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How do I

create a new patient?

Video Demo: Navigating to the Admission Screen and Searching

If the client says that they previously created an appointment over the phone, you can find it from the Admission Search screen.  Fill in any portion of the search fields that you know, and then click the Search button.

One effective combination is searching by the patient's name, which in VetView is the Animal ID, and the client's last name.  You can also ask for other information, such as the hospital unit that they scheduled the appointment with.

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A list of all the patients that match the search terms that you ended will load below.  Click on the PA number to load the previously entered PA for the patient.

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add a new patient?

How do I find a patient who already has an appointment

?How do I create a new PA


Video Demo: How to Enter Demographics Onto an Admission

To created a new Pre-Admission form for a patient, whether the patient is new to the hospital or has visited before, cick on the New Admission button.

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How do I create

a new PA?

A blank PA Screen will load.

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From this screen, you can either find an existing patient, or start adding in the information needed to make a new patient.  

The minimum required information to make

a new

patient in VetView is an Animal ID and a Species.  Everything else can be entered after the


is created.  So if you are in an emergency situation and do not have the time to enter in the patient's details (such as age, weight, etc), you can save the patient info and move on to entering the minimum client information, which is a name and address. How do I add a patient


Click on the plus sign on the Patient Card to begin adding a new patient or finding an existing one.

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The Find/Add Patient window will load.  This screen lets you look up any existing patients, or add a new one by entering in the patient information and clicking Save.

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For example, to find a patient named Smokey whose owner's last name is Atsume, you can enter in those two pieces of information.  Any matches will be picked up and display to the right of the form, under Search Results.

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Double click on the matching patient.  You will need to verify that the rest of the information is correct - VetView will try to help you find the correct match, but if it's a common patient name and a common last name, you may need to enter the client's address or phone number to get the precise match.

Once you have double clicked or entered the minimum information and clicked Save, the PA Screen will return with the Patient Card filled out.

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Pre-Appointment Information (PAs)

VetView is designed in such a way that the Admission area is intended to hold any information that comes in prior to an actual visit.  This screen is referred to as the PA Screen.  Every appointment that is put on a schedule is automatically assigned a preadmission number, called a PA Number, so that you can find it again by looking up the patient or the client.

Getting to the Search Screen

The Admission Search screen is accessed by clicking on the Admission button at the top of any screen in VetView. 


How do I create a new patient?

If the patient has never visited your hospital before, you can create a new patient by starting with a New Admission.

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You can also start a new admission for an existing patient without looking them up first.

titleHow do I find a patient who already has an appointment?
titleNew Patient Info
titleOther Icons on the Patient Card

Info Dot:  Displays additional patient details, if they have been entered

Edit (Pencil Icon):  Allows you to make changes to the patient, such as their sex (if they have been spayed/neutered) or weight

Add Alert (Exclamation point in a triangle):  Allows you to add a new patient alert, separate from the episode alert (e.g. allergy information)


How do I link an owner to a patient?

How do I

link an owner to a patient?

Once you have added a patient to a PA, you can start filling in the client information.

Alternately, you can start with the client/owner information, and use that to find a list of patients, if the patient has visited before.  Some schools find this method preferable to avoid accidentally creating a duplicate patient.

Click on the green Plus sign to enter a new owner or find an existing one.

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The New Client window will load.  This window looks very similar to the new patient window, and like the new patient window, allows you to search for an existing client and loads potential matches along the right hand side. 

titleAvoiding Duplicate Clients

It may be easier to try looking up a client by an address or phone number, instead of a name, or using a combination of names, addresses, and phone numbers.  This will help narrow down the list of clients that match.  If no phone number or address matches, try putting in a partial address along with a last name.  This can help you avoid accidentally creating a duplicate client, if their address or phone number was not updated before.

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The minimum information needed to save a new client is the name, but we strongly recommend obtaining an address and phone number to ensure adequate billing information.

After you double click the client's name, or click on the Save button after entering new information, the Owner information will appear on the Owner Card.

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titleOther icons on the Owner Card

Info Dot: Contains additional information about the client, if it has been filled in

Edit (Pencil Icon):  Opens up a special window to add additional addresses and phone numbers for the client.

Add Alert (exclamation point in the black triangle):  Allows you to add an alert to the client, such as any special needs or VIP status

Change Owner (tan and gray rectangles):  If you need to change the owner of a patient, click on this to choose a new client from the


/edit client window.  Depending on your school's policies, you may wish to require documentation from the previous owner or an RDVM about changing ownership of a patient.    You can always associate additional clients with a patient without changing the official owner relationship.

Bill Party (gold credit card icon):  This icon indicates that this owner is also the responsible bill party.  For patients with multiple owners, you can always change which person is the responsible bill party for a patient under the Contacts tab on the PA screen.

