How to Manage Collections

How to Manage Collections

How To Manage Collections

Accounting Screen

The Accounting Screen is the primary location for account management processes and managing clients who are in collections.

If you are sending receivables to and external department for processing/collections, this is a multi-step process within VetView.

The image below shows step one, the AR orders with a balance- or AR charges- tab. Here, you will see all clients without closed orders that have a balance that have not yet been reported to the external department. From here, those charges can also be marked as sent and generated on a report for review or transmittal.

 An image of the upper portion of the AR Credits Debits tabs displaying the Closed Orders with Balance sub tab.  Order Search with a date range is at the top, with radio buttons for statuses, the search and reset buttons, and the option to filter by a specific client account.  The search results will appear in a list below.

A confirmation will appear, as well as the option to print what was transmitted, and to print the list format for your internal records.

The pop up box for Confirm Send to Collections.  You can include the Print Transmittal or Print List, or both.  There is a checkbox for each choice.

The list will appear as a PDF.

An image containing a small portion of the AR Charges Summary Report PDF that will print when you choose Print Transmittal.

 Payments and Adjustments to Orders in Collections

The image below shows step two, the list of client orders previously marked as being sent to the external department who have since had payments or adjustments made against those outstanding balances- or AR payments. From this tab, you can mark those payments and changes as having been sent to the external department for balance and generate a report for review or transmittal.

Note that if you process these transactions within your own department, this two step process can be used to track users who have actively been sent to an external collection agency if so desired.

Click on the Send Pending button to indicate the balances have been sent or will be sent to the external department. 

 An image of the Transaction Search at the top of the Payments and Adjustments to Orders in Collections subtab on the Accounting tab.  At the top are fields for a Date range, and there are radio buttons to choose between items already Sent to Collections, items that are Pending, or All.  There is a drop down menu to select between the Type of Payment or Adjustment, and a field to limit the results to a specific Client account.  There are also menu options to Print List for the Search Results, and to Send Pending.

A confirmation will appear, as well as the option to print the list.

The confirmation box that appears when you click on Send Pending.  This box includes the option to Print List for the Search Results.

Print List will appear as a printable PDF.  Print multiple copies if the list itself is what you are sending to the external department.  You may also export this list to Excel.

 Posting Payments from Accounts Receivable

The payments tab is step three of external processing, the ability to post payments received by the external collections department. If a client has sent a payment to the external department- or collection agency- and that department notifies you of said payments, you would come to this tab to process that payment against the client’s account. This marks an internal payment where no physical payment has passed through cashiering or the department. This process is also called “client credits.”

 Search for the Client name, identify the order against which the payment was applied, and enter in the numbers as applicable.  Multiple payments can be posted at once by going to the next client line.  Only clients sent to collections will be available to post payments against on this page, so if no outstanding episodes appear, it means the client's balances were not previously sent to collections and payments will need to be applied as individual adjustments instead.

Click on Post Payments to apply the changes.

An image of the AR Payments Tab.  At the top is the button to Post Payments.  The next field is for client search, with a field behind it to enter in the amount that the client is paying and a specific transaction number.  If the payment is only being applied to one balance, the amount can be specified against that balance in the Order list.

The balances will be cleared on the client accounts.   These transactions can be reviewed by searching for the client account under the Transaction Search tab.

An image of the Transaction Search tab with the client whose balances were previously cleared out on the AR Payments tab.  The client balance now displays as zero on each row.

 Process Collection Letters

The accounts receivable tab on the Accounting Screen allows the user to review overdue accounts and their activity.

Once reviewed or narrowed down via search options, collection letters can then be processed for specific clients.

Collection letters, like all reports in VetView, are customizable (using Jasper Reports), and the processing of a collection letter will be recorded on the client's account.   If you have an external department processing accounts receivable, you may come here to note clients that have not made any payments to that accounts receivable unit and must now be sent to an actual collection agency. If you process your own collections, you can use this to denote that as well.

This screen is versatile and does not drive functionality within VetView other than keeping a record of activity against this client’s account.

Letter Must Be Customized

The base template included with VetView for Collections is blank.  You must customize this report with your school's required collections information from your accounting or legal team.  Please contact VetView if you need help adding this information to your own version of the collection letter via Jasper Reports. 

 An image of the Accounts Receivable tab.  A client has been entered into the search field and the Balance Age Default has been sent to Over 120 Days.  The client appeared in the Search Results below with a visible Current Balance.

Select the clients from the list.  Click on Process Collection Letters to start the process.

A confirmation box will appear.  Send by client's preferred route will generate the letters to email or fax.  Print to Screen will open the letter as a PDF, where it can be printed and then mailed.

An image of the confirmation box for Process Collection Letters.  There are choices to Send by the client's preferred route, or to Print to Screen, which will generate a printable PDF instead of sending an email.  There is a drop down menu to choose the collection letter to send.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

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