Inventory Stocking Screen 4.1

Inventory Stocking Screen 4.1

This page was created for version 4.1.1 of VetView on 12-7-2023

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Inventory Stocking Screen (4.1.1)

The Inventory Stocking Screen allows for the completion of an Inventory Stocking Workflow.

Select PO Delivery or Inventory Transfer window

After the Inventory Pull has been completed, the Request becomes available in the Select PO Delivery or Transfer window. This window appears as soon as you load the Inventory Stocking screen.

From here, you can choose the Purchase Order or Inventory Pulls to stock.

A screenshot from the VetView Inventory Stocking Screen.  This is how the screen appears when it first loads, with the Select PO Delivery or Transfer window loading immediately.
Inventory Stocking Screen as it appears upon loadng

Purchase Orders have a collapsible header bar you can close to see Inventory Pulls if necessary.

Select the item from the list that you want to stock, and click on Start Stocking.

A screenshot from the VetView Inventory Stocking Screen.  This is a closer view of the Select PO Transfer or Transfer window.  The user can immediately select a PO or Pull, or use filters to narrow down the choices.  Details on each field continues in the next table.
Select PO Delivery or Transfer Window






Filter POs or Inventory Pulls by the receiving unit.

Stock Source

Filter the stocking list by PO Deliveries or Transfer Requests. You can also collapse the headers of each section to view them together.

Stocking List

A list of the stocking options that match the unit and stock source criteria.

Stocked By

The user whose name will be added to the stocking list on the Inventory Transfer Request.


The date on which this stocking list will be stored.

Start Stocking

Opens the selected item from the list to the Inventory Stocking screen.


Cancels the selected inventory stocking item.

Inventory Stocking Details

At the top of this screen is a menu bar containing buttons to save, print reports, and actions such as completing stocking or expanding the inventory details.

On this screen, Open Transfer Request loads the select transfer request in a different tab.






Saves changes to the current Inventory Stocking list. Use this if you need to pause the stocking process and will resume at a later time.

Print Stocking List

Opens the stocking list report as a PDF so it can be printed.

Print Stocking Report

Opens the Stocking Report as a PDF so it can be printed.

Complete Stocking

This button will mark the Stocking process as complete.

Open Purchase Order

Only displays on stocking events associated with a Purchase Order. Opens the original Purchase Order that was associated with this Inventory Stocking form.

Open Transfer Request

Only displays on stocking events associated with an Inventory Transfer Request. Opens the original Inventory Transfer Request that was associated with this Inventory Stocking form.

Expand Inventory Details

Displays the Lot, Serial, NDC, and manufacturer fields to be filled out (e.g. for medications or pharmacy stocking.)

Transfer Request

A link to the original Transfer Request associated with this stocking event.


The inventory location from which the PO or Inventory Transfer Request was sourced.


The inventory location where this PO or Pull should be stocked.

Pulled By

The user who originally performed an Inventory Pull associated with this stocking event.

Pull Date

The date the inventory was pulled.


Any comments sent in from the purchase order, the inventory transfer request, or the pull.

Print Stocking List

This report contains all the items that were included in the inventory pull with blanks next to the item row, to use as paper copy of the Inventory Stocking screen if you are unable to take a device with you.

Print Stocking Report

This report displays the quantities entered in the Stocked Qty fields, instead of blanks. It also includes the Transfer Request and Inventory Stocking Information as the header. Print this report once the Stocking process is complete as a final confirmation that the process occurred as described.


Inventory Stocking Form

If the Inventory Pull process was completed prior to the Inventory Stocking event, this screen will load will all the pulled quantities pre loaded into the Stocking Quantity column.

As long as the incoming quantity and the stocked quantity values are the same, these rows will display highlighted in green.

If the quantities are different, the highlight will disappear, as will the check mark on the row to indicate that stocking was not performed, or less than the amount than was received was stocked.

You can change the sub location within an Inventory Location, if it will not be stocked at the top level.

Split Stocking

If an inventory item will be stored in two different locations, you can use the menu at the end of the stocking row (or right click on the row to load the Inventory Context Menu) and choose Split Stocking to select two different sub locations.

A new window will open that allows you to modify the stocking item and choose as many different sub locations as necessary. In this example, only 100 items will fit on Shelf 1, so 27 are being put into the overflow on Shelf 2.

After clicking on the Save button on this window, the inventory items will appear split into the sub locations on the main Inventory Stocking list.

You should also verify that the Qty on Hand matches the expected values. If there are negative values or a major mismatch, you may want to consider performing an Inventory Count on the location, in case there are other mismatches.


Complete Stocking

Once all the items have been stocked and the values updated, you can click on the Complete Stocking button to mark the stocking list as completed.


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