Patient Record Screen

Patient Record Screen

The Patient Record in VetView is the unified location for a single patient's entire documented medical history, RDVMs and other contacts, prescription history, and demographic information.  

Patient Lookup

Patient Quick Search

Click on the Patient button at the top, or choose Patient from the Navigation window. 

If you know your patient's Case Number, you can also search at the very top of the VetView screen to jump directly to the patient record.

Patient Record Search Screen

The Patient screen will load the search window.  This allows you to find your patient by their name, their client's name, and other parameters.

The most common keyword combination to find the correct patient will be the Animal ID (e.g. the pet's name) and the client's last name, but other information such as the unit and species can be used as necessary.  

If you frequently search for patients in a single unit, or want to search only for patients with specific assigned personnel, you can click on Set Default Search to save the search preferences for future use. 

Results will appear in a list below.  Most columns on this screen can be sorted.   Patients that have been marked as deceased will have a black background.

Once you have identified the correct patient, click on the name or the case number to go to the patient medical record.

Open the Patient Record

Click on a patient name or case number to open the patient record.  Depending on your user preferences, the patient record will either load on Visit Information, or the Patient Summary tab.

Click on a link below to learn more about each section of the Patient Record.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.2.5 Hotfix (Released 10/31/2024)