Patient Summary Tab
This page was originally created for VetView 2.0.12. It has been updated to reflect changes in VetView 4.2 on 1/14/2025.
Patient Summary Tab on the Patient Record
The Patient Summary tab allows you to see information about a patient at a glance, without having to dig into each episode. The Summary tab can be customized with widgets that show the information most crucial to your area of responsibility, such as prescriptions, problems, patient reminders, and other pieces of the medical record.
In VetView 5.0 the Master Problem List has been moved to a widget on this screen instead of being a unique tab. For more information about this change, please see Episode Problems and SOAPs in 5.0 | Master Problem List on the Visit Summary Tab
Change Default Patient Page
If you would prefer to have the Patient Summary tab be the first tab to open on the Patient Record, and not the Visits tab, this option can be set under the User Profile by changing the Default Patient Record View to the Summary Tab.
The layout of the summary tab can also be customized to arrange the widgets in whatever way you prefer.
Click on the Panel button to start adding widgets to the Summary tab. VetView will remember the widgets you have displayed across every patient, and will also remember how you had them arranged.
Available Panels
Most panels are view only, acting as a summary of data. However, certain widgets are interactive. These are noted below.
Patient Alerts
Patient Demographic (Interactive: can add patient photo here)
Hospital Visits
Master Problem List
Patient Prescriptions (interactive: can Add, Edit, and Approve prescriptions)
Patient Reminders
Patient Labs
Patient Appointments
Local Reports
Custom local reports can be added to the Patient Summary page if desired. These reports will become available under the Reports button on the header.
If no local reports are assigned to this screen, the Reports button will automatically be hidden.