How do I know what kind of appointment to schedule?

How do I know what kind of appointment to schedule?

Video Demo: Completing the Required Information to Check a Patient In

Once you have successfully identified the patient, client, referring vet, and clinic, you will need to add in a few other pieces of information to schedule an appointment.

Admitting Unit:  This is the service that the animal will actually see.  (For a unit to be available in this list, it must be a "Receiving Unit" in your Hospital Setup. If a unit is missing, contact your administrator to get it added.)

Appointment Type:  These are a list of available appointments for your unit.  They can range from a standard outpatient appointment or annual visit, to a specialized appointment for surgeries or therapy.  These are defined at your hospital, and you should follow the school's policy for what kind of appointment to set each admission as.

Main Reason:  This is the primary reason the patient needs to visit your hospital.  This is a free form field, so you can write a complete sentence, or keep it to a few key words such as "seizures" or "excess drooling."  Follow your unit's policy on how to describe the main reason, as this is a searchable field and common key words can make finding episodes easy later on.

At this point, you have enough information to Save the admission and schedule an appointment. 

How do I schedule the appointment?

Click on the Schedule Appointment button.  This will take you to VetView's Schedule screen, with the selected Admitting Unit pre-loaded as a calendar.

The appointment will appear on the left panel as an Active Appointment, and from there it can be dragged to the appropriate spot on the calendar.

Depending on how your hospital has named your appointments and their open time slots, it may be a matter of matching the two.  If you do not have an open time slot that matches  on the client's requested day, you can use the "Find Next Open Appointment" tool to look forward to the next day, week, or even month for a matching time slot.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.
