Changes to the Admission Search Screen and Admission Screen

Objective: Allow a client coordinator to search for Referrals and Consults from the Hospital Admission Search screen, and to change the status of a Consult or Referral to a standard Pre-Admission.

New Episode Status: Portal Referral

A portal referral will create a PA / episode in the same pre-episode status as a Consult.

Portal Referral on the Admission Search Screen

Add it to the drop down menu to allow it to be a uniquely searchable option.

Consult already exists.


Portal Referral as it should appear on the Pre-Admission Screen

This screen will be nearly identical to the current Consult version of the PA screen.

Key Points

  • Status should appear as “Portal Referral”

  • The Pre-Admission document will have already been filled out by the RDVM on the portal, and the answers will display here for the client coordinator to review.

  • Patient, Owner, RDVM, and Clinic information should already be mostly filled out

  • Unit will be selected, but can be changed by the Client Coordinator if needed

  • Main Reason will be provided by the RDVM as a comment for the primary reason of referral.

  • Convert to PA: If this patient will be accepted as a referral, the Client Coordinator can change it to a standard PA and begin the admission process, assigning an episode type, scheduling it with the owner, etc.

Episode Log

Add the following events to the Episode Log on the PA screen:

“Episode Created as Portal Referral” or “Created as Consult” as the Episode Created line

“Converted to Pre-Admission” as an event when the Client Coordinator clicks the Convert to PA button, to record that the status has changed from Portal Referral