Hospital Transfer History Tab

This page was made for VetView 3.3 on May 5, 2023 and has been updated to reflect changes in VetView 4.2 on 4/25/2024.

Transfer History Tab

This tab allows you to search for transfers of products that have been performed from one inventory area to the other in a specified date range.

You can also choose transfers from a specific inventory area, to a different specific inventory area.

In VetView 4.0 and later, transfer will always display in Sales units since stock units may change depending on the current supplier’s packing methods.

Like the other tabs on this screen, this tab has two sections: Selection Criteria and Search Results.

A screenshot of the VetView Hospital Inventory Search Transfer History Tab.  The Search Criteria section at the top has been highlighted in one outline, and the Search Results section at the bottom has been highlighted with a second outline.
Inventory Search Transfer History Tab

Search Criteria

On this tab you can search by the request number, the product, the dates it was created, and the inventory area.

A screenshot of the VetView Hospital Inventory Search Transfer History Tab.  This image shows the Search Criteria in closer detail.  A list of each field and its description follows in the section below.
Hospital Transfer History Search Criteria

List of Search Criteria Controls

Field or Button


Field or Button


Request Number

Search for a specific Transfer Request by its number.

Product Line Sequence Description

Search for all Transfer Requests that contain a specific product.

Requested Date

Two date fields. The first date field will default to the first day of the current month. You can search for any transfers made after the first date, or narrow it down to a start date and end date.

Source Area

Search for transfers based on the inventory areas. The Source area looks for Transfers based on where the inventory items were pulled from.

Destination Area

Search for transfers based on the Destination area, or where they were transferred to and ultimately stocked.

Search Button

Applies the selected Search Criteria to the search results. The results will display in a list in the Search Results section.

Reset Button

Clears out all the search fields, except for the Requested Date, which will reset back to the start date of the first of the current month.

Search Results

Once the Search button is pressed, the Search Results will appear in the section on the bottom of the screen.

Lines display the transfer request for individual products on that request.

List of Search Results Buttons and Columns

Button or Column Name


Button or Column Name


Print List

Opens the PDF window for the Inventory Transfer History Report. The report has the same columns and layout as this screen.

Request No

The request number for the specific transfer request. This number displays as a link to go directly to the transfer request itself.

Requested Date

The date that the inventory transfer request was formally requested.

Line Seq

The line and sequence of the product number on this request.


The product name / description for this row of results. Since transfer requests can be partially filled, each product displays as its own row in results. An info dot displays additional product details on mouseover.

Source Area

The inventory area that is marked as the Source on this specific inventory request row.

Destination Area

The inventory area that was the destination on this specific inventory request row.


The quantity requested for this product.


The amount received for this product. If the requested was fulfilled with two different quantities from two different sources, it may appear on two separate lines.

Received Date

The specific date that this quantity of product was received at the destination inventory area.

Print List Button

The Print List Button opens the Inventory Transfer History PDF. The layout and columns on this report are identical to the Search Results section on this screen. It will open in your browser’s default PDF reader.