Details for each line of the Patient Timeline

Episode Entries on the Patient Timeline

Initial PA Creation

  • Date / Time, Episode Number, Unit, Appt Type, Reason

  • PA icon

  • Light gray background (episode content change)

Episode Appointment added

  • Date / Time added, Episode Number, Unit and Schedule, Appt Type, Date and Time of Appointment

  • Schedule Icon

  • Light gray background

Patient Checked In / Episode Opened / Patient Admitted / Episode Discharged/ Episode Closed

  • Date Time checked in, Episode Number, Status change, Unit, Appt Type, Reason

  • Episode Icon

  • Light gray background

Episode Transferred Between Units

  • Date and time of transfer, Episode number, Status change, New Unit

  • Transfer Icon

  • Light gray background

Appointment reschedule or cancellation

  • Date Time of change, Episode number, “Appointment Change/Cancelled”, Schedule, New Appt Type (if changed), New Time (if changed) - if cancelled, stated the appt time and date of the cancelled appointment

  • Schedule icon

  • Gray background

Episode cancellation

Identical to the Episode Opened one, but uses the PA icon

  • Date Time, Episode number, Status: Cancelled, Unit, Appt Type, Reason

  • PA icon

  • Gray background

Episode components added

These should all follow the same formula:

  • Date Time, Episode Number, Component Added, name of Document or Request, Status of component where applicable, Added By User

  • Icon: Appropriate for episode component

  • Color: Gray

Use this for:

  • Documents (with document name and status)

  • Requests (with request name and status)

  • TPR

  • Diagnosis

  • SOAPs

  • Add Alert (with alert name)

  • Add Patient Reminders (with Patient Reminder name)

  • Document and Request Approval/Verification ( and other status changes)

Financial Entries on the Timeline

Estimate Added

  • Date / Time Added, Episode Number, Action (Added, Accepted, rejected, Cancelled, etc), Estimate Low, Estimate High

  • Calculator icon

  • Light green background (Financial)

Deposits taken

  • Date Time Added, Episode Number, Deposit Amount, Balance

  • Cashier (Dollar Sign) Icon

  • Light Green background (Financial)

Order Opened, Order Closed

  • Date Time Added, Episode Number, Status Change, Remaining Balance

  • Cashier Icon

  • Light Green background

Communication Entries on the Timeline

Appointment Reminders Sent

  • Date Time Sent, Episode Number, “Appointment Reminder Sent”, Appt Time, Unit, Appt Type

  • Communication Icon

  • Blue background (Communications)

Communications On Comm Log Events

  • Date Time, Episode Number, Client Name, first 10 or so words of the email or client comm log note

  • Communication Icon

  • Blue Background

Patient Reminders Sent

  • Date Time Sent, Episode Number, “Patient Reminder Sent”, Client, Reminder Name

  • Communication Icon

  • Blue background

Prescription Events on the Timeline

Prescription events should be a distinct category. They will have a pink background and display for all status changes on a prescription.

  • Date Time, Episode, Status change, Drug, Pharmacy, Approving DVM

  • Pharmacy Icon

  • Pink Background

Prescription changes that will require an entry:

  • Prescription Requested/Approved (only one if it’s done in a single step)

  • Prescription Filled / Refilled

  • Add Medication / Vaccine / OTC

  • Cancel Prescription

  • Prescription Request rejected by pharmacy

  • MAR added