Inventory Transfer Process

Inventory Transfer Process


  • Provides the ability to move Inventory from one Hospital Unit (Inventory Area) to another, while tracking the Inventory from the time it is received into Inventory, until it is used, sold, or disposed.

 Features of the Inventory Transfer Process ...

Inventory Transfer Request Search screen

  • Provides the ability to search, view, add, and delete Inventory Transfer Requests.
    • Search for Inventory Transfer Requests and Inventory Transfer Request Items.
    • View and Edit Inventory Transfer Requests
    • Create a new Inventory Transfer Request
    • Transfer Inventory
    • View and print the 'Inventory Transfer Request Items' reports
    • Cancel and Delete Inventory Transfer Requests

Inventory Transfer Request Items report

  • Provides the ability to view and print a list of inventory items that have been requested on Inventory Transfer Requests matching the search criteria provided on the 'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen.

    • Displays the list of items Ordered for each unique combination of Source and Destination Inventory Area.
      • Source and Destination Inventory Areas
      • Product Number and Name
      • Stock Units
      • Quantities in Stock Units:
        • Ordered
        • On Hand
        • Shipped
    • Provides a place to write in the:
      • Expiration Date, of the lot pulled
        • Lot Number
        • Quantity Pulled

Inventory Transfer Request screen

  • Provides the ability to view, create, and edit Inventory Transfer Requests.

  • The Inventory Transfer Request is the starting point of the Inventory Transfer Process, and this screen provides the ability to create them.
  • New requests can be created, or existing requests can be viewed, and modified using this screen.
  • Access to this screen is provided by the 'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen.

Features of the Inventory Transfer Request:

  • Request Number - A system-generated sequential number that is assigned to each Inventory Transfer Request when it is submitted.
  • Shipment Number - A system-generated sequential number that is assigned to each Inventory Transfer when it is shipped.
  • Source and Destination Area - Inventory is transferred from the source, into the destination Inventory Areas (Hospital Units).
  • Destination Location - The physical location, within the Destination Inventory Area, where the inventory will be stored.  The location is prepopulated based on the desired location that has been established by:
    • Previous Transfers,
    • The default location setup for the Inventory Area; or,
    • The default location of the requested Product.
    • The location can be changed when the items are requested, and when they are received.
  • Status - As the Inventory Transfer Request is processed, the status of the request, and requested items, will be updated to indicate where they are in the Transfer Process
  • Date Needed - A searchable field that can be used to prioritize the fulfillment of the requests.
  • Show Zero Available - A filter that can be used to show the instances of inventory with zero quantity available.  If an instance of inventory with zero quantity available is used as the source, the quantity will be updated with a negative quantity.
  • Inventory Transfer Request Items:
    • Requested UnitsBased on the S:St Ratios and Stock Units of the available inventory, the user has the ability to request inventory by the Sales Unit, or by a combination of S:St Ratios and Stock Units.  The selected Request Units will determine the basis of the Inventory Transfer Request Item Quantities.
    • Ordered Quantity - The quantity of a product that was Ordered.
    • Shipped Quantity - The quantity of the product that was shipped.
    • Overshipped Quantity - When a product is shipped, and the Shipped Quantity is greater than the Ordered Quantity.  This scenario can occur when the Requested Units is unavailable when it ships, requiring the Source Inventory Area to ship a quantity greater than that which was Ordered.
    • Cancelled Quantity - When the transfer is processed, some, or all, of the Ordered Quantity can be Cancelled.
    • Backordered Quantity - If there is insufficient inventory to fulfill the Inventory Transfer Request Item, the quantity not Shipped or Cancelled, is considered to be Backordered.  When the inventory becomes available, the Backordered quantity can be Shipped or Cancelled in order to complete the Inventory Transfer Request Item.  An Inventory Transfer Request Item can not have a Backordered Quantity and an Overshipped Quantity - they are mutually exclusive.
    • Received Quantity - The Shipped and Overshipped Quantities that were Received by the Destination Inventory Area.  The Received Quantity can not exceed the Shipped and Overshipped Quantities.  If the Received Quantity is greater than the Shipped and Overshipped Quantities, the additional quantity is considered to be 'Excess Quantity'.
    • Returned Quantity - When a shipment is received, if any of the inventory is damage, or no longer needed, it can be returned to the Source Inventory Area.  Returned inventory must be processed by the Source Inventory Area using an adjustment that further specifying its disposition.
    • Missing Quantity - When a shipment is received, if any of the Shipped inventory was not delivered, it is considered to be Missing.  Missing inventory must be processed by the Source Inventory Area, using an adjustment that further specifying its disposition.
    • Excess Quantity - When a shipment is received, and the Received Quantity is greater than the Shipped and Overshipped Quantities.  If Excess inventory is received, it can be kept, or returned.  Excess inventory must be processed by the Source Inventory Area using an adjustment that further specifying its disposition.
  • Inventory:
    • Location - The physical location, within the Destination Inventory Area, into which the inventory will be received.
    • Available Quantity - The quantity of the requested product, that exists in inventory for the Source Inventory Area - expressed in Requested Units.

