Laboratory Nightly Accounting Jobs

General Overview

This job ages account balances nightly, creates/sends monthly statements and invoices, and also processes late fees monthly.

The rules applied to these are set up on a per Lab basis. 

Job Settings

Select the execution time and the server to run this job on.

VetView strongly recommends having a dedicated API server, and having a processor intensive job such as this one run during the off hours.

Required Lab Setup

Report Setup - Monthly Statements

You must have entered in Statement Reports under the Report Setup  tab in your lab.

Client Setup - Client Age Balance Calculation and Late Fees

For balances and monthly late fees, you must have sect up the Client Age Balance Calculation and choose the day of the month for it to run.  (You can also change this to a daily calculation if your accounting department prefers this.)

Choose the Late Fee types, the date that late fees are applied, and at what point an aged balance will receive a late fee.