NAHLN Interface
Cathy Allison
NAHLN Interface
The NAHLN Interface checks for accessions that have finalized that include the tests that are reported automatically to the National Animal Herd Laboratory Network. This is an HL7 message that is sent automatically, either using a username and password or as of version 2.1.7, a token to the web service.
Job Settings
This job uses the standard Job API settings for VetView.
Field | Description |
Active Flag | Indicates that this job is active and available to start. |
Server to Run On | Displays a drop down of all servers currently connected to your VetView database. We strongly recommend having a dedicated API server, separate from the user facing production servers, to avoid lag. |
Auto Start | Indicates that this job will start after a server reboot, and will run at the specified time. If this flag is not turned on, the job will need a manual start after a server reboot. |
Error to Email Address | If there is an issue running the job, a message will be sent to the specified email address. |
Job Runs Every | The timer for this job. For most API jobs, this timer can be set as often as once a minute. If you are on a slower or older server, this may be better to run less frequently, to give each job time to finish. |
Start/Stop Job | If auto start is not on, this button will kick off the job. If the job is running, this button changes to Stop Job and will disable the job temporarily, but leave it active and available to start again. |
NAHLN Interface Tab
Message Log
The Message Log allows you to view the status of the messages sent via the system.
Successful messages with have a status of S. Queued messages will have a status of Q. Failed messages will have a status of Failed.
Message Details
Clock on a row to view the XML code that was sent to the NAHLN database, and the response if one was recieved. If there is a Failed status, the error message may provide clues as to what the issue is.
Message Setup
These are the specific settings for each test in your lab system.
Add New
Click on the Add New button to create a new interface. A blank Message Details window will load.
Message Setup Details
Enter in the configuration details for the message.
Most Common NAHLN settings
Field | Description |
Message Profile | The name of the profile. For clarity, we strongly recommend including the name of the disease being reported, or the test for the disease. |
Active Flag | This profile is active, and whenever an associated test is finalized, a message will be sent in the specified Post Type containing the results. |
Failure Email | If this message cannot be sent for known or unknown reasons, an error email will go to this email address. |
Post Type | Choice between NAHLN EMS (HL7 Post with Auth Token), NAHLN standard (HL7 PUT with username and password), USAHerds (SOAP Post), BSE (XML Post), and SHIC (Post.) The exact format for each message may be different for each state and even each individual test. Contact NAHLN for specific information needed. |
Destination URL | The web server to send the message to, usually a URL for the USDA website. |
Username and Password or Auth Token | The username and password assigned to your institute to be permitted to post messages to the USDA website. For NAHLN EMS, this will be an auth token instead. |
Message Type | The exact HL7 or XML message type that will be sent based on Post Type. |
Schema Definition | An XSD file. This can be uploaded, or removed. |
Sending Application | The name of the application sending the message. For the purposes of this interface it will always be VetView. |
Universal ID | The root OID of the laboratory sending the message for this test. |
Sending Facility | The Premise ID of the organization sending this message. |
Receiving Application | Application or Program Name. For the purposes of this interface, it will always be NAHLN unless otherwise specified. |
Universal ID | The Root OID of NAHLN as designated to your organization. |
Receiving Facility | The Premise ID of NAHLN as designated to your organization. |
Date/Time of Message: | An auto timestamp of the date and time the message is sent in HL7 standard. |
Message Type | The message type. For Hl7 this will always be OPU-R25 |
Message Control ID | Auto generated using the current timestamp in miliseconds |
Processing ID | Indicates whether messages should actually be sent or not. Choices between Debugging (verifying internal settings), Production (live data is sent), or Training (no live data is sent.) |
Processing Mode | Choices between Current, Archive, Restore from Archive, or Initial Load |
Version ID | NAHLN is version 2.6 |
Message Profile Identifier | Choices between the Result Base for various tests. Select the appropriate one for the test being reported. |
Originating Laboratory | Specify if all tests and results from your lab will come from a single lab. Disable if multiple labs have the option of reporting test results to NAHLN. |
PV1 | Settings for patients - classes, whether a case coordinator is included, and whether to use the accession number or a reference number or disable the option entirely. |
OBX | Observations. Include Lot or Group, Include Source or Flow, include Reference Number, and Choose Question for each. |
ROL | Role Instance IDs include the specific role, the person, the address, and the location, as well as other option. If the whole location and not an individual is acting in the Role, choose Source Premises. Multiple roles can be turned on. |
NK1 | Other client names and relationshops. |
PID | Patient Identifiers used. Choices of Animal ID, Case Numbers, or other questions. Patient demographics can be included in the HL7 message as well. |
SPN | Specimen placer information. The Specimen Label, Specimen ID, or animal IDs can be used. Additional specimen information can be included in the HL7 message as well. |
The final tab on this screen is where you can link your VetView system's installation to the codes used by NAHLN for species, breed, and sex.
Example Species:
Example Breed:
Example Sex:
VetView Wiki Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024)