Inventory Transfer Request Picklist dialog

  • Provides the ability to create an Inventory Transfer Request by selecting items from a predefined list of products.

Inventory Transfer Request report

  • Provides the ability to view and print an Inventory Transfer Request.

Inventory Transfer screen

  • Provides the ability to view Inventory Transfer Requests, fulfill inventory Transfer Requests by Ordering, Backordering, and Cancelling Inventory Transfer Requested Items; and, adjust Inventory Transfer Shipments that were received with 'Excess', 'Returned' or 'Missing' inventory.
  • The second step in the Inventory Transfer Process, is the Shipment, which is facilitated by this screen.
  • Inventory Transfer Request Items are searched using a variety of information associated with the Inventory Transfer Request, Inventory Transfer Shipment, and Inventory Transfer Request Item.
  • Inventory Transfer Request Items can be shipped using this screen, or the 'Inventory Transfer' form.
  • For reference, when a group of Inventory Transfer Request Items is shipped, a 'Shipment Number' is generated.
  • This screen cannot be used to adjust inventory that was Shipped and 'Returned', or 'Missing'; and, 'Excess' inventory that was Received but not Shipped.  The 'Inventory Transfer' form must be used to make adjustments.

Inventory Transfer form

  • Provides the ability to:

    • View Inventory Transfer Requests,

    • Fulfill Inventory Transfer Request Items by 'Shipping', 'Backordering', and 'Cancelling' them; and,

    • Adjust shipped Inventory Transfer Request Items that were received with 'Returned', 'Missing', or 'Excess' quantities.

  • Features of the Inventory Transfer form:

    • The second step in the Inventory Transfer Process, is the Shipment, which is facilitated by this form.
    • This form is accessed from the 'Inventory Transfer' screen, after a set of Inventory Transfer Request Items are searched.
    • Inventory Transfer Request Items can be fulfilled using this form, or the 'Inventory Transfer' screen.
    • For reference, when a set of Inventory Transfer Request Items is shipped, a 'Shipment Number' is generated.
    • This form is also used to adjust Inventory Transfer Request Items that were shipped and 'Returned', or 'Missing'; and, 'Excess' inventory that was received but not shipped.

Shopping List report

  • Provides the ability to view and print a list of Inventory Transfer Request Items that have been ordered on Inventory Transfer Requests matching the search criteria provided on the 'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen.  Only Inventory Transfer Request Items that have been 'Saved' - not 'Posted', will be displayed.
  • Features of the Shopping List report:
    • Displays the list of Inventory Transfer Request Items that were ordered for each unique combination of Source and Destination Inventory Area.
    • Items are sorted by Product Number so that the report can be used to pull inventory from storage. 
      • Source and Destination Inventory Areas
      • VetView Product Number and Name
      • Vendor's Catalog Number and Name
      • Request Number
      • Sales and Stock Units
      • S:St Ratio
      • Quantities in Stock Units:
        • On Hand
        • Ship
    • Provides a place to write in the:
      • Quantity Pulled
      • Quantity Remaining

Inventory Transfer Receiving screen

  • Provides the ability to Receive inventory that has been Shipped using the Inventory Transfer screen.

  • Features of the Inventory Transfer Receiving screen:
    • Product SearchSearch for Inventory Transfer Request Items by:
      • Request Number
      • Shipment Number
      • Source and Destination Inventory Area
      • Inventory Transfer Request Status
      • Inventory Transfer Request Item Status
      • Product Number and Name
      • Ordered, Needed By, and Shipped Dates
      • Tags
    • Inventory Transfer Request Items:
      • Quick Entry - A way to quickly enter the product number, or barcode, and quantities received and returned.
      • Product Number and Name
      • Sales and Stock Units
      • S:St Ratio
      • Status
      • Quantities:
        • Ordered
        • Shipped
        • Overshipped
        • Cancelled
        • Backordered
        • Received
        • Returned
        • Missing
        • Excess
    • Received Inventory Breakdown:
      • To fulfill an Inventory Transfer Request Item, when several different lots of the product may have been used.  These are listed separately for each lot, in order to identify the physical inventory that was received; and, if required, to be returned.
      • Location
      • Received and Returned Quantity

Inventory Transfer Receiving form

  • Provides the ability to receive inventory that has been shipped using the Inventory Transfer screen.  This form provides an easier way to work through the Inventory Transfer Request Items that have been listed on the Inventory Transfer Receiving screen.

  • Features of the Inventory Transfer Receiving form:
    • Inventory Transfer Request Items:
      • Quick Entry - A way to quickly enter the product number, or barcode, and quantities received and returned.
      • Product Number and Name
      • Sales and Stock Units
      • S:St Ratio
      • Status
      • Quantities:
        • Ordered
        • Shipped
        • Overshipped
        • Cancelled
        • Backordered
        • Received
        • Returned
        • Missing
        • Excess
    • Received Inventory Breakdown:
      • To fulfill an Inventory Transfer Request Item, several different lots of the product may have been shipped.  Each lot is listed separately for each Inventory Transfer Request Item in order to identify the physical inventory that was Received; and, if required, to be Returned.
      • Location
      • Received and Returned Quantity

Inventory Transfer Accounting screen

  • The ability to view Inventory Transfer Accounting transactions.

