New Unit Census Widget

Objective: A widget that displays all of a unit’s Locations, the current patients in each Location, and allows for a quick way to change the patient locations in real time

Unit Census main widget body

The columns on this should include:

  • Unit

  • Location

  • Case No (hot link)

  • Patient Name

  • Owner Name / Client (hot link)

  • Default board charges

  • Last Posted



Like the Census screen, there should be filters at the top to help someone quickly identify a specific patient.

  • Unit drop down menu on filters should ONLY be the units selected under Census Widget Settings

  • Locations should only be those associated with the units from the Census settings

  • Case No works as it does on the Census screen

Edit Location

Users should have the ability to quickly change the Location of a patient in real time. Like the Census, they can click on the pencil icon and open in line editing of the Unit and Location.

Census Widget Options

The options should include the Unit multi selected, and the flag for Admitted Only from the main census page.