Lab External Request Status Updates

Lab External Request Status Updates

The Lab Client Notification job checks and sends update messages to the external submitting hospital or clinic.  (Note that this is different from the Accession update jobs.) This informs them if the request was accepted, rejected, or cancelled.

Job Settings

This job uses the standard Job API settings for VetView.

Active FlagIndicates that this job is active and available to start.
Server to Run OnDisplays a drop down of all servers currently connected to your VetView database.  We strongly recommend having a dedicated API server, separate from the user facing production servers, to avoid lag.
Auto StartIndicates that this job will start after a server reboot, and will run at the specified time.  If this flag is not turned on, the job will need a manual start after a server reboot.
Error to Email AddressIf there is an issue running the job, a message will be sent to the specified email address.
Job Runs EveryThe timer for this job.  For most API jobs, this timer can be set as often as once a minute.  If you are on a slower or older server, this may be better to run less frequently, to give each job time to finish.
Start/Stop JobIf auto start is not on, this button will kick off the job.  If the job is running, this button changes to Stop Job and will disable the job temporarily, but leave it active and available to start again.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.2.5 Hotfix (Released 10/31/2024)
