New Unit Notes Widget

Objective: To allow a unit manager to create, edit, and delete Unit Notes visible to all members of the unit


All users who are a member of the unit can add the unit to their options.

Manage Unit users can add, edit, and delete a quick rich text note. Users can attach an image to the note.

Options Pop Up

This is a multi select box that displays all the units that the logged in user is a member of.

  • Only displays units that the user is a member of

  • If a user had previously added a unit but is removed as a member, then that unit will appear as red and be cleared out automatically on the next save


Add Note Button

This button opens the Add/Edit window to allow a user with Manage Unit privileges to add text and an image.

Images will appear in line below the text.

If the Notes for multiple units exceed the size of the standard Widget, pagination should kick in.