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Master Problem List tab

Master Problem List

The Master Problem List contains a list of all the issues that have been identified over the course of a patient's visits.  For a patient that has been seen since their first visit to a veterinarian, it contains a comprehensive list of problems noted in the patient's youth with a distinct timeline visible.  For patients that were referred out from an RDVM, the problems will be listed in the order they were entered.

Master Problems are available to be included as part of the Episode Problems, if they are chronic issues that have returned.    Once they have been moved to an Episode problem, they become available for a student or clinician to SOAP against during the episode.  Master Problems are not available to SOAP directly, as this is simply a comprehensive list of all known issues over time.

Add New Problem

Click on the Add New Problem button to add a new patient problem the MPL.  

There may be a list of accepted problems set up by your hospital to choose down in a drop down menu.  Or, if your hospital allows it, you can enter in free text for the problem

Select the new problem and click on Save.

If the problem already exists on the MPL, you'll get a warning, and the option to either cancel out, or make a duplicate.

Edit Problem

If you right click on an existing problem, you will have two options:  Edit or Delete.

Editing a problem is the way to change the status of the known issue.  When a Problem is added, it is Active.  You can edit a Problem to change the status to Inactive, Resolved, or Deleted (if it was added by mistake.)  All statuses will be visible on the MPL.  When the Problem is changed to Resolved, it will also add a Date Resolved to the list.

Merge Problems

If a problem was added twice by accident, or if two symptoms turn out to have the same underlying diagnosis, you can merge the problems.

A window will open that lists all the problems.

Select the ones that you want to merge, and then select the one at the top that they will all be merged to.

Click on the Merge button to complete the process.

Problems that were merged together will appear in a drop down below the Problem that they were merged into, and the history will remain visible for the merged problems under MPL Status, Date Active, and Date Resolved.

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