Inventory Management in 3.3

Inventory Management in 3.3

This page was added in VetView 3.3 and updated to reflect changes in VetView 4.0 on 5/10/2023.

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Inventory Management Screen

This new screen added in VetView 3.3 allows you to view and modify inventory in an area or location all at once.

You can also search for specific items, or filter by expiration dates, lot and serial, manufacturer or NDC, and stock levels.

Once you create an inventory management list, you can print it out or adjust individual lines in the inventory.

Basic Inventory Management Search Fields

A screenshot of the top portion of the Inventory Management screen.  A list of the buttons and search fields in this section follows.
Options at the top of the Inventory Management screen

List of Buttons and Fields on the Inventory Management Screen

Field or Button


Field or Button


Save Button

Saves any changes made on this screen to the appropriate Inventory Areas.

Print List

Prints all results displayed on this page and in the rest of the list.  To print fewer items, filter them out first using More Search Options.

Expand Inventory Details

Displays the Lot,  Serial, NDC, and Manufacturer fields for each row of inventory.   Changes to Collapse Inventory Unit once clicked.

Collapse Inventory Details

Hides the Lot, Serial, NDC, and Manufacturer fields for each row of inventory.

More Search Options

Displays additional search criteria to limit results in the Inventory list.   Changes to Less Search options when clicked.

Less Search Options

Hides the additional search criteria options.

Add Product

Opens the Add Product window to add a new inventory item to an inventory area and location.

Inventory Area

A search field and drop down menu containing a list of Inventory Areas for which the current logged in user has Inventory Management rights to access.

Location Filter

A search field and drop down menu containing a list of all the inventory locations within the selected Inventory Area.

Search Button

Applies search criteria selected in the Inventory Area and Location Filter, and lists all the available Inventory Items in that location below.

Reset Search Button

Clears out the selected Inventory Area and Location.

More Search Options Button

A screenshot that contains the additional fields added when you click on More Search Options.  A list of these new fields follows.
More Search Options

List of More Search Options Fields





Product Search

Fields to enter in a product line, product sequence, and/or product description. Use this to list entire product lines or to narrow the search down to a single product.

Expiration Date

A set of date fields to search for products that expire within a range of dates.


Search for specific products by their lot number.


Search for specific products by their serial number.


Search for specific products by their National Drug Control number.


Search for specific products by their manufacturer.

Stock Levels

A series of radio buttons to search for All products , or based on whether they are In Stock, Below Min Quantity, Out of Stock, or have a Negative Quantity.

Add Product Button

The Add Product button is the same on all inventory screens. It has been pulled out into a separate page.

Add Product Button

Print List Button

Inventory Items

After searching, a list of all matching inventory items will appear in the list after the search. On smaller monitors, certain columns may be hidden temporarily to accommodate the limited monitor width.

'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' expanded
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' expanded
'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' collapsed
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' collapsed

List of Inventory List Columns





Edited (checkmark)

When an editable field is modified, this checkbox will be checked, indicating that the row has changes to be saved when the ‘Save’ button is clicked.


The Product Line Number and Sequence Number of the Inventory Item Product.


The product name of the inventory item.

An Info Dot, with additional product details, appears next to the name. (See example screenshot below).

If the Info Dot turns into a exclamation mark, the info will include a Product Alert pertaining to the selected Product. (See example screenshot below).

Inventory Area

The Inventory Area (Hospital Unit) where the inventory is located.

If the search criteria includes an Inventory Area, this column will be hidden - only the Inventory Location column will be displayed. (See example screenshot below).

If the search criteria does not include the Inventory Area, this column will be displayed, along with the Inventory Location (See example screenshot below).

Pending Qty

The quantity of Product that has been ordered on a Purchase Order, or requested on an Inventory Transfer Request, but not yet received.

Inventory Location

The Inventory Location, within the Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), where the Inventory is physically located.

PAR Levels

The Minimum Quantity and Reorder Quantity of the Product within the Inventory Location.

For each Product, these quantities are unique to each Inventory Location.


The actual quantity that this product has in the inventory area. If the total quantity among all inventory item rows is less than the establish minimum quantity, then this row will appear highlighted.


The expiration date of the inventory item on the row, if it was entered.


The Lot Number assigned to the Inventory Item.

The Lot Number can be used to find Inventory Items via many of the Inventory Management screens.


The Serial Number assigned to the Inventory Item.

The Serial Number can be used to find Inventory Items via many of the Inventory Management screens.


The NDC assigned to the Inventory Item.

The NDC can be used to find Inventory Items via many of the Inventory Management screens.


The Manufacturer of the Inventory Item.

The Manufacturer can be used to find Inventory Items via many of the Inventory Management screens.

Pancake Menu

A button that opens the Inventory Context Menu. (See example screenshot below).

Product Info Dot:

Additional information about the Inventory Item Product.

'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' Info Dot without Product Alert
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' Info Dot without Product Alert



Product Alert Info Dot:

If the Inventory Item Product has an associated Product Alert, the Info Dot will change to a yield sigh with exclamation mark.

'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' Info Dot with Product Alert
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' Info Dot with Product Alert

Inventory Area Search:

'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' - Inventory Area search
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' → Inventory Area search
  1. When the ‘Inventory Area’ search criteria is used, the ‘Inventory Area’ column will not appear in the Inventory List.

  2. Only the ‘Inventory Location’ column will appear in the Inventory List.

Non-Inventory Area Search:

'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' - non-Inventory Area search
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' → non-Inventory Area search
  1. When the ‘Inventory Area’ search criteria is not used,

  2. The ‘Inventory Area’ column will appear in the Inventory List.

  3. The ‘Inventory Location’ column will also appear in the Inventory List.

Inventory Context Menu:

The Inventory Context Menu, or Right-Click Menu, provides access to functionality that pertains to the item that is represented by the selected row.

'Inventory Management' screen - 'Inventory List' Right-click Context Inventory Menu
'Inventory Management' screen → 'Inventory List' Right-click Context Inventory Menu
  1. The menu will have all of the options available if:

  2. The User must be assigned to the Inventory Area with the ‘Inventory’ Elevated Privilege; if not,

  3. The menu will have some of the options disable.

  4. The menu is also accessible by clicking the Pancake Menu at the right end of the row.

Also refer to Inventory Context Menu.

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