Labs Local Reports

This page was created for VetView 2.1 and has been updated for VetView 4.0.2 on 7/19/2023.

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Test Local Report Files for Download

Overview of Jasper Reports

VetView uses Jasper iReport to pass information in from the system, format it into a PDF, and serve the file for printing.  Certain reports can be set up to print automatically (under Lab Event Setup) and other reports can be printed manually by going under the Report menu for each screen. 

  • Data Source - Local Reports can only use SQL data source

  • Security Role - Controls the option to see and run local reports. The associated role must also be associated with the user.

  • Associated Screen - Local reports can be attached in several places in the system. If this field is left blank then the report is available form the "Local Reports" option of the navigation.  For each of the associated screen options the report is then available in a report menu dropdown and also passes automatically a primary identifier for the record that is being viewed.

Report Setup Search Screen

The search screen has two tabs: A tab for search for and managing reports, and a secondary tab for searching for and managing images that are used in reports.

Report Search Tab

Enter in the name of the report you want to search for, and click the Search button.

You can also search by Report Type.

Matches appear in the list below.  Click on the blue link under Report Name to open the Report Setup Details screen.

Report Search Tab with Local Reports highlighted

Report Images Tab

This tab allows you to upload images for use in reports, and preview the image. Images can be used as headers or to add watermarks to reports. In this example, an image adds “urgent” as a watermark in the report where it is used.

If an image will no longer be used, it can be deleted from the server to save space.

Reports that use an image will display in the Report Templates window at the bottom of the screen.

Report Images Tab with an image selected. The word Urgent displays in the image preview area.

Purpose of Each Labs Report Parameter

The parameters available to use within custom local reports hook into related pages using SQL queries from the data. You may need to specify certain parameters to have them load correctly on the screens where they are used.

Add a New Report Parameter

Click on the Add button to start adding report parameters. A small dialog box will open.

  • The Type is the specific parameter you want to include for the report.

  • The Label is how this parameter will appear when named on the Report Parameters selection section.

  • The Name must match how the parameter is named within the Jasper file SQL queries, so that the report knows to pass along that parameter in this space.

  • The Default Value can be useful for certain parameters, such as a report custom built for a specific lab, when you don’t want to hard code that answer directly into the query. This allows you to change the default value on the report without manually updating the Jasper file.

Parameters are sent to the report in the format that Jasper will need to process the request. For example, a catalogItem will be passed along as a string value once it is selected in the Report Parameters drop down menu.

Types of Labs Report Parameters and Usage Examples

The Type calls out the specific piece of data that will be used in the SQL query within the report. The following parameters are supported. Certain parameters will automatically pass in to reports when they are used on a screen where the parameter is relevant. Others, such as dates, will need to be manually selected when the report is generated.


Labs Catalog Item

For reports that list other parameters by catalog item, the entire list can be loaded at once. However, if you want to create a report to pull data regarding a single catalog item, you can use this report parameter to choose one prior to running the report.

This selection is passed along to the report as:

Labs Catalog Item list

This parameter is similar to the single Labs Catalog Item, but allows for a multi select.

All selections will be passed along as the string to the report. You can also choose to simply check for all catalog items in the SQL query.


Lab Client

This parameter lets you select a single client to pass in. This can be useful for certain accounting reports for large labs.


Lab Client List

This parameter allows for multiple clients to be selected at once, or all clients. All clients should be used in conjunction with a date range or other limiters, or else it will pass through every single client in your database to the report.


Allows for selection of a single date using a date picker. The date will pass through in SQL date format as YYYY-MM-DD but can be modified to display on the Jasper report as a different format.

Date Range

Allows for a selection of a date range. This range can help act as a limiter against other parameters, such as clients, accessions, or tests.


This parameter passes through a single employee’s name.

Employee List

This parameter allows for multi select of users. You can also select all employees, which may be useful for certain reports to HR or your institiution, or all DVMs.


This parameter allows for a selection of a single lab. The lab will pass in as the numerical Lab ID from the database.


This report parameter should be used for longer numbers in Oracle only, not including precision decimals, that may not fit into the number format. These may be positive or negative. Long is an older Oracle only data type and may not be supported if you are using Postgres. Use Number instead.


The number report parameter should be used for the majority of numerical based data



This parameter allows for drop down selection of a single product to run reports against. This can be useful for the most common tests your lab performs.


Product Line

This parameter allows for selection of an entire product line, not just a single product.


Product Line List

This parameter allows for selections of multiple product lines to run a report against.


Product List

This parameter allows for selection of multiple products to run reports against.

Product Sequence

This parameter should be used in conjunction with the Product Sequence parameter to input a range of products within the line. This may be faster than doing a product multi select.

Query Text

This parameter allows for you to put in a custom search screen against a specific column in the database, inside the Jasper report itself. The parameter passes through as a string.



This parameter allows you to manually select a specific test result for the report. The parameter passes through as the result ID.

Result List

This allows for a multi select of results, or including all results when used in conjunction with other parameters.

Rich Text

If for any reason you need to include a custom paragraph of text within your report, you can use the Rich Text editor to include basic formatting.

Lab Section

This parameter allows for a selection of a specific lab section.

Section List

This parameter allows for a multi select of lab sections, or all lab sections when used in conjunction with other parameters.

String List

This parameter can be used as part of a query against any field in the database that doesn’t have a fixed parameter already set up.

The values pass into the report exactly as entered, as a string. The Jasper report will need to be configured to include these results in the query.


This parameter allows for a single selection of a Test for the query.


Test List

This parameter allows for a multi selection of tests to pass through to the query, or all tests when used in conjunction with other parameters.


This parameter is for a text string that may be part of a query against a column in the database, or is simply passed along to the Jasper report for display as is.


Value List

This parameter allows you to pre select a specific value list, and then let the user choose the correct value from this list. These value lists can be used for selection the answers to Questions, Test Results, or other queries.