How do I customize the patient list?

This page describes functionality that does not exist in the current version of VetView.

Add, Remove, or Rearrange columns

To customize the columns on the patient list, right click on the column you want to remove on the header row and choose Remove Column.

The column will then disappear from the page.  You can always add it back later by finding it again under the Add Column menu.

You can rearrange the columns by clicking on the column name and choosing Move Left or Move Right.

Add or Remove Groups

You can remove groups by right clicking on the row that contains any group name, and choosing Remove Group.  You can add any groups back by choosing the group from Add Group.

Click on the Save button to save your changes.  This will allow the patient list to load as you saved it the next time you log into VetView. 

Go back to the Proposed Patient List Changes