About Inventory Transfer Request Status

The Status of a Inventory Transfer Request indicates where it is in the Transfer Process; and, it dictates what functionality is available in the Inventory Transfer Process.

  • Following is a list of the 6 Inventory Transfer Request Statuses:








  • This is the initial Status of a Inventory Transfer Request.

  • 'New' Inventory Transfer Requests are created via the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen.

  • The Status of the Inventory Transfer Request will remain in this Status until the Inventory Transfer Request is Submitted by clicking the 'Submit' button on the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen.

  • Inventory Transfer Request Items can be added or deleted from the Inventory Transfer Request while it is in the 'New' Status.

  • Refer to:

    • .


  • When all Inventory Transfer Request Items are ‘Received’ and/or partially ‘Canceled’, the Inventory Transfer Request Status transitions to ‘Received’.

  • After the Inventory Transfer Request reaches this Status it is not editable.

  • Refer to:


  • When the Inventory Transfer Request is Submitted, the Status transitions to 'Submitted'.

  • When the 'Submit' button is clicked, the Status of the Inventory Transfer Request, and Inventory Transfer Request Items, will be updated from 'New', to 'Submitted'.

  • This step can not be undone.

  • The number of Requested Inventory Transfer Request Items must be greater than zero; AND, the 'Requested Quantity' for all Inventory Transfer Request Items must be greater than zero.

  • Submitted Inventory Transfer Request Items can be Transferred using the 'Inventory Pull' screen.

  • Refer to:


  • When the number of ‘Transferred' Inventory Transfer Request Items is greater than the number of 'Received’ and 'Returned' Inventory Transfer Request Items, the Status of the Inventory Transfer Request will be 'Transferred'.

  • The number of 'Cancelled' Inventory Transfer Request Items must be less than the number of 'Requested' Inventory Transfer Request Items.

  • Refer to: