to create new episodes on the patient records.

  • Assign episode details to all episodes (Reason, Unit, Type, Admit Date, etc)

  • Copy personnel from the most recent admission on that patient (since students are generally assigned to the same patient for the duration of JSP.)

The SQL script for this function as it was used for JSP can be found athttps://drive.google.com/file/d/112FsdEOYfdmrdKPOn8UhX3ogrw2P2WH0/view?usp=sharing

After generating a matching list of patients, the user can select one or all patients to add a new episode to.

If the All button is selected, it should apply the new episode to all matching patients, not just the visible ones on the first page.

Add New Episode Wizard

This window will prompt the users for the minimum information needed to create a new episode on the patient record. (Can use the method already build in the Create Episode from Patient Record feature.)

The second page of the wizard should include a recap of the settings, and a count of the number of new episodes that will be made.

Display the spinner icon. Ideally we can also display a count of the progress.


If all episodes are successfully created, display a success message.

Error States

If there is an error creating an episode, skip that patient and then move on to the next one. Display an error count on the Processing window.


After all are completed, display a brief summary of the error states.


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