Web Browser Tips & Tricks

Web Browser Tips & Tricks

This page was originally made for VetView 2.0.12 in 2018. It has been updated to reflect changes in VetView 4.0 and later.

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Since VetView is accessed through a web browser, you can take advantage of the many built-in features of modern browsers.  Here are some guides to things we think are useful when using VetView.

  • Try right-clicking on things, especially when using the Accession Tree, the Result Entry area, and the Worksheet Screen.  You'll often find advanced features and useful context menus.

  • Open multiple tabs in your browser to access more than one VetView screen at the same time.  You can always hold down the CTRL key while clicking on a link in VetView to open the link in a new tab. Give it a try.

  • If the elements on the screen aren't fitting quite right, you should try increasing the resolution on your screen.  Ask your IT support if you aren't sure how to do this.  You can also hold the CTRL key down and scroll with the middle wheel of your mouse to zoom in and out on any screen.

  • Although VetView will work with most modern browsers, we've found Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge to consistently be the fastest and provide the best experience for VetView users.  For Mac users, we recommend the most recent version of Safari.  Firefox will work with all screens, but there are known visual issues (visible scroll bars) with Firefox on the 2.0 Schedule screen due to restrictions inherent to the browser itself. 



Applicable Screen(s)



Applicable Screen(s)


Create a new accession

Accession & Accession Search Screens


Preview Report

Accession Screen


Send Preliminary Report

Accession Screen


Add Patient

Accession Screen


Add Specimen

Accession Screen


Add Test

Accession Screen


Bring cursor to the "Go" button

Anywhere in VetView



Any screen that has a save button

Hold "Alt" and then click Accessions or Clients icon

Take user to the New Accession or New Client screen

Anywhere in VetView

Click + CTRL or Command key

Opens a link in another tab instead of the current window

Anywhere in VetView that is a link

CTRL or Command+F

Finds text on the page


CTRL or Command +

Increases text size


CTRL or Command-

Decreases text size
