This section is current for version 1.6.1
The Vitals section is where you can add in TPRs and other quantifiable information about the patient at the time of visit, or multiple times through the visit.
You can also add some qualitative information, such as appetite, and comments about appearance.
To add a new TPR, right click the Vitals header and select Add TPR.
Add in the information about the patient. For BCS, Lame, and Other, your hospital may have some guidelines regarding which scoring system is used. This help text is under the info dot
Information entered in metric will auto calculate to imperial, and vise versa. The meter's squared calculation only appears if the K constant is entered for the species.
View Past Results will display a table with previous TPRs for instant comparison across all episode history.
Quantitative data will also chart into graph form for a visual aid.
Print Vitals will load the current episode's TPRs into a report PDF which can then be printed.