Owner Contact (blue balloon icon):  This owner is point of contact for this patient.  You can change which client is the point of contact under the Contacts tab.

Release of Information (envelope icon):  This owner is allowed to receive any information about the patient.  You can change which owners can recieve this information under the Contacts tab.

Primary Owner (person icon):  This owner is considered the primary owner for the patient.  The first owner added to


account will always default to the primary owner.  If there are multiple owners, and the first owner added is not technically the primary owner, you can change the primary owner under the Patient Details section of the patient record.  ExpandtitleHow do I add the

RDVM and Clinic?

How do I add

an RDVM and a clinic?

How do I add an RDVM?

On the RDVM card, click on the green plus sign to load your list of existing RDVMs or to enter a new one.

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Like the Patient and Owner cards, a search form will load.   The RDVM lookup screen also includes a special list of results on the left, that contains any RDVMs that were previously linked to the client if they had


patients who visited before.

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Once an RDVM has been added, either by double clicking the links on the left or the right or by clicking on Save, the RDVM card will appear.

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titleOther Icons on the RDVM Card

Info Dot: Contains any additional details about the RDVM that are not visible on the main card

Edit (pencil icon):  Opens up the address window to adjust the address, phone, fax, and email for the RDVM.

Delete (red X):  Deletes this RDVM and allows you to add a different one.

Add Alert (black exclamation point inside a triangle): Allows you to add a client alert to the RDVM.  

Medical Contact (orange comment balloon): Indicates that the RDVM is considered the point of contact for medical questions

Release of Information (envelope icon):  Indicates that the RDVM will receive all RDVM reports that are sent via the Communication Log

Primary RDVM (gray person with a tie):  Indicates that the RDVM is considered the primary for this client

Switch RDVMs (brown and gray cards):  Allows you to switch to a different RDVM for this episode.  For patients with multiple RDVMs, the primary for each episode may be different depending on how they were referred to your clinic.

How do I know which RDVM is the primary?

Video Demo: Indicating that the Referring Veterinarian is also the Primary Veterinarian for the Patient

For patients who were referred to your hospital by multiple veterinarians, you will need to follow your hospital's policy to determine the primary RDVM. 

For example, if a patient has a regular small practice clinic for annual visits, but the Main Reason happened during the weekend and the client initially went to an emergency clinic, then both the original small practice clinic veterinarian and the emergency clinic veterinarian could be considered RDVMs. 

You can add both veterinarians and clinics, and grant a release of information for RDVM information to both.  Always follow your hospital's policy when you are in doubt!

What is the difference between an RDVM and a Clinic?

For practices that have multiple DVMs, the clinic will be the business that each RDVM works at.  For example, a Banfield location may have several DVMs on staff.  By adding both an RDVM and a Clinic to a patient, you will automatically build an association between that RDVM and the clinic for any future patients. 

How do I add a Clinic?

If a clinic did not automatically load with the selected RDVM, you can add it like any other client by clicking the plus sign on the Clinic card.

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Note that the Practice Owner may be different from the RDVM, depending on the clinic and the case.  To add a new clinic, you will only need a Business name and Address.

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Once saved, the Clinic card will appear with the business name visible.

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titleOther Icons on the Clinic Card

Info Dot: Contains any additional details about the Clinic that are not visible on the main card

Edit (pencil icon):  Opens up the address window to adjust the address, phone, fax, and email for the Clinic

Delete (red X):  Deletes this Clinic and allows you to add a different one.

Add Alert (black exclamation point inside a triangle): Allows you to add a client alert to the Clinic

Medical Contact (orange comment balloon): Indicates that the Clinic is considered the point of contact for medical questions

Release of Information (envelope icon):  Indicates that the Clinic will receive all RDVM reports that are sent via the Communication Log

Primary Clinic (building icon):  Indicates that the Clinic is considered the primary for this client

Switch Clinics (brown and gray cards):  Allows you to switch to a different Clinics for this episode.  For patients with multiple Clinics, the primary for each episode may be different depending on how they were referred to your hospital.

ExpandtitleHow do I add other


to a PA?

Video Demo: How to Add Contacts Prior to Patient Admission

If you need to add a spouse, pre-purchaser, leasee, hauler, trainer, or anyone else


the admission as


contact, you can do so even before they ever get to the hospital by using the contacts tab on the admission screen. 

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How do I add other contacts to the



How do I add additional contacts?

If a client is already in the system (such as other RDVMs/Clinics) you can add them by looking them up via the Additional Contacts list.

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Each contact also has a right click menu available, that will allow you to turn on and off the settings.

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titleWhat settings can I change on the Admission Contacts tab?

Set as Bill Party:  This feature lets you change the bill party for the episode.  This can be especially helpful for research accounts, or for cases where insurance is covering the cost of a visit.  At least one client must be the Bill Party at all times, so there is no option to remove the bill party, only set a new one.

