Labs Administrative Functions 3.3

Labs Administrative Functions (VetView 3.3)

This screen contains Administrative functions that can be performed against clients and accounting in VetView Labs.

Some of these features were previously found in the Labs Accounting Admin tab.  That tab has been removed and replaced with this screen instead.

Select the administration action that you want to perform to load the options.

Recalculate Client Balance Aging

This function will identify any clients with an outstanding balance and recalculate the interest and fees.

You will receive a warning that this function may take some time to complete.  The function will require a lot of processing power on the system, and is thus best performed after hours.

A Processing notice will appear to show that the process is working and to give an updated count of how many client balances remain. 

The Processing message will display the final count when all invoices have been completed.  

Recalculate Client Balances

This function recalculates an individual client's entire balance from all invoices (not just the running balance.)

Select the client you want by searching by name or account number, and then click on Recalculate.

You will recieve a toast message at the bottom when the process is complete.  Unlike Recalculate Client Balance Aging, this process should not take long and can safely be performed during active hours.

Recalculate Accession Charges

If there has been a change to your hospital's accession charges, you can back date the change so that invoices sent out going forward accurately reflect the change.

You will receive a warning that this process may take some time.  A Processing notice will appear with an active count, and will change to show that all Accessions have been completed. 

Setup & Admin Guides

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)


For more information on common terms used in VetView, please visit the Labs Glossary.
