Hospital Inventory Counts Tab

Hospital Inventory Counts Tab

This page was created for VetView 3.3 and updated for VetView Version 4.2 on 4/25/2024.

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Inventory Counts Tab

The Inventory Count tab on Inventory Search allows you to search based on the inclusion of specific products, inventory areas, dates, and status. 

Like the other tabs on this screen, the Inventory Counts tab has two sections: Search Criteria and Search Results.

A screenshot from the VetView Hospital Inventory Counts tab.  This image shows the Search Criteria section at the top outlined, and the Search Results section at the bottom with a second outline.
Inventory Counts Tab

Search Criteria

At the top of the screen is Search Criteria. You can search by the inventory areas and locations, the counted dates, the user who performed the counts, the status, and by specific attributes on Inventory items themselves.

Search criteria can be used together to filter results.

A screenshot from the VetView Hospital Inventory Counts tab. This image shows the Search Criteria section in closer detail.  A list of fields and their descriptions is in the section that follows.
Inventory Counts Search Criteria

List of Fields and Controls in the Search Criteria Section

Field or Control


Field or Control


Product Search (Line, Sequence, Description)

Search for inventory counts containing the product using its known line and sequence, or search by looking up a description by keyword. Searching by Product will display all inventory counts that contain that product.

Inventory Area

Searches for inventory counts by the inventory area.

Location Filter

Searches for the inventory counts in a specific area with its location filter to narrow down the results.

Counted Date Range

Searches for all inventory counts within a given date range. The search start date will default to the first date of the current month. If both fields are left blank, it will ignore the dates of the count and search only on the other criteria.

Counted By

Searches for inventory counts assigned to a specific user.


Searches for inventory counts with the chosen statuses. The options are Working or Complete. If both flags are chosen, it will search for inventory counts regardless of status.

Lot Number

Searches for inventory counts containing the lot number of a specific product.

Serial Number

Searches for inventory counts containing the serial number of a specific product.

NDC Number

Searches for inventory counts containing pharmacy products with a specific National Drug Control number.


Searches for inventory counts containing products from a specific manufacturer.

Search Button

Clicking on this button will perform the search with the selected Search Criteria.

Reset Search Button

Clicking on this button will clear out all the search criteria, and reset the Counted Date start date to the first of the current month.

Search Results

After clicking on the Search Button, the Search Results will display in the section at the bottom of the screen.

Each product contained in the Inventory Count will display on its own line. This allows you to search for all inventory counts containing a specific product.

On smaller screens, the results will load in a collapsed state with lot, serial, and NDC hidden. Click on Expand Inventory Details to view these attributes on the counted items.

A screenshot from the VetView Hospital Inventory Counts tab. A list of the buttons and columns in this section follows.
Inventory Counts Search Results

List of Buttons and Columns in the Search Results Section

Button or Column


Button or Column


Print List Button

Opens the window for the Inventory Count Report PDF.

Expand Inventory Details

Displays the Lot, Serial, NDC, and Manufacturer columns that are hidden by default on smaller screens.

Collapse Inventory Details

Hides the Lot, Serial, NDC, and Manufacturer columns.


The date that the Inventory Count was performed.

Counted By

The user to which the Inventory Count was assigned.

Line Seq

The line and sequence number of the product on this row.


The name/description of the product on this row.

Inventory Area

The inventory area against which this inventory count was performed.

Inventory Location

The inventory location against which this inventory count was performed.


The status of the Inventory Count. The only statuses for these are Working or Complete.


The expected quantity of this product on the Inventory Count.

Count Quantity

The actual counted quantity of the product.


The expiration date for this product, if one was entered.


The lot number for this product, if one was entered.


The serial number for this product, if one was entered.


The National Drug Control number for this product, if one was entered.


The manufacturer for this product, if one was entered.

Print List Button

This button opens up the PDF report for the Inventory Counts screen.

A screenshot of the Inventory Counts Report.  The columns on this report are identical to the columns on the Search Results described earlier on this page.
Inventory Counts Report


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