Laboratory Instruments - Data Innovations
Job and Interface Settings
Description: Instrument Manager
Sends HL7 communications between VetView and the laboratory instruments with test and result information.
Job Settings
The job execution should be set to run every few minutes, allowing enough time in between to process any incoming results. Between two and three minutes should be sufficient for most data centers.
For best results, run this job on a dedicated API server.
The error to email address should go to a systems administrator with VetView admin privileges who is able to monitor the messages.
Port Settings
The Data Innovations instrument should have a fixed IP address on your network, and your API server will open a port to receive these messages.
Additional Settings
VetView supports both the native instrument manager software and Dawning (Result Net.) The incoming HL7 messages will be parsed appropriately for the selection.
Sending and receiving should be VetView, your facility, and IM (instrument manager.)
You can choose to include a specimen prefix such as S or N, and how the organism result should be included in the test results.
Message Log
Both the incoming and outgoing messages are displayed in the Message Log.
You can filter the log by dates, or search for a message by Specimen ID.
Message Details
Click on an incoming message or outgoing message to see the HL7 data stream that was sent between the server and the instrument.