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Hospital Setup Tab

The main Hospital Setup tab is where the core settings for your hospital are stored. The primary address, primary client types, patient numbers, accounting adjustment types, pharmacy billing defaults, and many other features are defined, allowed, or restricted on this tab. 

Many of these require additional setup on other tabs before they can be turned on.  When that is the case, the location for each setup will be noted.

Hospital Name and Address

This is the information that will appear by default on any report that calls in the Hospital Address.  Note that each unit can have its own address, rather than inherit one from the main hospital, so satellite locations can have an accurate address location.  When there is no inherited address, however, this is the information that will be used.

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Client Type Setup

By default, a new admission will select one client type as the Owner, the Referring doctor, and the Clinic.  You can customize Client Types under the Client Type Setup screen.  This is where you associate the custom client types with the defaults on the Admission screen.

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Client Type Setup has its own screen at Client Type Setup (including 5.0 changes).  Once created there, the client types become available to set as defaults here.  

Patient Number Setup

Each hospital has its own preferred way of handling patient case numbers.  VetView provides the option to automatically create a case number for a new patient based on this setup section, or allows you to leave the case number blank on patient creation, and manually assign the case number before the patient is checked in.

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Manual EntryThis flag allows you to save a patient without a case number assigned.  The case number MUST be entered before the patient can be checked in.  This method allows for manual control of the case numbers based on an external tracker, such as a spreadsheet.  If this box is unchecked and the case number is left empty, VetView will try to automatically assign a case number when a patient is created, based on the parameters entered below.
PrefixThis is an optional toggle. If your case numbers will use a prefix number, it can be entered here.  For example, you may wish to start all patients created in 2021 with a prefix of "21" to make it clear.  
SuffixThis optional toggle will automatically append a suffix.  This can be set to automatically reset every year as well.
LengthThe length of the patient number.  Most hospitals find six or seven digits to be sufficient, but if you work with a large volume of patients you may wish to consider 8.  This only applies to automatic creation of patient case numbers; manual case numbers can use any length so long as the case number is unique. 

Adjustment Type & Reason Defaults Setup

This section links in the various accounting settings from the Accounting Setup tab to determine the default text that will appear in the accounting systems whenever these adjustments are applied.  


Note that the actual adjustment percentages are handled under the Product Setup screens; these default comments only apply to the reasons for the changes in the transaction tables.    See the Product Setup Screen for more information.

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MarkupThe default comment for adjustments made based on product markup for all products in the system.  Defined under the Hospital Setup Accounting Tab as a Product adjustment. 
Volume DiscountThe default comment for adjustments made for volume discount for all products in the system.  Defined under the Hospital Setup Accounting Tab as a Product adjustment.
Minimum PriceThe default comment for a change in the price when a minimum price amount has been applied based on Product Setup.  Defined under Hospital Setup Accounting Tab as a Product adjustment.
Client DiscountThe text that appears in the transaction tables when a client discount adjustment has been applied.  Defined under Hospital Setup Accounting Tab as a Product adjustment.   Client Type discounts are assigned based on the client on the order, but can be overridden at the product level.
Client MarkupThe default comment for adjustments made based on client specific markups for all products in the system.  Defined under Hospital Setup Accounting Tab as a Product adjustment.   (This is different from the general Markup that applies to all products regardless of client type.)
Price IncreaseThe default comment for adjustments made due to a price increase from the time the item was added to a bill, and when an order has charges re-invoiced using the Recalculated Charges tab.  If there was a price increase, the adjustment will show in the transaction tables.   This is defined under the Accounting Tab as a Manual Price Increase.
Price DecreaseThe default comment for adjustments made due to a price decrease instead.  This is defined under the Accounting tab as a Manual Price Decreased. 

Outside Rx Fill Defaults

These settings determine the episode parameters and pharmacist who will be placed on any Fill Outside Rx (retail pharmacy) episodes.  These episodes do not appear on the default settings of the patient records, but are recorded in the background to appropriately credit revenue to your pharmacy.

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  • Unit:  Your Pharmacy unit that should be credited for revenue from Outside Rx episodes
  • The appointment type for the Bill Only episode.
  • Attending DVM:  The pharmacist who should be credited for revenue and listed on the episodes
  • Main Reason:  The episode reason that will be tracked for the pharmacy purchase, and be searchable in your Hospital Query and reports

Refill Rx - Auto Open Episode Defaults

Similar to the Fill Outside Rx options, these options determine the defaults that will be added to a new bill created when a client orders a refill for a prescription.

