Role Management (4.2)

Role Management (4.2)

This page was originally created for VetView 3.3. It has been updated to reflect changes made in VetView 4.2 and later.

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Role Management

Role Management is the primary screen to define your hospital and lab access roles.  Because VetView contains hundreds of individual privileges, it is impractical to manually assign them to each individual user.  Thus, the privileges can be grouped into larger Roles, and then the roles associated to the users based on the tasks they must accomplish within VetView.

Under User Management, you can assign these roles.  For users who must have access to a specific function outside of their role, you can also grant access to individual privileges in addition to roles.  

Roles can also be assigned to entire units under Hospital Setup > Unit Setup > Assigned Roles.  This will also assign any user who has this role with elevated privileges to the unit, only with the rights granted by the Assigned Role.  For example, a role with Inventory privileges is created for "orderlies".  That role is then assigned to a Unit and given elevated Inventory privileges.  Users with that role will have Inventory access to the unit.  (See Assigned Role Tab in 3.3 for more information.) These roles also apply to the Labs Inventory for Sections in VetView 4.2.

Roles are also how access to certain pharmacy functions is granted, and how documents and requests are verified in the Catalog system.  For example, a Pharmacist role would have access to all Pharmacy screens, and then within each Pharmacy, be granted the rights to issue prescriptions.  A Faculty role would have supervisory privileges within the medical record, and be granted the rights to Verify Documents on episodes.

Role Search

The Role Management page loads on the Role Search screen, which contains a list of all current roles in alphabetical order.  You can also search by role name, or by Active Status.

An image of the VetView Role Management screen.  This image is a detail of the Role Search section found at the top of the screen.
Role Management Search

Once you have searched, a list of all roles that match your criteria will appear in the Role Results down below.

An image of the VetView Role Management screen.  This image is a detail of the Role Search section found with a list of the results that matched it below.
Role Search and Results

Role Actions

Once the list loads, you can select a role from the list and perform actions against it.

Add New Role

Click on Add New Role to create a role from scratch.  The Role Info screen will load.  Enter in a unique name for the new role, then click Save.  The description is optional, but can be used for additional details about the role.

You must include a Name to be able to save a role.  A role can be saved with no privileges, but at least one privilege must be added to grant users access to VetView with that role. 

Duplicate Role

To create a clone of an existing role, select the row of the role and click duplicate.   Role Info will load with all the privileges checked.  Add the new privileges or remove them, give it a different name, and click on Save. 

This can be useful for creating a variant of a role with slightly different access, such as Hospital Cashier vs Pharmacy Cashier.

Activate and Inactive

A role can be set as Inactive or Active without loading Role Info.  Select the role you want to modify, and then click on the Inactivate button to set it as inactive, or the Activate button if it was previously set as inactive.

The change will be saved automatically. 

Users who have an Inactive role will not be able to utilized the privileges within that role, unless they have been granted the same privilege with another Active role. 

Merge Roles

To merge two roles, select one role and then click on Merge Role.  A window will appear asking you to select a second role.

Once the roles have been merged:

  • The merged role will be folded into the select role and disappear

  • All privileges for the two roles will be combined

  • All users assigned to the role that is being merged will be assigned to the role it is merged into

Roles cannot be deleted, but they can be merged as a way of keeping the list updated as the needs of the hospital or labs change over time. 

Role Info

After creating a new role, editing one, or duplicating one, the privilege assignment screen Role Info will load.  Privileges are grouped into three sections:  Lab Privileges, Hospital Privileges, and Common Privileges.

A user must have at least one role assigned to be able to log in.  A common practice is to have a very basic "Everyone" role that grants, at a minimum, access to the Home screen, the Hospital or Labs module, and VetView's internal mail.  Additional roles can be granted based on the level of the individual user's system access needs.

Privileges themselves come in  two different types:

  • Screen access (allows the user to see the screen)

  • Feature or Button Access (displays a button or section of the screen, or adds the option to the right click menus)

Screen access without any of the feature access privileges can be used to create a View Only version of the screen, such as for students who have not yet started clinical rotations but still need to learn the system.  


Privilege changes may happen with each version update.  To avoid this page becoming out of date, and because our clients may be several versions behind our most recent hotfix release, we no longer maintain a list of the privileges in our Wiki.  Tooltips appear on each of the privileges within the app itself, and searching for privilege in the Keyword Search in this Wiki should bring up additional details about any given privilege and its purpose.

View Privilege Details

Additional details and descriptions about each role are stored in a mouse over action.  Hover the mouse above the role to view which screen or specific button it controls.

Role Changes

When a role has privileges adjusted, it will impact the access of the users with that role going forward.  If a new privilege has been added, the user must log out of VetView and log back in for the privilege change to take effect, as their access rights are built during the login process.

Privilege Updates

Privilege changes in VetView may occur with each version update.  These changes will be called out in the patch notes when they appear.  VetView tries to avoid the need to delete privileges or add too many new ones, and may instead add new features to an existing privilege.  

Navigation Defaults (Header Icons)

Granting access to a module - Labs or Hospital - will display the Navigation Default for that module.

Each tab gives a preview of which icons will be displayed by default for that role on the Hospital Header bar.

For roles with limited access, you can remove some of the standard default header icons by clicking on the icons and dragging them back into the Navigation menu.

For roles with a special purpose, you can add an icon - and its link within VetView - into the header bar, thus giving the user a quick shortcut to their most used screens for that role.

In this example, the default Hospital clinical header icons have been replaced with Inventory icons for a role that is for Inventory staff.

Hospital and Labs have their own set of icons.

Role Icons are additive, so a user with multiple roles will have both sets of role icons appear. If they think that there are too many, they can remove some of the extra icons under their User Profile.


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