     Features of the Inventory Transfer Accounting screen ...

Inventory Transfer History screen

  • Provides the ability to view the history of the transfers for a selected product, and the Source and Destination Inventory Areas.


Following is a list of definitions pertaining to the Inventory Transfer Process.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.

Process Flow

The following diagram depicts the high-level Inventory Process Flow.

Inventory Transfer Statuses

  • The following table and flow diagram describe how the Status of the Inventory Transfer Request Items, Inventory Transfer Requests, and Inventory Transfer Shipments are determined.

Status Matrix

This table defines how the statuses are determined for the Inventory Transfer Requests, Inventory Transfer Request Items, Inventory Transfer Shipments, Purchase Orders, and Purchase Order Items, based on Quantities, or Number of Items (number of rows), of Ordered (O), Overshipped (V)Shipped (S), Canceled (C), Backordered (B), Excess (E)Received (R), Returned (U), and Missing (M) Quantities or Number of Items (Rows) on the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen, 'Inventory Transfer' screen and form, and 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen and form, 'Purchase Order Details' screen, and 'Purchase Order Receiving' screen.

Refer to the 'Inventory Transfer Request, Shipment, and Item Status - Logic Flow Diagram'.


Quantities or Number of Rows











= 0

'New' is the initial state of each Inventory Transfer Request and Request Item until the 'Submit' button is clicked.
When the 'Submit' button is clicked, the following rules should be applied to each Inventory Transfer Request and Request Item to determine its Status:



> 0

= 0

= 0

= 0

= 0

= 0

= 0

= 0

= 0(O)rdered

> 0 AND

= (S + C + B)

> 0

> 0 AND

= (O - C - B)

= 0 OR

= (O - S - B)

= 0 OR

= (O - S - C)

= 0= 0= 0= 0O(V)ershipped


> 0 AND

= (S + C + B)

 = 0

> 0 AND

= (O - C - B)

= 0 OR

= (O - S - B)

= 0 OR

= (O - S - C)

= 0

= 0

= 0

= 0


> 0 AND

= (C)

= 0= 0

> 0 AND

= (O)

= 0= 0= 0= 0= 0(C)anceled

> 0 AND

= sum(R, C, B)

= 0

= 0 OR

= sum(O, S)

- sum(C, B, R)

= 0 OR

= (O - B - R)

> 0 AND

= (O - C - R)

= 0

= 0 OR

= (O - C - B)

= 0= 0(B)ackordered

= 0 OR

= (R + C + B - V)

 = 0 OR

= (R + C + B - O)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, S, V)

- sum(C, B, R)

= 0 OR

= (O + V - B - R)

= 0 OR

= (O + V - C - R)

> 0

= 0 OR

= (O + V - C - B)

= 0= 0(E)xcess


> 0 AND

= (R + C - V)

= 0 OR

= R + C - O)

> 0 AND

= (O + S + V - C - R)

= 0 OR

= (O + V - R)

= 0

= 0

> 0 AND

= (O + V - C)

= 0

= 0


= 0 OR

= sum(R, U, B)

- sum(C, E, V)

= 0 OR

= sum(R, U, C, B)

- sum(E, O)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, E, S, V)

- sum(C, B, R, U)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, E, S, V)

- sum(B, S, R, U)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, E, S, V)

- sum(C, S, R, U)

= 0 OR

= sum(R, U, C, B)

- sum(V, O)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, E, V)

- sum(C, B, U)

> 0 AND

= sum(O, E, V)

- sum(C, B, R)

= 0


> 0 AND

= sum(R, U, M, C, B)

- (O)

= 0 OR

= sum(R, U, M, C, B)

- (O)

> 0 AND

= sum(O, S, V)

- sum(C, B, R, U, M)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, V)

- sum(B, R, U, M)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, V)

- sum(C, R, U, M)

= 0

= 0 OR

= sum(O, V)

- sum(C, B, U, M)

= 0 OR

= sum(O, V)

- sum(C, B, R, M)

> 0 AND

= sum(O, V)

- sum(C, B, R, U)











Inventory Transfer Request, Shipment, and Item Status - Logic Flow Diagram

This flow diagram defines how the status of each Inventory Transfer Request, Shipment, and Item is determined based on the quantities Ordered, OvershippedShipped, Canceled, Backordered, Excess, and Received, on the following three screens:

Refer to the 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Status and Screen Functionality Relationship' diagram below, for details on how the status of the Inventory Transfer Request Items impact the functionality of the three Inventory Transfer screens.

Inventory Transfer Request Item Status and Screen Functionality Relationship

The following diagram describes the relationship between the Inventory Transfer Request Item Status and the functionality that is available on the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen, 'Inventory Transfer' screen and form, and 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen and form.

Test Data

These are Airtables containing unit test data for the functionality defined on this page.

Planned Improvements

key summary status


key summary status

Open Issues

 Click here to expand...

key summary type priority status fixversions components

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