How can I stop a test result from printing?

How can I stop a test result from printing?

Whether or not a rest or result prints is set at the Result level on the test in Test Setup. You can see what the behavior is for each result by hovering over the printer icon displayed at the end of the result.

If the icon has a green gear, it is defaulted to print in the style that displays.  In the example below, the Comment result will print as a paragraph of text.

To change the behavior of how results print on an accession, you can adjust the Printer Defaults from the rest result defaults to only print Finalized, or to not print any results at all.

Then if a test result was not completed, set the status as Not Done. 

If you set the Printing option to Only Finalized, this will block the non-finalized results from printing.   In this example, the Comments will not print. 

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Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)


For more information on common terms used in VetView, please visit the Labs Glossary.
