This page is current as of version 1.7 and may not reflect earlier versions of VetView.
The Verification process in VetView is integrated with all Digital Documents and certain Smart Objects within the patient record.
- Documentation that is set up to automatically be sent via the Communication Log will not go out until it has been verified
- After Discharge, the patient record is considered deficient until all documents and requests that require verification have been marked as verified
The purpose of verification is a double check that the document has been completed accurately and appropriate. Because of the customization of documents and requests, the system is unable to determine if the needed information has been added to a document. The verification process ensures that a second pair of eyes reviews each document or request before it is forwarded to clients and RDVMs or the episode is formally closed.
Verification of Documents simply requires that the user be in a role that has the Verify Documents privilege for the catalog item, independent of unit. Verification of Requests requires that the user have the privilege Verify Requests, also that the individual user be a member of the unit for the request.
If you find yourself unable to verify a document or request that should be part of your review process, please contact your Unit administrator to ensure that you are in the correct hospital roles.
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