Database Changes to support Hospital Portal Referrals

1. Add a flag to the Hospital Web Portal user account table for Hospital Referrals.

This will allow the Portal to know whether or not to display the Referrals tab. The look and feel should be identical to Submit Requests flag on the Lab Web Portal Account screen.

2. Portal Referral Documents

The choice for each of these options will be left to the discretion of the developers.

Option 1: New table to support the Hospital Portal Referral Setup Tab

This will store all the units, the Include Child Units flag, the Catalog Items (displayed as Documents on the screen), and the Contact emails addresses.

Option 2: Incorporate the settings into the existing Hospital Unit and Catalog Item tables

This would allow the Portal Referral setup tab to act as a View instead, pulling the linked data from the respective tables and displaying them as a cohesive whole.

3. New Referral Status on Admission Search and Episode Status

Consult status already exists in the database. The only new status will be Referral.