Configure VetView Database, Mail, Authentication & other settings

Configure VetView Database, Mail, Authentication & other settings

Configuration File

To configure the web server to connect to external resource, like: Database, LDAP authentication, email server, metrics and logging, you will need to update the VetViewConfig.yml file. There is an example file below or you can find an example file included in the war after being deployed on the Tomcat server. The config file has been laid out in section that are covered below.

This file will be found at in the WEB-INF/classes folder (inside your VetView installation folder).

New Configuration Option

With VetView 2.0 the VetViewConfig.yml can now be added the to the Tomcat directory. This will allow for the configuration to be maintained between versions.

All configuration is now in the single VetViewConfig.yml file. The configuration file is broken up in section of Web Server Name, Database, Mail, Security, and Metrics. Each section is described below. ".yml" ( recursive acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language" ) files use the # symbol to comment out the line and file format and spacing is important. 

Web Server Name

With VetView 2.0 the API and Main project where merged into a single project and each Job and/or interface are assigned to run on a single web server by name. Set a unique name for each web server connected to database.


Currently VetView only supports Oracle connection, however you will see an example of connecting to a PostgreSQL database for testing and future availability. The configuration settings that need to be updated are:

  • URL: connection string.  Example of a direct connect URL:  jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:1521:<SID>
  • Username: 
  • Password:

Email Setting ( SMTP mail server )

VetView uses Java mail plugin. Grails Mail Plugin Documentation This is an example UGA's Office 365 configuration.


VetView uses Spring Security Plugin. Spring Security Documentation Currently we support local database stored authentication ( DAO ), LDAP, and JAAS. To configure which authentication provider active set the the providerNames setting. This is a list and multiple providers can be used. The plugin will check the USERNAME and password against each provider in the order listed in the providerNames list. If any provider is successful in authenticating the user is authenticated in VetView. This is used with login and in-app sign-off. 

  • providerNames: [ 'daoAuthenticationProvider', 'ldapAuthProvider' ] this is an example where it will check both local and LDAP. Local first then LDAP.

The example below has an example for LDAP settings but disabled.


VetView has included a Elastic Search plugin able to send metrics. Micrometer Documentation This is an optional configuration if you have a local elastic installation or if you want to send metric to VetView directly in the future. VetVeiw's elastic search is currently not accessible due to firewall restriction and we are working with central campus IT to making this public.


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