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  • Main Reason:  The reason that will appear on the bill only episode for this refill
  • Appointment Type:  The appoint type that will be entered on the episode
  • Episode Unit:  The unit that will be listed as responsible for this bill-only episode
  • Attending DVM:  The pharmacist who will be put as the attending DVM on this episode
  • Order Item Revenue Information:  This option will look back to the original patient order from the first fill on the prescription and use that episode unit to credit the line item revenue to that unit, as opposed to the pharmacy.  If this option is not checked, the Episode Unit listed above receives the revenue credit instead. 

Attachment Settings

These settings create the defaults on the Document Attachment Screen.  They tell VetView what NAS or SAN or other network directory should be used to store images.  Note that imaging software should have its own storage settings separate from document attachment. 

titleIT Support Recommended

Please contact your hospital's IT department, or university IT department, to ensure that the storage solution utilized for document attachment is adequate for your needs.  Document attachments may need many terabytes of space, especially if you are scanning whole medical records from RDVMs. 

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Fax Setup

These settings determine how VetView will communicate by fax.  You must have an external faxing service already set up and configured through the API, but this can be done via a standard fax service (telephone lines) or an email relay fax service.  This setting tells VetView which API setting to look for whenever a user has expressed a preference for fax communications, or when the system itself is set up to send a fax.  The UNC path is which computer on your network, or what directory on the server where VetView is installed,  handles this service. 

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Client Account Number

These are the default settings for new client account numbers.  You can choose to create a prefix if desired.  The account number length is the minimum number of digits each new account number should be.  If the next integer higher is less than this number, and account number padding is enabled, zeros will be placed in front of the account number to reach the correct number of digits.

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SOAP Setup

This section defines the cutoffs for each day's SOAPs.  Use this to set a maximum deadline for students to complete their work before a new SOAP set is created.

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Schedule Setup

These determines the "business hours" for all schedules.  Overnight and emergency shift users can override this in their personal settings to show a 24 hour schedule instead.

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Inventory Defaults (Version 3.3.X and earlier)

These settings automatically fill in inventory information on Purchase Orders, such as the inventory manager or the default charge account for the hospital.  The unit is where each new Purchase Order that is marked as complete will initially store the items on the PO in the system, until they are transferred elsewhere. Image Removed

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titleInventory Defaults have Moved

In Version 4.0 of VetView, these defaults have been moved to the Unit Setup Tab to allow for more granular control based on Inventory Area. 

Billing Defaults

These are the default settings on all orders for the hospital.

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  • Restrict Multiple Open Bills:  When this option is selected, a patient can only have one open order at a time.  Prior orders must be closed before new ones can be opened.
  • Require Reason for Deleted Order Items:  If a user deletes an item added to an order, they must include a comment with the reason for the deletion
  • Default Tax Region:  The tax region that will be applied to hospital orders by default.  Tax Regions are defined under the Product Setup screen, under the Tax Jurisdiction setup tab. Tax regions can be changed on orders for satellite locations, or if the taxes must be applied to the customer address for mail order items, based on your state's laws. 

Pharmacy Defaults

These are the general pharmacy defaults for all pharmacies in the hospital.

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  • Drug Not Listed Is External:  Automatically forces any prescription where "Drug Not Listed" is checked to become an External Prescription, which cannot be filled at the hospital.
  • Allow Rx on Deceased:  When this is checked, a prescription may be issued or refilled for a deceased patient.  May be useful for research subjects.
  • Display Dispense as Written:  For states where this is required to be listed on a prescription label by law.  Can be omitted in states where this is not required.

Episode Control Options

These options enable certain workflows and requirements for Hospital Episodes and patient records.

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  • Require Supervising Faculty for Attending Interns and Residents:  When this open is checked, a user who is classed as an Intern or a Resident must also have a clinical supervisor in their user profile.  
  • Force Transfer when Changing Attending DVM:  When this option is checked, changing the attending DVM will also force a unit transfer.  When this option is not checked, the DVM can change while the unit stays the same.
  • Default Attending DVM as the Discharge DVM:  When this option is selected, the Discharge DVM will automatically pull in the last Attending listed.  When this option is not checked, discharge DVM will load blank, and the user must manually select a DVM.
  • Don't Allow Closing Deficient Episodes:  Turn this option on to prevent a clinician from closing an episode in deficient status.  It will remain Discharged until the deficiencies are resolved, and Medical Records Management has confirmed that the physical record is complete. 

ASAQ Setup (Quebec Only)

This section defines the ASAQ defaults.  Contact Amélioration de la santé animale au Québec (ASAQ) at for this year's limits. 


Hospitals outside of Quebec should not have this option enabled. 

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Diagnosis Coding Options

This option will load the episode's receiving unit into the Diagnosis field by default.

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Billing Package Options

This option determines how many days a billing package Time of Service item has until it expires.  Note that a Billing Package itself has an expiration date for all items that is separate.

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Setup & Admin Guides
Setup & Admin Guides


To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.


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