Add/Remove Owner Communication Flag:  For a patient that has multiple owners, you can turn on and off any owner communications that are sent via the Communication Log.  Multiple owners can receive this information when appropriate. 

Add/Remove Medical Record Communication Flag:  For a patient with multiple RDVMs or clinics, you can add a release of any medical record communications, or remove them when appropriate.

Add/Remove Release of Information Flag:  Allows you to grant a release of information to an owner, RDVM, or clinic as appropriate.

Delete Contact:  Clicking on the red X next a contact name, or via the right click menu, will delete an additional contact from the record.

InfotitleHow do I know what settings to change for a contact


By default, VetView will assign your Primary Owner the release of information and Owner communications flag.  The system will assign your primary RDVM and clinic the medical records communications flag, and also release of information.

Any additional contacts will have these settings turned off by default, but they can be turned on manually if needed.  Follow your hospital's policy for when it is appropriate to add these settings, or to remove them from previous clients when a patient's ownership has been transferred.


How do I know what kind of appointment to schedule?

Video Demo: Completing the Required Information to Check a Patient In

Once you have successfully identified the patient, client, referring vet, and clinic, you will need to add in a few other pieces of information to schedule an appointment.

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How do I know what kind of appointment to schedule?

Admitting Unit:  This is the service that the animal will actually see.  (For a unit to be available in this list, it must be a "Receiving Unit" in your Hospital Setup. If a unit is missing, contact your administrator to get it added.)

Appointment Type:  These are a list of available appointments for your unit.  They can range from a standard outpatient appointment or annual visit, to a specialized appointment for surgeries or therapy.  These are defined at your hospital, and you should follow the school's policy for what kind of appointment to set each admission as.

Main Reason:  This is the primary reason the patient needs to visit your hospital.  This is a free form field, so you can write a complete sentence, or keep it to a few key words such as "seizures" or "excess drooling."  Follow your unit's policy on how to describe the main reason, as this is a searchable field and common key words can make finding episodes easy later on.

At this point, you have enough information to Save the admission and schedule an appointment. 

How do I schedule the appointment?

Click on the Schedule Appointment button.  This will take you to VetView's Schedule screen, with the selected Admitting Unit pre-loaded as a calendar.

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How do I add a Pre-Admission


Video Demo: Adding a Pre-Admission Document with RDVM records to the Admission

How do I add a Pre-Admission form?

If your school has a Document of type Pre-Admission set up, you may have a button that displays on the screen that says "Pre-Admission."  This form can be customized to include only the information that your school wants before the patient visits. 

To start filling out a pre-admission document, click on this button.   A list of all available Pre-Admission documents will load in VetView's Document Search window. 

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How do I add a Pre-Admission form?

Double click the document you want to add.  This will add a new tab to the PA screen called Pre-Admission.

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You can also add attachments to this, such as any scanned or faxed information sent from an RDVM, or the proof of Rabies/Coggins.
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titleHow do I add alerts or comments to a PA?

VetView builds an episode log as you add information onto an appointment, and/or move stuff around.  The Episode Log contains automatic information, such as added contacts or when a patient was checked in.  You can also use this to add episode alerts.

This Episode Log can be accessed by going to the Episode Log tab on the Admission screen.

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How do I add alerts or comments to a PA?

Video Demo: Adding Comments and/or Alerts onto an Episode

From the Episode Log tab, click on the Add button to open the Add Episode Comment window.

Check the Alert box to indicate that there needs to be an alert associated with the episode, not just a comment.  The Alert Type is a list of alerts defined by your hospital.  This is a "smart search" box so you can type in a keyword and then select the alert you need from a shortened list.

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Type in your comment, and click save, which will add a new entry to the log.  If the entry was identified as an alert, it will highlight the line in pink. 

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Where are these alerts displayed?

Once you have added your alert, anyone navigating to the admission screen, or later to the patient record will see the alerts. 

Like the episode log, certain alerts will display automatically.  For example, if there is an outstanding prescription that has not been filled, it will show in the Alert box and then automatically drop off when the prescription has been issued.

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What is the difference between an Episode Alert, a Patient Alert, and a Client Alert?

All three alerts can be important your hospital's processes, so it will be up to your specific policies how certain alerts are assigned.  

Patient Alerts are specific only to this patient but will be important for any future episodes.  For example, if a patient is allergic to medication.

Client Alerts are general for the client for all patients.  Clinics and RDVMs especially can have hundreds of patients associated with them, but the RDVM information may still need to be displayed on every patient's admission.  Your accounting department can also utilize client alerts for billing notices.

Episode Alerts are specific to this client and patient, for this episode only.  These alerts are also different from the Main Reason


How do I add alerts or comments to a PA?

How do I attach other documents to a PA?

How do I add an estimate?

How do I schedule an appointment?

How do I check in a patient once they have arrived?

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